Come learn to code with me
This course provides a comprehensive exploration of environmental sustainability within the context of the business sector. Participants will develop a deep understanding of the causes, effects and challenges associated with climate change and global warming. They will delve into legislation, carbon footprint assessment, achieving net-zero emissions, and planning for the future.
Every employee needs to have their performance managed and it is equally important to 'catch people doing something right
In today's dynamic business environment, Managers need to evaluate different courses of action and make decisive decisions.
I am currently offering the Level 1 exam as add-on to my one to one lessons. This is only for the exam. Please see my 'BSL lessons' for information about training either online or in person. This exam qualification is divided into three units, each of which can be achieved separately. Learners should sit the BSL101 exam first, then sit the exams BSL102 and BSL103. Exams 102 and 103 can be taken in any order.
Talk the argument through Ascertain the cause Analyse possible options and solutions Relationship conflict coaching support and mediation tips conclusion and emotional intelligence training tips 3 x 45 mins sessions