Enhancing Performance with Productive Conflict: In-House Training Most organizations have typically held the belief that workplace conflict is something that needs to be prevented, resolved, and/or mitigated. After all, conflict creates stress and leads to a variety of performance problems and very real costs. However, what savvy organizations have come to embrace is the understanding that when conflict is truly understood and harnessed, it can be utilized to not only add value to teams, but also enhance workplace performance. Conflict can be productive and make organizations better! Learners will explore the results of a formal, personalized, conflict-related assessment, uncovering targeted nuances of their conflict responses in action. Participants will learn to use basic strategies which allow them to transform destructive conflict responses into more productive ones, especially in the moment when they are happening. What you will Learn At the end of this program, you will be able to: Apply different models for understanding the lifecycle and dynamics of conflict Describe a physiological response to conflict and its impact on communication Recognize the correlation between a person's conflict style and how they respond to conflict Identify your own default responses to conflict and catch them in action Reframe automatic negative thoughts to create more positive interpersonal outcomes Utilize various tactics and strategies to transform destructive conflict responses into productive ones Getting Started Introductions and social agreements Course goal and objectives Opening activities Module 1: The Dynamics and Anatomy of Conflict Conflict basics Dynamics of conflict The anatomy of conflict Module 2: Conflict Styles and Conflict Conflict through the conflict style lens Exploring your style in conflict Destructive responses to conflict Module 3: Changing Your Response to Conflict Changing your conflict response Three steps to productive conflict Choosing a productive conflict response
Intercultural Competence: In-House Training In a world that conducts business across continents and geographical borders, more than ever it is essential for team and organizational leaders to not only understand but also embrace the diversity of cultures; this is intercultural competence. Intercultural competence gives one the ability to effectively and appropriately communicate with people from other cultures in a competitively complex world. The participant in this program will gain cultural insights needed to build intercultural teams and navigate cultural diversities, without knowingly violating what are deemed to be acceptable or unacceptable cultural norms. What you will Learn At the end of this program, you will be able to: Articulate on the meaning of culture and intercultural competence Express the importance of body language and appropriately demonstrate its emblems Describe three cultural models and consider their application in assimilating cultural behaviors Define emotional intelligence and explain how it is linked to cultural intelligence Examine the four cultural intelligence capabilities and give examples of how each is developed Develop a personal cultural profile and compare its dimensions to gain an appreciation for intercultural competence Foundation Concepts Fundamentals of culture Culture and body language Culture and proxemics Cultural Models Iceberg culture model The onion model of culture Hofstede's model of national cultures High-context and low-context cultures Cultural Intelligence Emotional intelligence overview Cultural intelligence overview Cultural Profile Cultural profile dimensions Understanding your cultural profile
Critical Thinking and Creative Problem Solving: In-House Training Two critical skillsets for the future of work are critical thinking and creative problem solving. These modes of working and thinking intersect and overlap; both are necessary and both can be taught. Having the ability to exercise creativity while at the same time applying structure and discipline to the thinking process is a key competency in the twenty-first century workplace. This course explores the interplay between critical and creative thinking, and the necessity of each to effective problem solving and decision making. Participants will learn a variety of techniques to apply critical thinking to real-life scenarios. They will experiment with different problem-solving approaches and will learn about cognitive influences on our decisions and choices. The course delves into the business value of creativity and involves participants in actively integrating criticality, creativity, and problem solving. What you will Learn At the end of this program, you will be able to: Explain basic concepts of problem solving Infer types of cognitive biases that impact decision making Utilize types of root cause analysis Differentiate among obstacles to sound decision making Apply a variety of problem-solving approaches / processes to existing challenges Evaluate alternative solution methods using various techniques Analyze real world problem scenarios to determine the lateral thinking type needed to address them Foundation Concepts Definitions Thinking modes and cognitive bias Basic problem-solving framework Problem Definition and Solution Generation Root cause analysis Basic problem-solving obstacles Generating alternative solutions Evaluating Alternatives Critical thinking guidelines Obstacles to sound decision making Tools for evaluating alternatives Exploring Lateral Thinking Problem-solving challenge Workplace application
Grateful Leadership: In-House Training Effective leaders must find ways to enhance people's level of engagement, commitment, and support, especially during the difficult periods of time that all organizations may face. Grateful leaders can tap into the power of personal commitment and dedication by acknowledging people in an authentic and heartfelt manner. Those leaders who model true acknowledgment behavior will inspire others to do the same and to want to dramatically increase their levels of contribution to the organization, making the power of acknowledgment transformational. What you will Learn You'll learn how to: Understand and develop the capability to act upon the need for Grateful Leadership to create a culture of appreciation in the workplace Understand the potentially huge benefits of Grateful Leadership in the workplace Overcome the barriers to using acknowledgment Demonstrate the language and subtleties of authentic and heartfelt acknowledgement behavior Describe the Seven Principles of Acknowledgment for 'High-Interest Benefits' in the context of participant's personal leadership style Describe how to coach teams, managers, and other corporate stakeholders in using Grateful Leadership to produce breakthrough results Getting Started Introductions Course goals and objectives Introspection on the practice of Grateful Leadership The Workforce Engagement Sustainability Challenge Employees who are engaged, not engaged, and actively disengaged The costs of non-engagement Meeting the workforce engagement challenge Acknowledgment, Engagement, and Leadership Acknowledgment and its benefits Recognition versus acknowledgment 'Challenging people' case study Blanchard, Covey, Keith (Servant Leadership): how acknowledgment fits into these leadership models Leadership and acknowledgment The 5 C's - Consciousness, Courage, Choice, Communication, Commitment Employing the Power of Acknowledgment Overcoming barriers to acknowledgment The Seven High-Interest Benefits Principles of Acknowledgment Exploring the acknowledgment process Applying the Principles of Acknowledgment within the Context of Your Personal Leadership Style Case study The ROI of Grateful Leadership Creating your Grateful Leadership Personal Action Plan™ Creating a Vision Statement for your organization that incorporates Grateful Leadership into your corporate culture The 360° Grateful Leadership Competency Assessment Summary What did we learn, and how can we implement this in our work environments?
This Strategy Challenge workshop is designed to provide an opportunity for senior management teams to practice and develop their strategic thinking skills - individually and collectively. It gives a 'safe space' and uses examples designed to 'stretch the strategic thinking muscles'
Aromatherapy massage is a popular mainstream therapy, and is offered at any reputable spa or beauty treatment clinic. Our comprehensive 2-day professional course guides you carefully through everything you need to know to carry out an aromatherapy treatment for your clients. You will learn about the properties of essential oils, blending essential oils to suit your clients needs, also carrier oils and their own properties.
Board members face a huge amount of information and review before the board meeting. Here is step-by-step process for mastering your board meeting prep challenge.
For boards and staff, board meetings always involve too much time, too much effort, too much material to review, and too few tools to make governance effective. Here are the top tools, tips and timesavers boards around the world use to make your impossible boardroom tasks do-able.
No one teaches you how to effectively chair a board of directors -- until now. This brief, insightful program offers the real-world tools and skills you need to be a vital boardroom leader.
We deliver Workplace PAT Testing Courses across most of the UK to assist businesses with Compliance. We also work with Bridges into Work and ReACT in association with Careers Wales and the Welsh Government to offer work based skills which some Candidates could be eligible for Government funding.