This course provides detailed safeguarding adults & children awareness, including essential knowledge in the recognition and reporting of abuse and neglect, procedures and responsibilities. This is for all workforce involved in Social Care from the health, public, independent, or voluntary sectors. This subject forms standard 10 & 11 in The Care Certificate.
This course is designed to enable learners to increase their understanding of risk assessment and risk management in Health and Social Care settings.
This course provides learners with the knowledge they need to respond appropriately to behaviours that may challenge, including how to communicate effectively, understand why individuals may display behaviours, and problem solve with the individual.
The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 Emergency First Aid at Work
An instructor-led leadership learning programme based on emotional intelligence and social neuroscience, designed to boost leadership 'PowerSkills.' A practical programme that provides leaders with a learning journey that equips them with the tools and techniques to connect, empathise, communicate effectively, build employee engagement and influence.
This dynamic programme empowers attendees to enhance their emotional intelligence, forge meaningful connections in every interaction, engage in impactful coaching conversations, and cultivate resilience and psychological safety. Through interactive workshops, compelling discussions, and practical exercises, participants will acquire skills and insights necessary to foster a space for collaboration helping shape an environment of trust and openness in their professional and personal spaces
It is estimated that more than 1.2 million people in the UK are living with a learning disability. Healthcare and social care workers must have an adequate understanding of the needs of people with learning disabilities. It is also essential that they listen to the needs, hopes and aspirations of those living with learning disabilities, their careers, friends, and families. An improved knowledge, together with current guidance and best practice recommendations help to improve the care provided to people who have learning disabilities.
This Key Worker Skills training course will focus on the roles and responsibilities of the key worker with vulnerable young people in line with legislation and good practice guidelines. The successful care and provisions in place in a residential setting is dependent upon how effective and supported the staff team is. This Key Worker Skills training will enable those in the position of key worker and those considering the position to gain insight and understanding with regards to the importance and difference this role can play in an individual’s life.
Infection prevention and control is essential for all businesses, particularly where the working environment or work activities could put employees and those around them at risk of infection. This includes those working in healthcare, in close contact with people or animals, and those involved in the cleaning of human and animal waste. Infections can be easily spread, but by understanding the correct steps to take, the risk of their occurrence can be both prevented and controlled.
All employees should be aware of and knowledgeable about health and safety in the workplace. This course is ideal for all staff and employees at all levels, providing them with the underpinning health and safety knowledge that they will require to work safely and efficiently on a daily basis.