Qualsafe Awards has recognised the invaluable experience and training that CFRs bring to the table. As a result, they've introduced a bespoke 2-day FREC3 RPL Course, specifically designed for learners like you who already hold one of the approved qualifications. This course recognises your prior learning, allowing you to fast-track your way to the FREC 3 qualification.
Our *NEW* Mini First Aid Baby Proofing class is our second class, designed for parents and carers of babies and children over 3 months. It can be taken after our 2 hour Baby and Child First Aid class, or in isolation for those parents who are starting their weaning journey, or have a baby on the move!
This course aims to give the learner the understanding of what autism is and how it affects a child or adults daily life, we will discuss the typical behaviours and how to offer support. We will identify a range of interventions and approaches improve the quality and daily lives of individuals with these conditions
This interactive programme will use the topic of equity, diversity, and inclusion to illustrate the problem of unconscious bias and the practical solutions to overcome it. The programme will provide the opportunity for self-reflection, open discussion, and training on some of the softer skills to maximise objectivity in the workplace.
We develop tailored courses that cater to your organisation's specific workplace wellbeing goals. If you can't find what you're searching for, don't hesitate to contact us. Many of the services and courses we currently offer were developed as solutions to a client's specific requirements. Since 2019,