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Materialize CSS From Scratch With 5 Projects

By iStudy UK

This course is for anyone that knows basic HTML and a little CSS that wants to take their frontend website and UI creation to the next level using the Materialize CSS framework which is based off of Google's Material Design scheme. You will learn all of the CSS and JavaScript components, animations/transitions and build 5 beautiful and completely responsive, real world themes from absolute scratch. Custom Materialize Sandbox I have created a completely custom HTML learning environment for the first few sections of this course. Each lecture has an html page associated with it and has a start state. As we move along through the lectures, you code along with me learning all that Materialize offers including CSS components, utilities, JS widgets and more. 5 Real Projects/Themes We will create the following projects from scratch.. Travelville - A travel agency website/theme (Carousel slider, autocomplete, scrolling navigation) Quazzu - Cloud hosting theme (SideNav, cards, CSS overlays) Madmin - Interactive admin theme (Working todo list, charts, preloader, counter script) BizLand - Business consultation theme with a full screen landing page (Scrollfire, Google maps integration) Galappear - Graphic design portfolio (Uses Sass and scrollfire for scroll animations) What you'll learn Learn to correctly structure HTML 5 documents with semantic tags and attributes Learn and create amazing high quality Materialize themes and UIs from scratch Learn the Materialize utilities, classes, components & JS widgets using a custom sandbox environment Learn some custom JavaScript/JQuery to make your themes more interactive Requirements Basic HTML & CSS Who is the target audience? Anyone that wants to learn & master Materialize CSS and build real world themes Intro & Getting Started Welcome To The Course FREE 00:06:00 What is Materialize & Why Use It FREE 00:05:00 Environment Setup 00:09:00 Materialize Sandbox Setup 00:07:00 CSS Components - Part 1 Typography & Alignment 00:10:00 Text & Background Colors 00:08:00 Buttons and Icons 00:11:00 Floating & Fixed Action Buttons 00:13:00 Navbar 00:16:00 Collections & Badges 00:13:00 The Grid System 00:11:00 CSS Components - Part 2 Cards 00:22:00 Breadcrumbs & Footer 00:09:00 Basic Form & Input 00:15:00 Fancy Form & Input 00:15:00 Tables & Media 00:06:00 Chips & Pagination 00:10:00 Preloaders 00:05:00 Interactive Components - Part 1 Carousel 00:08:00 Collapsible Accordions 00:06:00 Feature Discovery 00:07:00 Dialogs 00:09:00 Material Box and Slider 00:07:00 Modals 00:09:00 Interactive Components - Part 2 Parallax 00:03:00 Side Nav 00:09:00 Pushpin 00:09:00 Scrollspy 00:05:00 Tabs 00:08:00 Project 1 - Travelville Project 1 Intro 00:02:00 Navbar & Sidenav 00:12:00 Image Slider 00:07:00 Search & Icon Boxes 00:11:00 Popular Places & Gallery 00:14:00 Contact Section & Scrollspy 00:12:00 Project 2 - Quazzu Project 2 Intro 00:03:00 Navbar & Showcase 00:15:00 Icon Boxes, About and Overlay 00:14:00 Podcast Section & Testimonial Carousel 00:14:00 Footer & Login Modal 00:08:00 Solutions Page 00:16:00 Signup Page 00:10:00 Project 3 - Madmin Project 3 Intro 00:04:00 Navbar & Sidenav 00:12:00 Stat Counters & Preloader 00:15:00 Display Chart & Recent Comments 00:13:00 Recent Posts & Todo List 00:16:00 Floating Button & Modals 00:12:00 Posts & Categories Pages 00:15:00 Comments & Users Pages 00:10:00 Login & Details Pages 00:13:00 Project 4 - BizLand Project 4 Intro 00:02:00 Full Screen Header 00:14:00 ScrollFire & Boxes 00:12:00 About, Testimonials & ScrollSpy 00:13:00 Contact & Google Map 00:14:00 Project 5 - Galappear (With Sass) Project 5 Intro 00:02:00 Koala Setup & Sass 00:12:00 Header and Nav 00:09:00 Changing & Using Variables 00:04:00 Gallery Layout 00:11:00 Modals & ScrollFire 00:12:00 Inner Pages 00:08:00

Materialize CSS From Scratch With 5 Projects
Delivered Online On Demand10 hours 32 minutes

