The Alhambra Palace complex is home to some of the finest examples of Islamic Geometric Pattern in the world. During this three-day course we will learn how to construct a number of these patterns - ranging from the simple to highly sophisticated - using the traditional geometer's tools of compass and straightedge. This course will be led in a gentle, easy to follow, step-by-step manner, suitable for both beginners and experienced alike.
We are eagerly looking forward to welcoming Australian based Artsist/Educator and Projective Geometry expert Sophia Montefiore back to SAOG Studios for a Summer 2021 Projective Geometry course. Participants will be introduced to the fundamental and profound principles of this unique art form through drawing/construction and colour work focussing on Spirals, Buds and Vortex Forms.
Every employee needs to have their performance managed and it is equally important to 'catch people doing something right
In today's dynamic business environment, Managers need to evaluate different courses of action and make decisive decisions.
Book your place for an amazing, therapeutic day of sourdough baking. This workshop is suitable for all levels of experience, will last for about 5 hours, running from 10 am to 3pm allowing parents to do school drop off and pick up and includes lunch and refreshments. Attendees will go home with a jar of organic starter, banneton, scraper, canvas bag, an apron and a bread scoring tool (together worth £65) so that you can start baking straight away. You will also take home a baked loaf and a dough you’ll make from scratch to bake the next day.
Talk the argument through Ascertain the cause Analyse possible options and solutions Relationship conflict coaching support and mediation tips conclusion and emotional intelligence training tips 3 x 45 mins sessions
* Notes on the Taiji Fan Form Class This is a short 18-Move Tai Chi Fan Form. It is graceful, fun to do, and uses all the principles of Tai Chi. We are also doing a set of Qigong exercises in this class. This is a 13-week term.
In this class you will learn the Yang 10-Step Tai Chi Form. This is a 'standardised' routine, in other words it is performed in the same way throughout the world. We are also doing a set of Qigong exercises for the health of the internal organs. This is a 13-week term.
In this class we work on various Qigong exercises as well as doing exercises on breathing, building energy, circulating energy in the body, working on posture, and learning how to relax the body. This is a 13-week term. Relaxation. Many of the exercises are ultimately about the ability to act from a very relaxed body and mind. This is about getting more control of your sympathetic nervous system (fight & flight), the 'stress' system, so that it is easier to deal with difficult situations.