A practical ear care course for Healthcare Support Workers. Develop safe practice in ear irrigation (syringing) which attracts a high level of litigation.
This session covers the legal aspects of documentation and record keeping in healthcare for Healthcare Assistants.
A course for Healthcare Assistants, designed to give a broader understanding of anatomy and physiology of the skin and giving ability in recognising lesions, lumps and bumps.
Includes assisting in minor surgery and chaperone training for invasive medical procedures. This course explores the role of Healthcare Support Workers assisting registered medical practitioners in caring for people undergoing minor medical procedures.
To understand and interpret a wide variety of blood results with particular emphasis on musculoskeletal conditions.
Full Moon Kirtan & Cacao meditation circle
See more details and prices on my website. https://susanmetwaliyoga.com
What is Reggaeton? It is a blend of Jamaican music with Dancehall & Hip Hop, and the lyrics are mainly in Spanish. Reggaeton became popular in the early 90s within the Latin American you and spread to North America, Europe & Asia. The dancing is very engaging, smooth and versatile. You will experience a real workout, especially in your hips, shoulders and legs toning, it is the real deal!
Participants at this workshop will have the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills using a coaching style technique and practice these skills in a conducive manner during the session.
This is a two-day course designed for ward, department and team managers in healthcare. It is suitable for both aspiring ward, department and team managers and those already in post.