Does your child long to be Robin Hood, Merida, Katniss or Hawkeye? Now's their chance! At Kids' Archery Durham, children can learn all about the art of archery in a safe and fun way. They can work towards badges and certificates, develop the confidence that comes from learning a new skill, be active, make friends and most importantly - have fun!
Effective customer service plays a vital role in attracting and retaining customers. Businesses can use good customer service to boost sales and loyalty. Empathy, good communication, and problem-solving are core skills in providing excellent customer service. This course provides the knowledge and skills to help you hone your customer service skills.
Studies have shown that People with healthy eating patterns live longer, the aim of this course is to give the learner the knowledge regarding the importance of nutrition, the effects and implications of a lack of nutrition and malnutrition.
This course will start by giving you an overview of some of the common types and causes of learning disabilities, characteristics and behaviours and how they affect people. We will consider which learning & behavioural strategies are appropriate and how using a person centred approach to care will get the best results and ensure that needs of the individual are effectively met. We also discuss overcoming the stigma attached to learning disabilities