Node.js Express & MongoDB Dev to Deployment

By iStudy UK

This Node.js Express & MongoDB Dev to Deployment course is a well-prepared course and perfect for individuals interested in learning how to structure your Node/Express applications, create data models, relate data, display views, authenticate users, create helpers since this comprehensive course provide some solid insight into NodeJS development. With this course, you'll learn about Node for adding server-side JavaScript to your skill-set and learn to build engaging and responsive applications. You'll also learn to build schemas, structure models and query MongoDB to get the accurate data, and the core concepts of MongoDB for building production-ready applications. The foundations of Node.js including how to prepare and deploy apps to production with Heroku, ES6 concepts like arrow functions, promises, template strings, etc. are an integral part of this course. What you'll learn Build high quality applications built with Node, Express and MongoDB Implement authentication including local & Google OAuth strategies Create data models with Mongoose ODM Prepare & deploy apps to production with Heroku Learn ES6 concepts like arrow functions, template strings & promises Requirements Basic HTML / CSS knowledge A good understanding of JavaScript Fundamentals (functions, objects, loops, etc) Who this course is for: Anyone that wants to learn how to build & deploy apps built with Node, Express & MongoDB Course Introduction Welcome To The Course FREE 00:05:00 Project Files and Questions FREE 00:03:00 Setting Up Dev Environment Setup 00:07:00 What Is Node.js 00:05:00 Installing & Exploring Node.js 00:07:00 Installing MongoDB Locally 00:08:00 Sign Up For mLab 00:03:00 Creating a Heroku Account 00:03:00 VidJot Project & Express Fundamentals Vidjot Project Introduction 00:04:00 Install & Initialize Express 00:08:00 Basic Routing & Nodemon 00:06:00 Express Middleware 00:05:00 Working With Templates 00:10:00 Bootstrap & Partials 00:08:00 Mongoose & Local MongoDB Install Mongoose & Connect To Mongo 00:06:00 Create The Idea Model 00:05:00 Add Idea Form 00:07:00 Server Side Form Validation 00:09:00 Save Idea To MongoDB 00:04:00 Fetching Ideas From MongoDB 00:05:00 Edit Idea Form 00:05:00 Update Idea Data 00:09:00 Remove Idea Data 00:06:00 Flash Messaging 00:11:00 Local Authentication With Passport A Look At Passport 00:05:00 The Express Router 00:11:00 Login & Register Pages 00:13:00 Register Form Validation 00:11:00 User Registration 00:17:00 Hooking Up A Local Strategy 00:11:00 Finishing The Login Functionality 00:12:00 Logout Function 00:04:00 Protecting Routes 00:06:00 Access Control 00:08:00 VidJot Prep & Deployment Preparing Our App For Deployment 00:08:00 Deploying To Heroku 00:08:00 Adding a Domain Name 00:04:00 StoryBooks Project Start & Google OAuth StoryBooks App Introduction 00:04:00 Initial Setup & Heroku Push 00:11:00 Creating Our Google OAuth Credentials 00:08:00 Creating Our Google Strategy 00:12:00 Auth Callback & Remote App 00:09:00 Creating The User Model 00:06:00 Saving The Authenticated User 88 00:10:00 Adding Session & Authentication 00:12:00 Creating Our Ul Index Routes & Handlebars 00:12:00 Header & Navbar 00:09:00 Side Navigation 00:09:00 Dashboard & Stories Routes 00:09:00 Add Button & Footer 00:10:00 Restricting Routes 00:06:00 Add Story Form 00:11:00 Stories & The Database Create The Story Model 00:06:00 Save Story To MongoDB 00:13:00 Fetch & Display Public Stories 00:12:00 Handlebars Helpers 00:07:00 Show Template & Format Date 00:11:00 Creating The Dashboard 00:12:00 Edit Form & Select Helper 00:09:00 Updating Stories 00:08:00 Deleting Stories 00:04:00 Comments, Access control & Cleanup Add Comment Functionality 00:10:00 Listing Comments 00:04:00 Edit Access Control 00:10:00 Get Stories From Specific Users 00:07:00 Block Private Story Details Page 00:05:00 StoryBooks Prep & Deployment Prep & Production Key Variables 00:08:00 Deploy & Test 00:05:00 Domain & Update Google OAuth Creds 00:05:00

Node.js Express & MongoDB Dev to Deployment
Delivered Online On Demand9 hours 1 minutes

