Catheter care training is aimed at people working in health and care settings. The course provides staff members with the knowledge and understanding on performing safe changing and emptying of catheter bags.
"Empower educators and healthcare professionals with evidence-based teaching strategies and practical assessment methods through our 'Promoting Best Practice in Teaching and Assessing Medicines Management' course. Ensure safe and competent medication administration practices among healthcare learners. Enroll now."
This session covers the legal aspects of documentation and record keeping in healthcare.
Learn Angelic Reiki with multi-award winning Master Teacher, Jayn Lee-Miller, who was one of the first to work professionally with angels and is now approaching her 18th year of teaching Angelic Reiki. Please email for full details of this healing module which has been channelled through the Archangel Metatron especially for this time as the consciousness of humanity is collectively ascending to fifth dimension. The Angelic Kingdom of Light is assisting in helping us hold a place of unconditional love to help us remember the divine beings we truly are. In Angelic Reiki you are attuned by Angels to The Angelic Kingdom of Light and during healing exchanges you actually become the Angel you are channelling.
This course explores ‘What is diabetes’ and the basic anatomy and physiology of what happens to cause diabetes, management, short & long term complications, and caring for someone with diabetes.
Learn to teach basic life support effectively with our "Promoting Best Practice in Basic Life Support Instruction" course. Ideal for healthcare professionals, educators, and individuals interested in life-saving interventions.
Gain comprehensive knowledge and practical skills in asthma and anaphylaxis management with our evidence-based training course. Ideal for healthcare professionals, educators, and patient care providers. Optimise patient outcomes with effective emergency response protocols, prevention strategies, and patient education.
HACCP Level 3 Training Courses
Learn the safe and precise technique of microsuctioning for earwax and foreign object removal with our comprehensive course for healthcare professionals.
Birth Right Hypnobirthing is a full antenatal birth preparation course for pregnancy. Particularly useful for those who are scared of giving birth. Whether this is your first or tenth baby this information is essential. Whether you're looking for a natural birth or support for your caesarean birth this course will support you and give you the tools for the best birth for you.