This one day masterclass is designed to provide a practical application of the content that is covered within The DEI Playbook and is aimed at anyone tasked with launching and implementing diversity and inclusion within their organisation.
Creating Family Friendly Museums – Afternoon Cuppa Session Tuesday 25 March 2025, 2-3.30pm Join us for an informal virtual briefing and discussion session, featuring exciting updates from Kids in Museums. We will be sharing information about the updated Kids in Museums Manifesto and the Family Friendly Museum Award 2025. The Kids in Museums Manifesto is a set of simple guidelines for museums, heritage sites and cultural organisations, which we update every two years. Between October and December 2024, we consulted hundreds of children, young people and families about what makes a heritage site a great place to visit. In this session, we will reveal the new version of the Manifesto, along with low and no cost changes you could make to enhance your museum’s family provision. You will also hear more about the Kids in Museums Family Friendly Museum Award, which recognises the venues that are most welcoming, fun, and accessible for families. In this session, you will: find out about the updated version of the Kids in Museums Manifesto gain an insight into what children, young people and families think about museums, heritage sites and cultural organisations hear a range of practical ideas to inspire your family friendly provision gain inspiration from a case study from the winner of the Best Small Museum at the Family Friendly Museum Award 2024 – National Civil War Centre, Newark. They will talk about their work with families and how their success in the 2024 Family Friendly Museum Award has impacted the museum. informally share more about your current family offer and how you can put ideas from the session into practice. Please bring your own cuppa and snacks! Take a look at the full schedule. This event will be delivered virtually over one and a half hours.
Discover your special powers, receive insights and deep healing together with an abundance of light codes taking your life to the next level!
This programme helps communicators to prepare for and deliver an effective speech. Here, you learn to motivate people by speaking to them in terms of the benefits they will receive by taking action. Each instructional segment is followed by participant speeches that put the newly-learned skills into action. We cover public speaking fear and how to move forward despite it, as well as increasing enthusiasm. This builds speaker confidence. By organising information clearly for the audience, participants grow in their conviction and are perceived more as experts. Delegates will be able to: Work through fear of public speaking; Build confidence and enthusiasm by creating meaningful, memorable speeches; Develop greater abilities for thinking and speaking with less preparation; Minimise self-defeating speech and behavior; and Present ideas to, and inspire the audience. Online Format—Introduction to Public Speaking is a 4-hour interactive virtual class. Register for this class and you will be sent ONLINE login instructions prior to the class date. Working with Dr. Atkins of Improving Communications has been a very positive experience. Everything about the program is exemplary! Managers have made it a point to tell me how pleased they are with the improvements made in the communications skills of the participants. The Professional Development Workshop is an extremely effective program. The participants are looking forward to follow-up sessions with Dr. Atkins and we recommend his programs. Heather Ragone, Training ManagerNetwork General
‘Collage is a metaphor for any discovering, gathering ad reweaving of energy bits already formed and present in the universe. A new and personal creation can be made from the ever-present divine chaos of images all around us. Just choose, assemble, name and then inhabit your SoulCollage® cards’ -Seena Frost. Originator/birther of SoulCollage® When we come together to make SoulCollage® in community, amazing things happen. There is a magic in the paradoxes built into this journey that only requires you coming along with your curiosity and imagination. No artistic genius recquired whatsoever. Just your presence! Images have things to say to us. They can call us through our hearts, our instinctual knowing, and our open intuitive minds. In this sense, images offer us potals and openings to a deep wisdom stream. All you need to do is be open to the images that are asking for your attention. Then you make a collage, then you listen to what it wants you to know. It is simple, and prodound. Because SoulCollage® is a transformational experience, it is hard to convery this in writing. Here are some things people have said about a SoulCollage® session at The Soul Shed: "Loved this workshop, from start to finish it made my heart sing. It was a feast for the soul with words and images that were crafted into something rich and deep for me" -J.E "What stood out for me was how it just happened thing alchemised into another thing” - L.B "I'd describe it as a good way to reconnect with your creative side, relax and maybe gain insight into what is happening inside you" - D.F. This is an in place event in a creative studio in the delightful village of Hartley Wintney. You might like to linger after we close and take a look at the local crafts and antique shops, or take a stroll around the village green just outside of where we will be for the day. It is really quite unique. Getting there: Full directions by car to the venue will come in the follow up to your booking. There is free weekend parking. The nearest train station is Winchfield.
We will review some familiar functions of the Old Testament in Spiritual Direction, and then move on to explore some different ways to make use of less familiar OT stories and poems. Our investigation will be a mix of input, conversation, and prayer … and have a Bible at hand!
Discover your special powers, receive insights and deep healing together with an abundance of light codes taking your life to the next level!
This session will provide a clear update for governors as to the latest developments in terms of risk, updates on statutory guidance and KCSIE requirements from the governance perspective, and an overview of what the safeguarding team should be working on.