Network Hacking Continued - Intermediate to Advanced

By iStudy UK

Want to know the secrets to network hacking? Do you dream of becoming the ultimate script kiddie? If you want to become an ethical hacker, this advanced computer hacking course will teach you how to break into computer systems and networks to gain access to Wi-Fi passwords and much more. This network hacking course will train you how to identify and exploit weaknesses in computer systems and networks, helping you to outsmart computer security and gain unauthorized access to a computer's system. You'll learn essential password cracking techniques and how to create Trojan horse viruses and other malicious codes. You'll also familiarise with hacking operating systems and different types of attacks. Additionally, you'll be trained on how to run attacks on HTTPS websites and write your own Python scripts to implement custom MITM attacks. This advanced network hacking course is ideal for students who are already familiar with the basics of network hacking. Topics include captive portals, WEP cracking, WPA/WPA2 cracking, evil twin attacks and post-connection attacks, What you'll learn Learn how to write custom scripts to gather important hacking information Discover the secrets of how to unlock WPS on routers, even if they're locked Understand how wireless phishing works and how to create fake captive portals Uncover the names of hidden networks and discover how to connect to them Learn how to replace downloaded files from a network with trojans Discover how to create trojans and combine any file in any format with an evil file Familiarise with common types of cybersecurity attacks and hacking techniques Understand how to exploit the WPS feature and hack Wi-Fi passwords Requirements Computer with a minimum of 4GB ram/memory Operating System: Windows / OS X / Linux Finished the networks section of my general ethical hacking course OR Finished my network hacking course. For the wifi cracking ONLY - Wireless adapter that supports monitor mode (more info provided in the course). Who this course is for: People who want to take their network hacking skills to the next level. People who want to have a better understanding of the subject and enhance their skills. People who want to be able to run attacks manually & write their own MITM scripts. Introduction Teaser - Hacking a Windows 10 Computer & Accessing Their Webcam FREE 00:07:00 Course Overview FREE 00:05:00 Back To Basics/Pre-Connection Attacks Pre-connection Attacks Overview 00:02:00 Spoofing Mac Address Manually 00:03:00 Targeting 5 GHz Networks 00:07:00 Deauthenticating a Client From Protected WiFi Networks 00:07:00 Deauthenticating Multiple Clients From Protected WiFi Networks 00:08:00 Deauthenticating All Clients From Protected WiFi Network 00:06:00 Gaining Access Gaining Access Overview 00:02:00 Discovering Names of Hidden Networks 00:08:00 Connecting To Hidden Networks 00:05:00 Bypassing Mac Filtering (Blacklists & Whitelists) 00:09:00 Cracking SKA WEP Network 00:09:00 Securing Systems From The Above Attacks 00:03:00 Gaining Access - Captive Portals Sniffing Captive Portal Login Information In Monitor Mode 00:10:00 Sniffing Captive Portal Login Information Using ARP Spoofing 00:09:00 Creating a Fake Captive Portal - Introduction 00:04:00 Creating Login Page - Cloning a Login Page 00:07:00 Creating Login Page - Fixing Relative Links 00:07:00 Creating Login Page - Adding Form Tag 00:08:00 Creating Login Page - Adding Submit Button 00:07:00 Preparing Computer To Run Fake Captive Portal 00:08:00 Starting The Fake Captive