Date: Monday 27th November Location: Studio A Time: 4pm Writer turned director Paul Schrader (Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, First Reformed) created a unique, avant-garde biopic about notorious Japanese author Yukio Mishima, who embraced Japan's traditions and fought against the gradual westernisation that became common following the end of World War Two. Using adaptations of sections of his novels, as well as traditional recounting of real-life events, this film sticks out as one of Schrader's best, and continues to inspire awe and heated discussion years later.
DATE: Tuesday 21st May TIME: 4pm LOCATION: Studio A The renowned and brilliantly-chameleonic actor Jason Flemyng is coming to Central Film School this month, and we couldn't be happier to have him. With an amazing CV including films and series such as Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Boiling Point, A Town Called Malice and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Jason will be talking about his career, how the industry has changed and giving practical, down-to-earth advice for our actors. There will also be an opportunity for students to put their own questions to Jason, so make sure you book a ticket and come along!
DATE: Tuesday 14th May TIME: 4:00pm LOCATION: Studio A On Tuesday 14th May we'll be hosting an International Students Event in Studio A, an opportunity for our international students to come together, get to know one another and share short films from their home countries and states, followed by some casual drinks and finger food.If you are planning on attending, please fill in this form where you can submit the film you wish to present. All films should be accessible for free online using platforms such as YouTube or Vimeo.
DATE: Tuesday 28th May TIME: 4pm LOCATION: Studio A Jordan Gifford is an up and coming writer, director and producer who will be coming in to give advice on looking for Freelance Film work. He will discuss his own burgeoning career, how he went from a runner to working in film locations, to being given the opportunity to produce his first feature film, all whilst also finding his own voice as a writer/director of dramatic short films. You will get the chance to ask him questions directly as well, and hear advice from someone who not too long ago was in your shoes exactly. Be sure to book in advance if you want to come along.
DATE: 15th July TIME: 4pm LOCATION: Studio A BAFTA winners Chris Wilder and Daisy Jacobs are a pair of writer/directors who will be coming in to showcase and discuss their short films, as well as their experiences directing animation and their progress after finishing film school 10 years ago. If you have any interest in animation, directing, screenwriting or just what you can expect after graduation, these are the perfect guests to come along and meet. Be sure to book your tickets in advance.
DATE: Thursday 18th July TIME: 4pm LOCATION: Studio A MAX ALBRECHT is the creative director and founder of Critical Mask Pictures, a production company that focuses on narrative filmmaking. Max will be joining us on Thursday 18th July to discuss how best to market yourself and find work as a freelancer in the film and television industries. With years of experience under his belt, this will be a great Life Skills Session to attend to learn about life after CFS. Max will also discuss his experiences founding a production company and operating as a sole trader, so that attendees can learn of all the many ways to make a living independently in the business. A Q+A Session will take place for anything specific people wanted to ask. Be sure to book your free ticket in advance so that you don't miss out!
Join us in January to kick start your new year with improvisation. This fully interactive session, led by Charlotte Gaughan, will provide an introduction to improvisation, a toolkit of games and exercises for your own practise and a grounding in the key principles of yes-and, listening and spontaneity. It’s also a great opportunity to appease your inner child with over two hours of play. The session will cover: An introduction to improvisation Toolkit of improv games and exercises for facilitation and your own practise Underpinning principles of listening, yes-and and spontaneity Improvisation as tool to develop connection with other performers and an ability to go off script Creating improvised characters, stories, and worlds and where they can take you An opportunity to have fun and play No previous experience needed at all Date: Thursday 18 January Time: 6pm-8.30pm Venue: Studio A, Central Film School, 72 Landor Road, SW9 9HP Deadline: Please register your interest to attend by Friday 5 January 2024
Time: 4pm Date: 4th December Location: Studio A Come along to our last regular Film Club of 2023, as we cap it off with a martial-arts masterpiece, Ang Lee's Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Be sure to book your tickets in advance for this great, spirited adventure film that will have you on the edge of your seat!
Time: 4pm Date: Friday 8th December Location: Studio A Come and celebrate the work of your fellow CFS students and staff, as we showcase short films that have been made within our academic community! Featuring a wide variety of different visual stories, genres, themes and ideas, we are proud to be showcasing all these films in Studio A on the big screen! Be sure to book your ticket to come along to our school's own miniature film festival!