In-house training courses on electric and hydrogen vehicle technologies, charging infrastructure and how they work.
Join us for a micro-learning course exploring the megatrends behind the Net-Zero movement and the impact this is having on the transport industry. Part of our Net Zero Transport Fundamentals Collection, where we look to provide bite-sized training on all the core technologies and topics relating to decarbonising the transport industry.
Join us for a micro-learning course in hydrogen for transport and learn about this potentially game-changing technology which brings the world a step closer to achieving net-zero emissions. Part of our Net Zero Transport Fundamentals Collection, where we look to provide bite-sized training on all the core technologies and topics relating to decarbonising the transport industry.
Join us for a masterclass in bi-directional charging for electric vehicles. Otherwise known as Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) or Vehicle-to-Anything (V2X), and learn about this potentially game-changing technology which brings together the transport and energy systems.
Join us for a micro-learning course in electric and hybrid vehicles and learn about this potentially game-changing technology which brings the world a step closer to achieving net-zero emissions. Part of our Net Zero Transport Fundamentals Collection, where we look to provide bite-sized training on all the core technologies and topics relating to decarbonising the transport industry.