Portal 00:12:00 Redirecting Requests To Captive Portal Login Page 00:12:00 Generating Fake SSL Certificate 00:06:00 Enabling SSL/HTTPS On Webserver 00:08:00 Sniffing & Analysing Login Credentials 00:06:00 Gaining Access - WPA/WPA2 Cracking - Exploiting WPS Exploiting WPS - Introduction 00:02:00 Bypassing 'Failed to associate' Issue 00:08:00 Bypassing 0x3 and 0x4 Errors 00:08:00 WPS Lock - What Is It & How To Bypass It 00:07:00 Unlocking WPS 00:09:00 Gaining Access - WPA/WPA2 Cracking - Advanced Wordlist Attack Advanced Wordlist Attacks - Introduction 00:02:00 Saving Aircrack-ng Cracking Progress 00:10:00 Using Huge Wordlists With Aircrack-ng Without Wasting Storage 00:08:00 Saving Cracking Progress When Using Huge Wordlists Without Wasting Storage 00:10:00 Cracking WPA/WPA2 Much Faster Using GPU - Part 1 00:07:00 Cracking WPA/WPA2 Much Faster Using GPU - Part 2 00:11:00 Gaining Access - WPA/WPA Cracking - Evil Twin Attack What is It & How it Works 00:07:00 Installing Needed Software 00:08:00 Stealing WPA/WPA2 Key Using Evil Twin Attack Without Guessing 00:10:00 Debugging & Fixing Login Interface 00:12:00 Gaining Access - WPA/WPA2 Cracking - WPA/WPA2 Enterprise What is WPA/WPA2 Enterprise & How it Works 00:05:00 How To Hack WPA/WPA2 Enterprise 00:07:00 Stealing Login Credentials 00:08:00 Cracking Login Credentials 00:07:00 Securing Systems From The Above Gaining Access Attacks 00:05:00 Post Connection Attacks Post Connection Attacks Overview 00:04:00 Ettercap - Basic Overview 00:07:00 Ettercap - ARP Spoofing & Sniffing Sensitive Data Such As Usernames & Passwords 00:10:00 Setting Up SSLstrip Manually To Bypass HTTPS & Sniff Data From HTTPS Websites 00:13:00 Automatically ARP Poisoning New Clients 00:07:00 DNS Spoofing Using Ettercap 00:06:00 Bypassing Router-Side Security & Poisoning Target Without Triggering Alarms 00:09:00 Post Connection Attacks - Analysing Data Flows & Running Custom Attacks MITMproxy - What is It & How To Install It 00:04:00 Using MITMproxy In Explicit Mode 00:07:00 Analysing (Filtering & Highlighting) Flows 00:05:00 Intercepting Network Flows 00:05:00 Modifying Responses & Injecting Javascript Manually 00:09:00 Intercepting & Modifying Responses In Transparent Mode 00:08:00 Editing Responses & Injecting BeEF's Code On The Fly 00:09:00 Editing Responses Automatically Based On Regex 00:09:00 Stealing Login Info Using Fake Login Promo 00:07:00 [Bonus] - Hacking Windows 10 Using A Fake Update 00:05:00 Post Connection Attacks - Writing Custom Scripts To Execute Own Attacks What Do Mean By MITM Scripts? 00:06:00 Capturing & Printing Requests/Responses 00:09:00 Filtering Flows & Extracting Useful Data 00:09:00 Using Conditions To Execute Code On Useful Flows 00:10:00 Generating Custom HTTP Responses 00:09:00 Testing Script Locally 00:09:00 Generating Trojans - Installing The Trojan Factory 00:06:00 Generating Trojans - Converting Any File (eg: mage) To a Trojan 00:10:00 Testing Script On Remote Computer To Replace Downloads With a Generic Trojan 00:07:00 Executing Bash Commands & Calling Trojan Factory From Our Script 00:09:00 Using Variables & More Complex Conditions 00:09:00 Converting Downloads To Trojans On The Fly 00:10:00 Configuring The Trojan Factory's MITMproxy Script 00:08:00 Using The Trojan Factory MITMproxy Script 00:08:00 Post-Connection Attacks - Doing All Of The Above On HTTPS Websites Bypassing HTTPS With MITMproxy 00:06:00 Replacing Downloads From HTTPS 00:05:00 Injecting Data (Javascript, HTML elements ...etc) In HTTPS Websites 00:06:00 Securing Systems From The Above Post Connection Attacks 00:06:00

