An emergency can happen anywhere, so it's better to be prepared at all instances, specially at the workplace. Come to Knight Training and ensure your employees are safe with our Emergency First Aid At Work Course now!
Emergency Paediatric First Aid delivered by healthcare professionals - Educating through Experience
Emergency First Aid at Work delivered by healthcare professionals - Educating through Experience
Basic Life Support (BLS) and Safe use of AED training
Basic Life Support (BLS) Course
This comprehensive course, developed in line with the esteemed guidelines of the Resuscitation Council (UK), Skills for Health, and the Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care (RCS Ed), is designed to enhance your abilities in delivering superior emergency care across various settings.
The course covers primary and some secondary skills allowing the flexibility to add extra subjects where needed.
The Paediatric First aid course provides the comprehensive set of practical skills needed by people working in childcare settings. Giving both the ability and knowledge to deal with first aid emergencies.
A cardiac arrest can happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time. Every second matters and this course will give you the confidence to act quickly and effectively. Most importantly, the course will also teach defibrillator operators how to perform effective CPR.
The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 Emergency First Aid at Work