Understanding, working with and leading systems that promote patient safety in this way will become increasingly important for all health care providers and this course will help to build a solid foundation in this crucial subject to enhance your career and improve your patient care.
This Health & Safety in the Care Sector Course works alongside, and helps, learners understand Standard 13 of the Care Certificate. This Standard touches on the legislation, policies & responsibilities relating to Health & Safety in the care sector, as well as looking at accidents and sudden illnesses.
This update meets the recommendations of Public Health England and Public Health Wales National Minimum Standards and Core Curriculum for Immunisation Training of Healthcare Support Workers (2015).
Supervising First Aid for Mental Health FAA Level 3 Award in supervising First Aid for Mental Health (RQF). Award in Leading First Aid for Mental Health at SCQF Level 6. This course builds on the Level 2/5 Award in First Aid for Mental Health and covers a wider range of mental health conditions. Goes into detail on the range of therapy and professional support that a person may be given by professional bodies during treatment for a mental health condition.
This awareness course is suitable for everyone. It provides learners with the knowledge to recognise a suspected mental health condition, the skills to start a conversation, and be able to signpost a person towards professional help.
2 Day Supervising First Aid for Mental Health course is a specialized program catering to leaders and supervisors, equipping them with essential skills to foster a mentally healthy work environment.
P404 Air Sampling of Asbestos and MMMF and Requirements for a Certificate of Reoccupation Following Clearance of Asbestos is the industry standard qualification for those whose work involves air sampling and clearance testing, such as asbestos analysts. In addition to holding the qualification, they are required to undertake and provide evidence of annual refresher training. RP404 Refresher is a new course, specifically designed to meet this requirement. RP404 Refresher enables candidates to revise and update their knowledge on air sampling and clearance testing techniques, and to receive a certificate of course completion by passing a written examination, which covers both the theory and practice of air sampling and clearance testing.
What are the aims of this course? Define mental health Identify and explain mental health facts and fiction Understand key legislation relating to mental health Explain how mental health care has evolved over time Identify common signs and symptoms Understand common mental health disorders Recognise common attitudes towards mental ill-health and the impacts these can have Explain the concept of parity of esteem Know how to support people and offer advice