Network Hacking Continued - Intermediate to Advanced
Delivered Online On Demand10 hours 2 minutes

Web Development 2021: Become a Fullstack Developer

By Course Cloud

Course Overview The Web Development 2021: Become a Fullstack Developer masterclass is our most top trending web development course, covering the fundamentals of JavaScript, Bootstrap, MySQL, and more.  In this hands-on training course, you will gain the practical skills to create responsive websites and apps, taking your coding knowledge to the next level. It will teach you best practices used by top developers, with tips on how to create your first WordPress blog, program in Python, and geocode with Google Maps. The wealth of information you'll gain in this course is truly vast, suitable for both beginners and professionals looking to build on their skill set. Enrol today and ensure your complete career development by earning an industry-recognised qualification. This best selling Web Development 2021: Become a Fullstack Developer has been developed by industry professionals and has already been completed by hundreds of satisfied students. This in-depth Web Development 2021: Become a Fullstack Developer is suitable for anyone who wants to build their professional skill set and improve their expert knowledge. The Web Development 2021: Become a Fullstack Developer is CPD-accredited, so you can be confident you're completing a quality training course will boost your CV and enhance your career potential. The Web Development 2021: Become a Fullstack Developer is made up of several information-packed modules which break down each topic into bite-sized chunks to ensure you understand and retain everything you learn. After successfully completing the Web Development 2021: Become a Fullstack Developer, you will be awarded a certificate of completion as proof of your new skills. If you are looking to pursue a new career and want to build your professional skills to excel in your chosen field, the certificate of completion from the Web Development 2021: Become a Fullstack Developer will help you stand out from the crowd. You can also validate your certification on our website. We know that you are busy and that time is precious, so we have designed the Web Development 2021: Become a Fullstack Developer to be completed at your own pace, whether that's part-time or full-time. Get full course access upon registration and access the course materials from anywhere in the world, at any time, from any internet-enabled device.  Our experienced tutors are here to support you through the entire learning process and answer any queries you may have via email.

Web Development 2021: Become a Fullstack Developer
Delivered Online On Demand

Ruby on Rails 5 - Become a Professional Developer

By Course Cloud

Course Overview Create a Rails app from scratch, with our step-by-step guide. Ruby on Rails is a free open source software and web development tool for building websites and applications. In this course, you will learn how to build a professional Rails app for a Mac and PC environment, step-by-step. Through easy to follow video tutorials, you will explore the complete app creation process - from project planning, data flow and JavaScript integration. You will learn best practices for writing clean code that will take your career in web development to the next level, as well as top SQL techniques for managing data efficiently. This course is ideal for students and web developers looking to learn more about the Ruby on Rails framework, and how to create a professional Ruby on Rails application from scratch. This best selling Ruby on Rails 5 - Become a Professional Developer has been developed by industry professionals and has already been completed by hundreds of satisfied students. This in-depth Ruby on Rails 5 - Become a Professional Developer is suitable for anyone who wants to build their professional skill set and improve their expert knowledge. The Ruby on Rails 5 - Become a Professional Developer is CPD-accredited, so you can be confident you're completing a quality training course will boost your CV and enhance your career potential. The Ruby on Rails 5 - Become a Professional Developer is made up of several information-packed modules which break down each topic into bite-sized chunks to ensure you understand and retain everything you learn. After successfully completing the Ruby on Rails 5 - Become a Professional Developer, you will be awarded a certificate of completion as proof of your new skills. If you are looking to pursue a new career and want to build your professional skills to excel in your chosen field, the certificate of completion from the Ruby on Rails 5 - Become a Professional Developer will help you stand out from the crowd. You can also validate your certification on our website. We know that you are busy and that time is precious, so we have designed the Ruby on Rails 5 - Become a Professional Developer to be completed at your own pace, whether that's part-time or full-time. Get full course access upon registration and access the course materials from anywhere in the world, at any time, from any internet-enabled device.  Our experienced tutors are here to support you through the entire learning process and answer any queries you may have via email.

Ruby on Rails 5 - Become a Professional Developer
Delivered Online On Demand

C++ for Beginners

By Eduolc

We'll teach you how to code in a fun way by building games in this course. We'll also use a library so you can concentrate on learning pure C++ and good programming habits.

C++ for Beginners
Delivered Online On Demand

Advanced C++ Programming

By Eduolc

Created for individuals who have no prior programming experience but wish to learn how to program in C++.

Advanced C++ Programming
Delivered Online On Demand

Mailchimp Mastery

By iStudy UK

Do you want to draw the attention of people on your products or work to subscribe or unsubscribe from email marketing lists through sign-up forms? Do you want to learn the special methods of collecting and managing all of your contacts in one place through MailChimp? If so, look at our lucid Mailchimp Mastery course. It will guide you further in your quest. The course will teach you how to create and customize a MailChimp account. It also instructs you how to start using MailChimp to create ad campaigning and share email for sound management practices, exquisite design campaign, and strong data analysis. It teaches you how to create a MailChimp account and enable pop-ups, cookies, and Javascript in it. the course also assists you how to review your advertising reports along with other advanced features of MailChimp. What you'll learn You will know how to use MailChimp You will know how to send a broadcast email You will know how to setup an autoresponder You will know how to add people to your email list You will know how to make money from your email list You will know how to communicate with your audience and increase conversions You will know how to 2X your business with the power of the SOAP + SEINFELD Email Sequence Requirements You should have a subscription for MailChimp or are going to get one MailChimp Introduction FREE 00:01:00 Register for MailChimp 00:05:00 MailChimp Landing Page Builder 00:06:00 Creating a New List & Adding The Optin Code to New Pages 00:10:00 PopUp Optin Code 00:04:00 Campaign Paid Ads 00:05:00 Sending Your First Broadcast Email 00:04:00 Templates 00:03:00 List & Import Settings 00:11:00 List Settings II 00:07:00 MailChimp Reports 00:02:00 Setting Up Your Autoresponder 00:04:00 Email Marketing Why Email Everyday 00:03:00 Soap Opera Sequence 00:13:00 Seinfeld Email Sequence 00:11:00 My Squeeze Page Example 00:05:00 Squeeze Page Secrets 00:12:00 Course Certification

