Developing a network of MHFA Champions is a key step in creating a mentally healthy workplace. The MHFA Champion one-day course will give you all the skills you need to be an MHFA Champion. This one-day course trains you as an MHFA Champion, giving you: An understanding of common mental health issues Knowledge and confidence to advocate for mental health awareness Ability to spot signs of mental ill-health Skills to support positive wellbeing 1 Introduction to MHFA and understanding mental health (3 hours 30 mins) About Mental Health First Aid About mental health and stress in the workplace Stigma and discrimination Depression Anxiety disorders Other mental health issues (eating disorders, self-harm, psychosis) Early warning signs of mental ill-health Alcohol, drugs and mental health 2 MHFA Champion in practice (3 hours 30 mins) Applying the Mental Health First Aid action plan Action 1: Approach the person, assess and assist with any crisis Suicide Action 2: Listen and communicate non-judgementally Action 3: Give support and information Action 4: Encourage the person to get appropriate professional help Action 5: Encourage other supports Recovery Building a mentally healthy workplace Action planning for using MHFA
If you are a Mental Health First Aider or MHFA Champion you have skills for life that support you and the people around you. We believe that mental health should be treated equally to physical health - and just like physical first aid, Mental Health First Aid training should be kept up to date. The four-hour MHFA Refresher course will empower you to: Keep your awareness of mental health supports current Update your knowledge of mental health and what influences it Practice applying the Mental Health First Aid action plan Outline About mental health Stress and factors that influence mental health Mental health continuum and stigma Frame of reference and non-judgement Reintroducing ALGEE Warning signs of mental ill-health Depression and anxiety Suicide and first aid for suicidal crisis Psychosis and first aid for severe psychotic episodes Practising our MHFA sills Self-care, wellbeing and recovery
Empower Mental Health First Aiders and Champions to maintain their skills with regular Refresher training. Just like physical first aid, we recommend that you refresh your skills every two to three years. (Certificate expires after 3 years). If it's time to update your skills, book onto an MHFA Refresher course now and feel confident that you are performing your vital role safely.
The One Day - MHFA Champion Course teaches you how to identify when a person might be experiencing a mental health issue and how to guide them to get the help they need.
Become an MHFA Champion in just one day, gaining an understanding of common mental health issues, the confidence to advocate for awareness, the skills to recognise signs of mental ill health, and the ability to support positive wellbeing."
This introductory three hour session raises awareness of young people’s mental health. It covers: Some of the common mental health issues affecting young people, including depression, anxiety, eating disorders and psychosis Skills to work more effectively with young people living with mental health issues Ways to support young people with a mental health issue and relate to their experiences