10 weeks Spanish Course for Beginners face to face.
10 weeks Spanish Course for Beginners face to face.
10 weeks Spanish Course for Beginners face to face.
Learn to use 3D printing software to design and create your own pendants, earrings, rings and bracelets. The course is on a one-to-one basis. If you want to be in the jewellery trade as a designer and seller of modern jewellery or you simply want to create designs for yourself and your family then you should be learning how to create your own designs using apps such as Fluid Designer for 3D Printing.
Includes: Hard copy take home training manual and pinkfishes.com official training kit Duration – Fast track one day practical classroom-based training plus online theory work. Theory work to be completed in your own time via The Guild student portal before your practical course date. Practical day – 10:30am – 5:30pm inc short lunch break. It is advisable that students arrive 15 mins early to ensure a prompt start. In a lot of cases the practical training can be finished earlier than expected depending on how many students there are, and the time taken on practical work. Widely recognisable and insurable qualification, allowing you to deliver this treatment on the paying general public.
In this class you will learn the Yang 10-Step Tai Chi Form. This is a 'standardised' routine, in other words it is performed in the same way throughout the world. We are also doing a set of Qigong exercises for the health of the internal organs. This is a 13-week term.
In this class we work on the Yang 24-Step Tai Chi Form. This is a 'standardised' set of movements that is performed in the same way throughout the world. We also occasionally look at the 'applications' of the movements - how they can be used for self-defence in a gentle non-confrontational way. This is a 13-week term.
Manicures can be found on nearly every treatment menu and are often the bread and butter of many businesses. The manicure offers the therapist or technician a whole range of options to suit nearly every client. This course will teach you everything you need to know about offering a professional manicure and includes a practical training session and assessment. Gel Polish treatments are an increasingly popular treatment within the professional beauty industry. Gel Polish is applied to the client’s nail and then cured using an LED or UV lamp to create a longer lasting nail treatment (up to 3 weeks) than a standard manicure. The GTi Gel Polish course covers how to complete gel polish application and demonstrates the correct removal techniques. The course also covers reception and consultation, contra-indications to treatment and aftercare advice. On completion of the course you will receive two recognised and insurable qualifications. Includes: 2 Hard copy take home training manuals. Duration – Fast track one day practical classroom-based training plus online theory work. Theory work to be completed in your own time via The Guild student portal before your practical course date. Practical day – 11am – 8pm. It is advisable that students arrive 15 mins early to ensure a prompt start. Widely recognisable and insurable qualification, allowing you to deliver this treatment on the paying general public. Class size - Maximum 8 students in a class