Mailchimp Mastery
Delivered Online On Demand1 hour 46 minutes

Web Development Basics


By John Academy

Description: In developing a website, it is important to choose a subject or theme that will suit your style and preference. In this course, you will learn to decide on the function and niche of your site. You will learn the importance of visualization and how to make your site content-rich. You will also be able to know how to do back links. Then you will see the significance of SEO, multimedia, and social sites to improve the traffic of your website. Who is the course for? Employees of the business industry and other businessmen who want to learn how to become profitable through website designing. People who have an interest in Website Design and Marketing and how to effectively communicate with their potential clients through the web. Entry Requirement: This course is available to all learners, of all academic backgrounds. Learners should be aged 16 or over to undertake the qualification. Good understanding of English language, numeracy and ICT are required to attend this course. Assessment:  At the end of the course, you will be required to sit an online multiple-choice test. Your test will be assessed automatically and immediately so that you will instantly know whether you have been successful. Before sitting for your final exam you will have the opportunity to test your proficiency with a mock exam. Certification: After you have successfully passed the test, you will be able to obtain an Accredited Certificate of Achievement. You can however also obtain a Course Completion Certificate following the course completion without sitting for the test. Certificates can be obtained either in hard copy at a cost of £39 or in PDF format at a cost of £24. PDF certificate's turnaround time is 24 hours and for the hardcopy certificate, it is 3-9 working days. Why choose us? Affordable, engaging & high-quality e-learning study materials; Tutorial videos/materials from the industry leading experts; Study in a user-friendly, advanced online learning platform; Efficient exam systems for the assessment and instant result; The UK & internationally recognized accredited qualification; Access to course content on mobile, tablet or desktop from anywhere anytime; The benefit of career advancement opportunities; 24/7 student support via email. Career Path: The Web Development Basics course will be very beneficial and helpful, especially to the following careers: Businessman Marketing and Promotions Specialists Marketing Managers Product Creators Programmers Sales Managers Sales and Promotions Specialists Top Executives Website Developer. Updated Version - Web Development Basics Section 01: Getting Started Introduction 00:03:00 How to Get Course requirements 00:02:00 Getting Started on Windows, Linux or Mac 00:02:00 How to ask a Great Questions 00:01:00 FAQ's 00:01:00 Section 02: HTML Introduction HTML 00:05:00 Choosing Code Editor 00:06:00 Installing Code Editor (Sublime Text) 00:04:00 Overview of a Webpage 00:05:00 Structure of a Full HTML Webpage 00:07:00 First Hello World! Webpage 00:09:00 Section 03: HTML Basic Heading tags 00:09:00 Paragraph 00:08:00 Formatting Text 00:12:00 List Items Unordered 00:05:00 List Items Ordered 00:04:00 Classes 00:09:00 IDs 00:06:00 Comments 00:04:00 Section 04: HTML Intermediate Images 00:12:00 Forms 00:05:00 Marquee 00:06:00 Text area 00:06:00 Tables 00:06:00 Links 00:07:00 Navbar - Menu 00:04:00 HTML Entities 00:05:00 Div tag 00:06:00 Google Maps 00:07:00 Section 05: HTML Advanced HTML Audio 00:07:00 HTML Video 00:05:00 Canvas 00:06:00 Iframes 00:05:00 Input Types 00:04:00 Input Attributes 00:06:00 Registration Form 00:04:00 Contact Us Form 00:10:00 Coding Exercise 00:01:00 Solution for Coding Exercise 00:02:00 Section 