Session Border Controllers course description
A hands on course covering Session Border Controllers
with a focus on the technical workings of features
commonly found in Session Border Controllers. Hands
on practicals follow each major theory session.
What will you learn
Explain how Session Border Controllers work.
Explain the SIP call flow using a SBC.
Deploy Session Border Controllers
Describe the features found in Session Border Controllers.
Session Border Controllers course details
Who will benefit:
Technical staff working with SIP.
Definitive SIP for engineers
2 days
Session Border Controllers course contents
SIP review
Signalling, media, RTP, SIP, peer to peer, SIP
proxies, SIP call flows.
Hands on: SIP packet
Session Border Controllers
What is a SBC? SBC features, peering scenario,
access scenario, NNI SBC, UNI SBC, enterprise
Hands on: SBC call flows
SBC topology hiding
Header privacy, B2BUA.
Hands on: Header
Session control
Call admissions, QoS, statistics and billing,
redundancy and scalability.
Hands on: SBC
session control
NAT traversal, STUN, ICE, NAT and SIP, NAT
and RTP.
Hands on: SBC and NAT traversal.
SBC and security
DoS, access control, encryption, authentication,
toll fraud, regulatory issues, lawful intercept.
Hands on: Security.
Interoperability mediation
Manipulating SIP headers, IMS, IETF, TISPAN,
SIP-I. SBC interworking.