Overview In this competitive era no matter how much hard work and solid efforts are contributed still, too many projects end up creating unneeded and unsellable products. There is a significant risk that the outcome of the project may not be relevant to the client/user requirements or become outdated when needs change. Here is where Design Thinking and Agile Management play their role. The combination of Agile and Design Thinking should be used in order to achieve impactful outcomes. Agile and design thinking together works well and gives an effective approach to product development, one that results in efficient resolutions to significant problems. In this course, you'll learn how to define and determine what's important to a user primary in the process, to frontload value, by directing your team on testable narratives about the user and generating an effectively shared perspective. For more dates and Venue, Please email sales@gbacorporate.co.uk
Overview OBJECTIVES Develop practical skills enabling effective communication at the time of an incident Familiarize students with both techniques & technologies involved in crisis communication Provide a health check for your personal & organizational readiness Provide the confidence to know that your response strategies are appropriate and effective Build relevant knowledge through exploring relevant case studies and practical exercises Develop flexible creative and well-motivated teams Upcoming Events Online (USD 1950) Online Streaming Live (Flexible Dates) At Venue (USD 4500) Dubai 20 Feb - 24 Feb Istanbul 27 Feb - 3 March London 20 March - 24 March For more dates and Venue, Please email sales@gbacorporate.co.uk
Overview The Risk Analysis course is a highly demanded certification for roles in project risk management. It recognizes skills, competency, and competency in assessing and identifying project risks, mitigating threats and capitalising on opportunities, while still possessing core knowledge and practical application in all areas of project management. The risk management specialist role on project teams is becoming more important to an organization's success. This course has been designed to benefit professionals who have the responsibility of regularly making important business decisions and wish to enhance their Risk Management abilities and apply them to their businesses. Upcoming Events Online (USD 2250) Online Streaming Live (Flexible Dates) For more dates and Venue, Please email sales@gbacorporate.co.uk
Overview Internal auditing is an independent and objective activity to evaluate an organisation's internal operations. You'll learn how to initiate an audit, prepare and conduct audit activities, compile and distribute audit reports and complete follow-up activities. It is very important for the organisation to have a smooth flow of accounting as it plays a very important role in the development of the organisation. Financial Managers or any person who deals with Accounts need to see that the company accounts are very updated and are free from any risks that can become a problem during the time of Auditing. Objectives By the end of the course, participants will be able to: Efficiently dealing with senior leaders with confidence Effective Contribution and Strategically Analysing and Auditing towards business success Analysing and Evaluating as an effective internal audit leader How to manage key relationships with the audit committee Practical methods for managing the audit committee and senior management Describing the significance to help maximize the contribution to their organization
Join our monthly catch-up session with other small business owners to work through any challenges or successes that you have faced!
Give your staff market-leading delivery skills and intercultural communication techniques with our unique course. TILT has been delivered to military and commercial clients and is seen as best-practice for those training internationally.
Customer service just isn’t enough. Customer experience is where the secret to success lies. Build a loyal and fruitful customer base by learning how to design frictionless processes and build empathetic and solution-focused services with our bespoke courses, which include: Customer service vs customer experience The changing nature of customers and how to stay ahead Customer needs vs customer expectations How our behaviour affects those around us and how to use the power of influence Communicating with customers positively and effectively Moments that matter Building trust and integrity What to do when things go wrong
Understanding cultural differences in the global sales environment is critical to your salespeople’s success. Developing their intercultural communication skills and knowledge of the sales and negotiation techniques of different cultures and nationalities, will help them to ensure relationships are as effective and rewarding as possible. Bespoke courses include: The impact of language and cultural differences on the sales environment Communication techniques in international sales Effective sales questions A global mindset Culture and its impact on sales Delivering on different cultural expectations Perceptions of time across cultures and the impact on sales cycles and timelines
Take your organisation’s presentations to the next level by truly engaging second language English speakers with our specific techniques. Help them communicate key messages with confidence and clarity to the whole audience. With lots of opportunities for practice in a very safe space, participants will build their skills in the guiding hands of our experts. This bespoke course will include: Presenter self-awareness Essential cultural etiquette Powerful PowerPoint strategies for second-language speakers Linguistic mindfulness A new understanding of ‘less is more’
Our teams are increasingly built from colleagues from around the world, each of whom has their own unique culture and communication style. We can help you embrace, enjoy and harness the diversity in teams for incredible outcomes! This course includes: The impact on the team of language and cultural differences Communication techniques for an effective global team The importance of clarity and commitment The difference in planning and scheduling across cultures Different perceptions of power and leadership Leveraging the diversity in your team