06: JavaScript Introduction What is JavaScript 00:09:00 Hello World Program 00:14:00 Getting Output 00:11:00 Internal JavaScript 00:13:00 External JavaScript 00:09:00 Inline JavaScript 00:04:00 Async and defer 00:06:00 Section 07: JavaScript Basics Variables 00:13:00 Data Types 00:11:00 Numbers 00:06:00 Strings 00:06:00 String Formatting 00:05:00 Section 08: JavaScript Operators Arithmetic operators 00:07:00 Assignment operators 00:03:00 Comparison operators 00:06:00 Logical operators 00:08:00 Section 09: JavaScript Conditional Statements If-else statement 00:05:00 If-else-if statement 00:04:00 Section 10: JavaScript Control Flow Statements While loop 00:09:00 Do-while loop 00:03:00 For loop 00:08:00 Coding Exercise 00:02:00 Solution for Coding Exercise 00:02:00 Section 11: JavaScript Functions Creating a Function 00:07:00 Function Call() 00:07:00 Function with parameters 00:05:00 Section 12: JavaScript Error Handling Try-catch 00:05:00 Try-catch-finally 00:17:00 Section 13: JavaScript Client-Side Validations On Submit Validation 00:09:00 Input Numeric Validation 00:12:00 Section 14: Python Introduction Introduction to Python 00:02:00 Python vs Other Languages 00:04:00 Why It's Popular 00:04:00 Command Line Basics 00:07:00 Python Installation (Step By Step) 00:06:00 PyCharm IDE Installation 00:08:00 Getting Start PyCharm IDE 00:05:00 First Python Hello World Program 00:07:00 Section 15: Python Basic Variables 00:16:00 Data Types 00:13:00 Type Casting 00:07:00 User Inputs 00:08:00 Comments 00:04:00 Section 16: Python Strings Strings 00:05:00 String Indexing 00:05:00 String Slicing 00:04:00 String Built-in Functions 00:09:00 Formatting String (Dynamic Data) 00:05:00 Section 17: Python Operators Arithmetic Operators 00:08:00 Assignment Operators 00:05:00 Comparison Operators 00:05:00 Logical Operators 00:02:00 AND Operator 00:04:00 OR Operator 00:02:00 NOT Operator 00:03:00 Booleans 00:02:00 Section 18: Python Data Structures Arrays in Earler 00:02:00 Lists 00:06:00 Add List Items 00:07:00 Remove List Items 00:01:00 Sort Lists 00:03:00 Join Lists 00:08:00 Tuples 00:08:00 Update tuples 00:07:00 Join tuples 00:02:00 Dictionaries 00:06:00 Add Dictionary Items 00:04:00 Remove Dictionary Items 00:03:00 Nested Disctionaries 00:04:00 Sets 00:04:00 Add Set Items 00:03:00 Remove Set Items 00:01:00 Join Set Items 00:04:00 Section 19: Python Conditional Statements If Statement 00:03:00 If-else Statement 00:04:00 If-elif-else Statement 00:04:00 If Statement Coding Excercise 00:05:00 Section 20: Python Control Flow Statements Flow Charts 00:06:00 While Loops Statement 00:10:00 For Loops Statement 00:06:00 The range() Function 00:04:00 Nested Loops 00:04:00 2D List using Nested Loop 00:04:00 Section 21: Python Core Games Guessing Game 00:07:00 Car Game 00:10:00 Section 22: Python Functions Creating a Function 00:03:00 Calling a Function 00:06:00 Function with Arguments 00:05:00 Section 23: Python args, KW args for Data Science args, Arbitary Arguments 00:04:00 kwargs, Arbitary Keyword Arguments 00:06:00 Section 24: Python Project Project Overview 00:04:00 ATM RealTime Project 00:13:00 Old Version - Web Development Basics Web Development Basics What Are Niche Website? 01:00:00 The Role Of Visualization In Education 00:15:00 Identify Your Best Platform Or Software 01:00:00 Select A Web Host 01:00:00 Collect Your Site 00:15:00 Building A Content Rich Website 00:15:00 Build Backlinks 00:30:00 Use SEO, Multimedia And Social Sites 01:30:00 Use Analytics 01:00:00 Wrapping Up 00:15:00 Mock Exam Mock Exam-Web Development Basics 00:20:00 Final Exam Final Exam-Web Development Basics 00:20:00 Order Your Certificate and Transcript Order Your Certificates and Transcripts 00:00:00 Order Your Certificate and Transcript Order Your Certificates and Transcripts 00:00:00

