Dispelling several myths, this informative live online event explains why anyone can experience problems around food, the impact of eating difficulties, symptoms to look out for, the importance of early intervention, how best to help and support – and more… CPD Certificate: 4 hours Length: 9.15am – 1.30pm Increasing numbers of people have difficulties around food and eating, but miss out on help because they don’t have a clinical diagnosis – this online training event is designed to increase awareness of the importance of early intervention to provide better support and help with recovery. Time is of the essence - early support is important An estimated 1.25 million people are affected by eating disorders in the UK – but there are many, many more who may not meet diagnostic criteria or simply don’t get the help they need. Absolutely anyone can be affected by eating difficulties; all ages, all body sizes, all genders, all races, and disordered eating can take many forms. It sits on a spectrum between what might be considered ‘normal eating’ and an eating disorder and may include symptoms and behaviours of eating disorders, but at a lesser frequency or lower level of severity. Eating difficulties don’t just affect the person involved but also their families and friends too, who often feel frightened, confused, and powerless to help. The aim of this live, evidence-based, online training with Jo Baker, a highly experienced psychotherapist, is to give you a greater understanding of eating difficulties as well as eating disorders and body image. You’ll explore the signs and symptoms, and the effects they have on an individual as well as developing new skills around effective communication with someone who is struggling. It will dispel some of the myths around eating difficulties and also help you find ways of calming yourself in moments of overwhelm to ensure you can be as supportive and helpful as you’d like to be… This course is relevant to a range of disordered eating behaviours including: restrictive eating compulsive eating irregular eating inflexible eating avoiding a type of food or food group self-induced vomiting laxative, diuretic, enema misuse supplement misuse clinical eating disorders BONUS RECORDING – you will also get a recording for 2 weeks after the event to maximise your learning. Jo has a wealth of information and experience to share...LINDA HARRISON What you will learn: why early support is important how to react if you think someone is struggling around food – including what not to say and do the potential physical and psychological harm that disordered eating can cause the function of food in mental health the common myths around eating difficulties and problems with food a greater understanding of eating disorders and subclinical disordered eating behaviours – their signs and symptoms increased knowledge of the physical impact and social effects of having an eating disorder new skills around communication – how to approach the subject of eating difficulties or food avoidance why it is important not to focus on food a deeper understanding of ‘body image’ and perception and how media and society impact people’s body image and perception a greater understanding of the male experience of eating difficulties and the unique barriers men may face in accessing treatment new support and communication skills to offer help to anyone struggling with their mental health, body image and eating disorders what exercise addiction is, and its relationship to eating difficulties the impact of gym and diet culture on our mental health, body dissatisfaction and the signs and symptoms of muscle dysmorphia effective ways to look after yourself – managing stress, anxiety and worry for the household how and when to seek professional help Who is this training suitable for Parents, other family members and/or carers of people who are experiencing eating difficulties – or anyone else interested for personal reasons Anyone who works with people and needs to know how best to help when someone shares that they are struggling with food Therapists, counsellors and any other mental health and welfare professionals who want to gain a better understanding of eating difficulties, their symptoms and impact so they can support families with a member who is experiencing eating difficulties. Course Programme The ‘Understanding Eating Difficulties’ course starts at 9.15am and runs until 1.30pm. 9.15am Join the Zoom meeting 9.30am Understanding eating disorders and subclinical disordered eating behaviours 10.45am Comfort break and discussion 10.55am Understanding body image, perception and influential narratives 12.00pm Comfort break and discussion 12.10pm How to approach eating difficulties and be most helpful 1.15pm Course ends Important note This live online CPD training event is an awareness raising course, providing you with evidence-based information, facts and effective communication skills. It does not qualify you to work with eating disorders. If you are an experienced, qualified HG therapist /counsellor who would like to learn more about how we can work therapeutically with people with eating difficulties, problems around food or eating disorders – view our advanced CPD training in-person workshop: Working with Eating Difficulties
This course is designed for students who already have foundational knowledge and skills in Excel and who wish to perform robust and advanced data and statistical analysis with Microsoft Excel using PivotTables, use tools such as Power Pivot and the Data Analysis ToolPak to analyze data and visualize data and insights using advanced visualizations in charts and dashboards in Excel.
