Discuss the issues Couples therapy Rebuild the trust Speak to both parties separately 3 couples sessions together Analyse the cheating issue Implement the resolution and moving forward Relationship training programme Communication exercise Trust rebuild and transparency implementation for future issues 1 hour x 3 https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/couples-cheating-and-lying-package/
A one-day training for counsellors, nurses, managers and healthcare practitioners who want to learn how to set up and facilitate Reflective Practice groups. Reflective Practice is the cornerstone of professionalism in healthcare. It develops clinical skills, improves decision-making, enhances work satisfaction, and reduces burnout.
Definition of Safeguarding Legislation & agreed ways of working Definition of Safeguarding Legislation & agreed ways of working Every child matters guidance Myths and statistics Effects on young people Leadership/worker skills Common indicators of abuse Reporting of abuse and potential abuse Barriers to reporting abuse Understanding the types of abuse Recognising acts, signs and symptoms of abuse Who is vulnerable / at risk The role of dignity in safeguarding Legislation and policies and procedure What to do should you have a concern Overview of prevent How to respond to an individual should they disclose a concern
A four-hour workshop on how to retain your talented Neurodiverse colleagues and ensure equality in employment opportunities.
Just had an argument with your girlfriend or boyfriend want to sort it out? Need assistance? An M.D.D date coach will call both of you once a day for 30minutes for one week and mediate on your behalf and do a session together at the end of the week to help you both see the other person’s point of view. (This package is only for couples who have a problem and both parties want to resolve the issue) https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/m-d-d-couples-drama-package/
4 sessions Assessment calls to each party Rebuilding damaged trust Addressing all the problems Ascertaining each other’s needs Relationship exercise and training programme Couples dating coaching and relationship improvement training How to be a better partner programme for both partners(exercise) Eliminating past conflict issues Following new relationship principles to eliminate conflict and confrontation 1 hour X 4 https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/i-caught-my-partner-texting-someone-else-package/
Resolving a disagreement Assessment of the situation Trust and communication building Emotional intelligence training Dating coach advice methods Implementation strategies of relationship building Happiness satisfaction relationship training Professional mediation to avoid breakup Listening to both parties Addressing relationship growth arenas in each session 4 sessions 1 hour x 4 https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/couples-mediation-package/
Communication Advice on how to strengthen the relationship Trust building strategies Relationship training Assessment Phone couples therapy 5 sessions on the phone with you and your partner 1 hour x 5 https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/how-can-i-maintain-my-long-distance-relationship-package/
A two-day Immunisation Training Course for Healthcare Support Workers/Healthcare Assistants (HCSWs/HCAs).
In a personal session of 60 min. there is space for any transformation you would love to achieve. If you have questions, especially those realated to your sensitivity or giftednesss, and want to open the space of spiritual guidance, for healing and clearing, this session could assist you deeply and with long-term effects on your development. It will be held online via Zoom - and you are most welcome!