Web Development Basics
Delivered Online On Demand20 hours 33 minutes

Learn Node.JS Framework in 2021


By John Academy

Course Overview To create interactive and effective web applications, JavaScript is one of the first choices for developers. Learn how you can use JavaScript and node.js to make your website more interactive and entertaining from this Learn Node.JS Framework in 2021 course and boost and update your programming skill. The Learn Node.JS Framework in 2021 course will teach you the steps of creating websites using JavaScript from scratch. You will familiarize yourself with the concepts of JavaScript and node.js, how node.js works and its beauty. You will learn about node package manager, asynchronous JavaScript and promises, event emitter, file system, creating a path and many other functions that node.js offers. This course will also help you to create a strong authentication and verification system so that you can secure your website from common threats and get notifications if there is any problem. This course is helpful to learn web development and will assist you to increase your skill in no time. Learning Outcomes Familiarize with node.js basics Be able to create API development Understand the basics of asynchronous JavaScript Learn how to create a login system and password hashing Be able to secure your device using user verification, data validation and email verification using node.js Learn in detail about authentication and authorization system Who is this course for? This course is ideal for anyone who wants to learn web designing or web development and use JavaScript to design their websites. This course will help you to understand the functions of JavaScript and node.js and how to design websites from scratch. Entry Requirement This course is available to all learners, of all academic backgrounds. Learners should be aged 16 or over to undertake the qualification. Good understanding of English language, numeracy and ICT are required to attend this course. Certification After you have successfully completed the course, you will be able to obtain an Accredited Certificate of Achievement. You can however also obtain a Course Completion Certificate following the course completion without sitting for the test. Certificates can be obtained either in hardcopy at the cost of £39 or in PDF format at the cost of £24. PDF certificate's turnaround time is 24 hours, and for the hardcopy certificate, it is 3-9 working days. Why choose us? Affordable, engaging & high-quality e-learning study materials; Tutorial videos/materials from the industry-leading experts; Study in a user-friendly, advanced online learning platform; Efficient exam systems for the assessment and instant result; The UK & internationally recognized accredited qualification; Access to course content on mobile, tablet or desktop from anywhere anytime; The benefit of career advancement opportunities; 24/7 student support via email. Career Path Learn Node.JS Framework in 2021 is a useful qualification to possess and would be beneficial for any related profession or industry such as: JavaScript Developers Web Developers App Developers Software Engineers Programmers Unit 01: Introduction Module 01: Introduction 00:02:00 Unit 02: Node.js Basics Module 01: Introduction 00:01:00 Module 02: What's & Why Node.js? 00:07:00 Module 03: Installation 00:01:00 Module 04: First Node.js app 00:12:00 Module 05: Mechanism of Node.js 00:07:00 Module 06: Event Loop 00:09:00 Module 07: Loop tick 00:04:00 Module 08: Modules 00:07:00 Unit 03: Asynchronous JavaScript Module 01: Introduction 00:01:00 Module 02: JSON format 00:03:00 Module 03: Callback pattern 1 00:05:00 Module 04: Callback pattern 2 00:03:00 Module 05: Callback hell 00:01:00 Module 06: Promises pattern 1 00:02:00 Module 07: Promises pattern 2 00:02:00 Module 08: Master promises 1 00:03:00 Module 09: Master promises 2 00:05:00 Module 10: async/await pattern 1 00:02:00 Module 11: async/await pattern 2 00:02:00 Module 12: Promisify a function 00:03:00 Unit 04: Core Modules Module 01: Introduction 00:01:00 Module 02: Event emitter I 00:03:00 Module 03: Event emitter II 00:02:00 Module 04: Event emitter III 00:03:00 Module 05: File system I 00:02:00 Module 06: File system II 00:01:00 Module 07: File system III 00:04:00 Module 08: Streams I 00:03:00 Module 09: Streams II 00:02:00 Module 10: Path I 00:02:00 Module 11: Path II 00:02:00 Module 12: Path III 00:02:00 Unit 05: npm Module 01: Introduction 00:01:00 Module 02: package.json file 00:01:00 Module 03: Commands I 00:02:00 Module 04: Commands II 00:03:00 Module 05: Commands III 00:04:00 Certificate and Transcript Order Your Certificates and Transcripts 00:00:00

Learn Node.JS Framework in 2021
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