A soothing crystal singing bowl sound bath held by Maria from Mystic Sisters in the enchanting space of the Mandrake Hotel.
A Christmas themed snow concept event. Fun and fitness combined; heels dance session. Drink on arrival. Costumes optional.
Basic Life Support (BLS) and Safe use of AED training
A conscious gathering to experience the ritual of energy blessings, icaros, medicine songs and offerings. Fundraising for Sacred Ways Foundation. "MITAKUYE OYASIN" or "WE ARE ALL RELATED" is a Lakota phrase at the center of the 'way of life' of the indigenous people of the world. It is also the corner stone of today's PSYCHEDELIC RENAISSANCE. In a time where we are experiencing the emergence of psychedelic as a new pathway to explore the limit of the mind and a solution to societal crisis, Francois Demange (Metsa Nihue) and Kelly Jennings (Kapomo) both initiated in the lineages of the Quechua's, Shipibos, Lakota, Dene, Mazatec, Tsitujiles, Awajun and Meshicas...bring the beauty of indigenous wisdom into the context of our everyday life. Everything is energy ... it is all interconnected... Being and Becoming the Medicine, is a gathering to experience at first hand the ritual of energy blessings, medicine songs and offerings. Come and witness, Participate in an emergent process of connection, Be in the Conversations where the WATER is listening, where SPACE, a co-creation of our presence SPEAKS... Indigenous Wisdom and Psychedelics today. Songs, Icaros, Indigenous Wisdom, Ritual and Conversations. The Space where Water Listens. Re-Membering your Essence. Connecting to Oneness. Francois Demange whose indigenous name is Metsa Nihue (meaning “Good Wind”) is an internationally known healer who specialises in traditional Amazonian lineages. He trained in the Peruvian Amazon for fifteen years under the guidance of the Quechua-Lamistas, Aguarunas, and the Shipibo indigenous peoples. He has since been in practice leading grandmother retreats and plant medicine rituals in South America building awareness for communities from the US, Europe, and Canada for more than twenty eight years. He comes as the most highly recommended practitioner by many accredited scholars in the field of psychedelic study and by leaders in organisations dedicated to research in these fields. He is a Reiki master healer and a Sun Dancer with the Dakota Tipi Nation of Canada, initiated in the Bwiti healing art and ceremonies of the Iboga tradition in Gabon by Maman Bernadette Ribiennot, and part of the Native American Church of the Denee Nation. He brings these lineages and practices together in ceremony to provide a powerful healing transmission and awakening our western culture into a collective consciousness resonance rooted in everyday life reality. Kelly whose indigenous name is Kapomo is dedicated to the evolution of our planetary consciousness and culture through radical self-care, transformational individual and group healing experiences, and shamanic Qi Gong transmission. She's mother to a mixed family of 5, daughter to a Chilean mamá and Aruban raised father and wife to a renegade French/Peruvian. She's a naturopathic physician and Chinese medicine practitioner, informed by two decades of ritual practice and training with indigenous healers from the Shipibo, Mayan, Moshica, Daoist and Quechua traditions. Her work is inspired by this question: How are we becoming the elders our children are yearning for? Please note all profits from this gathering will go to Sacred Ways Foundation. Please donate what you can afford to. Find us on social media: @numinity.collective Join our Whatsapp Group for new event updates.
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The Internet of Things (IoT) promises a wide range of benefits for industry, energy and utility companies, municipalities, healthcare, and consumers. Data can be collected in extraordinary volume and detail regarding almost anything worth measuring, such as public health and safety, the environment, industrial and agricultural production, energy, and utilities.
In the past, popular thought treated artificial intelligence (AI) as if it were the domain of science fiction or some far-flung future. In the last few years, however, AI has been given new life. The business world has especially given it renewed interest. However, AI is not just another technology or process for the business to consider - it is a truly disruptive force.