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A standalone 10 week/session course that will introduce you to the basic materials, tools, equipment and techniques used in paper crafting and mixed media work and to Craft4Smiles C.I.C and our tutors. You will be sent all the materials and equipment needed to complete the course. At the end of each lesson you will have a crafted item to take away to keep or show family and friends. You will be told about the other courses you offer so that you can make an informed choice about further learning.
We're passionate about equipping churches to respond to domestic abuse. Our Domestic Abuse Awareness course will help you explore key questions around the issue of domestic abuse, like how to recognise the signs of domestic abuse, why domestic abuse happens, and how to start supporting survivors.
An exciting 10-week course to build your Spanish skills from scratch. Practical applications for travel & conversation. Enlarge your vocabulary, improve your grammar in a pain-free, step-by-step way, working with a tutor with 10+ years' experience & a small group of learners.
The two-day Youth MHFAider® course is tailored for people who teach, work, live with, support and care for young people aged 8 to 18. This mental health first aid course can be attended by anyone from age 16 upwards.
Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) treatments Nationally Recognised Qualification No previous experience or qualifications needed Open College Network Accreditation Level 4 (as required for minimally invasive procedures) Covers standards set by HEE Employed (salon) or Self-Employed opportunities Basic understanding of English language required OPEN TO ALL APPLICANTS
2025 is the 80th anniversary of the end of the Second World War – a conflict that defined the twentieth century and still has an influence on relationships and attitudes today. In this course we welcome academics from institutions across the UK and abroad to contribute to a series of lectures and discussions on aspects of the Second World War. This is not a course about battles but rather about how people engaged with the conflict in different regions, exploring political motivations, cultural responses and social impacts and legacies. Sessions include: 25 February - Fascism in flames: Italy at war, 1940-1943 | Dr Alexander Henry 4 March - Imperial defence and relations in the interwar period, c.1930-1939 | Dr Adam Dighton 11 March - The British Empire at war, 1939-1945 | Dr Adam Dighton 17 March - We can’t stand by and do nothing’: the lives and work of Britain’s conscientious objectors during the Second World War | Dr Linsey Robb 25 March - Propaganda in Nazi Germany during the Second World War | Dr Paul Moore 1 April - The aftermath of war: Allied occupation and displaced persons in post-war Europe | Dr Samantha Knapton 8 April – Samurai Nation: Global Views of Japan from the 1890s to the Second World War | Dr Oleg Benesch 15 April - Music as propaganda as used by the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany | Dr Percy Leung, FRAS FRSA 22 April - War and Crime: Britain, 1939-1954 | Dr Mark Roodhouse 29 April - Blood for Blood! Death for Death!” The Soviet Partisans and the Great Patriotic War 1941-45 | Professor Mark Sandle 6 May - Japanese motivations during the Second World War | Dr Satona Suzaki The course also features two workshop sessions to discuss your learning with other course participants. All sessions will take place from 7.30-9.00pm. This course is free to all HA members, and available for a small charge to non-members. Access to the course will be via the HA website once your booking is verified, you will be contacted via email once this is complete. The introductory session will take place on 25 February. Further information can be found on our course page here.
This Renewables Technical Surveying training short two day course is specifically designed for individuals and companies that want to train themselves and their staff on exactly how to carry out Renewables Technical Site Surveying prior to any renewables installation measures, this includes for heating systems, solar systems and EV Charge point installations. The course is primarily aimed at Energy Suppliers, Equipment Manufacturers, Renewable Installers, Domestic Energy Assessors, Retrofit Assessors, Retrofit Co-ordinators, Renewables sales staff and suitable individuals with a basic level of knowledge in varying building structures, heating systems and varying renewable technologies.
Whether you are new to managing, maintaining or monitoring the SCR or you want to refresh your knowledge, this three-hour masterclass will cover everything you need to know and to ensure is in place and will dispel some of the myths and confusion surrounding the SCR.