Want to get rid of the burden of heavy calculations? On the off chance that you have ever been keen on speeding up your Mathematics multiple times quicker with Vedic Math, Mental Math tricks and shortcuts for GMAT, Olympiad, then Best Techniques To Speed Up Your Mathematics will be the best opportunity for you. Through this course, you will receive lots of tips and tricks which will become a component of your calculations. Besides, numerous know-how of Vedic Mathematics also covered in this course which can easily apply in today's Math. By the time you complete this course, you will be set to perform large calculations and enhanced your Mathematics skills. To sum up, this course will be remarkably helpful for individuals who have interest in doing complicated multiplication in less time. What Will I Learn? Apply ' Digital Sum' technique of vedic Mathematics to find right options in multiple choice questions with in a few seconds. Short cuts for 'Time & Work' explained in 11 lectures with lots of practice problems. Find day of the week when any old or coming date is given without counting odd days and leap years Count number of squares , rectangles and triangles with the help of short cut tricks Find answer in 2 seconds of simplification problems like 1/6 +1/12+1/20+1/30+1/42+1/50+1/72+1/90+1/110+1/132 Apply short cuts to solve fraction series like 3/1²Ã2² + 5/ 2²Ã3² + 7/ 3²Ã4² +.............19/9²Ã10² Simplify in 2 seconds problems like ( 1 - 1/3 ) ( 1 - 1/4 ) ( 1 - 1/5 ) ( 1 - 1/6) ........ ( 1 - 1/50 ) Find the solution of complicated repeated square root problems like â5(â5(â5(â5))) in two seconds Squaring any two digit numbers,decimal and non decimal with the help of vedic math technique Squaring any three digit numbers,decimal and non decimal with the help of vedic math technique Able to find square root of any digit number which are not perfect square easily with a special short trick Able to find cube root of any digit number which are not perfect cube easily with a special short trick With Vedic Maths techniques, Multiplying any digit number by 9 ; 99 ; 999 ; 9999999 etc faster than calculator like 47356 à 99999 and 345 à 99999 Multiplying two numbers of any digit in a single line with the help of very fast technique of Vedic mathematics 'Vertically and Crosswise' Multiply any two digit number or any big number by 11,22 and 33 in brain faster than the calculator . Learn how to find remainder when any big digit number is divided by 9 without actually dividing , faster than calculator With Vedic Maths techniques, Multiplying two large numbers of same digits below the base 1000 ;10000 ;100000 etc in 2 seconds like 996 Ã995, 9991 à 9992 Multiplying two numbers of same digits above the base 1000 ;10000 ;100000 etc in 2 seconds like 105 Ã106 , 1003 à 1007, 100001 à 100006 Multiplication of numbers one above the base and the other less than the base like 1 0 5 à 9 4 ; 1 0 02 à 996 etc in 2 seconds Multiplying any digit number by 5 , 25 and 125 very fast within 2 seconds. Squaring numbers that end in 5 faster than calculator Requirements Knowledge of mathematics up to fifth grade Knowledge of the Times Tables up to 9 A pen/ pencil and paper Who is the target audience? GMAT, GRE, CAT, Maths Olympiad, Banking Exams and University entrance exams students looking to increase calculation power with the help of Vedic Maths Shortcuts Whoever wants to learn to do calculations without calculator Whoever wants to increase Math power, skill and get rid of fear of Maths School students want to learn short tricks , wants to increase concentration Middle school and High school students want to do calculations many times faster Introduction Lecture 1 Introduction.mp4 FREE 00:02:00 Section 2 Lecture 2 Multiplying any digit number by 11, 22, and 33 00:09:00 Section 3 Lecture 3 Finding remainder when a number of any digits is divided by 9.mp4 00:04:00 Section 4 Lecture 4 Multiplying any digit number by series of 9; 99; 999; 99999 Part 1.mp4.TS 00:08:00 Lecture 5 Multiplying any digit number by series of 9; 99 ; 999 ; 99999 Part 2.mp4 00:07:00 Section 5 Lecture 6 Product of two numbers below the base number 100; 1000 etc.mp4 00:08:00 Lecture 7 Multiplication of Numbers above the base 1000; 10000; 100000 etc.mp4 00:08:00 Lecture 8 Multiplication of numbers one above the base and second less than the base.mp4 00:06:00 Section 6 Lecture 9 multiplying any two digit numbers using Vertically and Crosswise.mp4 00:04:00 Lecture 10 Multiplying three digit numbers using Vertically and Crosswise.mp4 00:05:00 Section 7 Lecture 11 Multiplying any digit number by 5, 25, and 125 faster than calculator.mp4 00:07:00 Section 8 Lecture 12 Squaring numbers that end in 5 using Vedic Math.mp4.TS 00:04:00 Lecture 13 Squaring two digit numbers mentally Using Vedic Math technique.mp4 00:06:00 Lecture 14 Squaring three digit numbers mentally Using Vedic Math technique.mp4 00:05:00 Section 9 Lecture 15 Finding cube of any two digit number faster than calculator.mp4 00:10:00 Section 10 Lecture 16 Approximate value of square root of numbers which are not perfect squares.mp4 00:09:00 Lecture 17 Approximate value of cube root of numbers which are not perfect cubes.mp4 00:05:00 Section 11 Lecture 18 Short tricks to count Number of Squares in given figure.mp4 00:05:00 Lecture 19 Short tricks to count Number of Rectangles in given figure.mp4 00:03:00 Lecture 20 Short tricks to count Number of triangles in given figure.mp4.TS 00:04:00 Section 12 Lecture 21 Finding Day of the week when any date is given in 2 Seconds mentally.mp4 00:12:00 Simplify calculations super fast Lecture 22 Digital sum of a number.mp4 00:04:00 Lecture 23 Digital sum- Addition and Subtraction.mp4 00:10:00 Lecture 24 Digital sums- Multiplication.mp4 00:07:00 Lecture 25 Digital sum- divisions.mp4 00:08:00 Simplification short cuts for complicated fractions and square root problems Lecture 26 Simplification short tricks for complicated fractions.mp4 00:10:00 Lecture 27 Simplification short tricks for fractions series part 1.mp4 00:07:00 Lecture 28 Simplification short tricks for fractions series part 2.mp4 00:05:00 Lecture 29 Simplification short tricks for complicated square root problems.mp4 00:09:00