This workshop has been designed to help managers understand their responsibilities and what they need to do to ensure compliance with current workplace legislation - including the fire safety and CDM regulations. The day will cover the legal background - including an appreciation of how safety legislation has evolved and why; the logic behind recent developments and the implications for staff and employers; key areas of current legislation; roles and responsibilities in health and safety management, including monitoring contractors and suppliers effectively; implementing sound health and safety policies and procedures; getting staff on board, and implementing effective systems. Also, recognising potential risks and hazards and developing strategies to minimise their impact in the workplace. This course will give participants an understanding of: The broader context of the key areas of health and safety regulation which apply to your organisation Existing health and safety practice and guide them in how to shape and implement an effective health and safety policy What they should do and the procedures to support it Potential areas of risk in the workplace - and how to take action to minimise the threat to staff safety How sound health and safety processes can contribute to business performance 1 Understanding the workplace legislation Overview of health and safety and workplace legislation Compliance, the role of the facilities manager, and who is accountable? Breakout session to discuss where we are now and to highlight issues of concern Applying required policies and procedures Developing and implementation/review of the safety policy Communicating with users, clients and contractors Health and safety manual 'Selling' health and safety 2 Key legislation - a practical working guide Asbestos Regulations Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 / 2015 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Regulations 1992 Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 Fire Precautions (Workplace ) Regulations 2006 Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations 1996 Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992 Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1992 REACH - Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of Chemicals Reporting of Injuries, Diseases, and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 1995 Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Regulations 2006 Work Equipment Regulations 3 Controlling contractors Understanding the Regulations Selecting and assessing contractors Understanding and setting accountability Why a method statement? How to apply a permit to work system Safe systems of work Round-table discussion to bring out issues from participants' own experience 4 Risk assessment Understanding your hazards Identifying specialist areas How to undertake these assessments Implementation of sound systems and processes Syndicate exercise identifying where assessments are needed and carrying out assessments 5 Keeping the work environment safe Sick building syndrome and legionella Asbestos Waste management Pest control Provisions for first aid Accident reporting and investigation At-work driver safety Security 6 Fire safety Understanding the Regulatory Reform Fire Safety Order Fire certificates The fire risk assessment Testing fire-fighting equipment? Emergency procedures Workshop to examine the procedures for dealing with different types of emergencies 7 Ergonomics programme Ergonomics - important or irrelevant? Are you complying with HSE regulations? Furniture and equipment Display screen equipment assessments Homeworking - your concern or not? Syndicate exercise to review what to do when relocating or refurbishing an office 8 Inspecting and auditing Role of Health and Safety Executive Inspectors - 'be prepared' FM role Staff/trade union involvement Independent audits Records and reports Communicating the results 9 Action plan Participants to list actions they need to take after the course
This course is for learners gain an awareness of the causes and effects and identify signs and symptoms of Epilepsy, lifestyle issues associated with Epilepsy and plan effective levels of care for people.
This course is for learners who support an individual with epilepsy who may require the administration of emergency medication. In addition to epilepsy awareness, this course includes the knowledge and skills along with competency sign-off for use of emergency medications.
A cardiac arrest can happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time. Every second matters and this course will give you the confidence to act quickly and effectively. Most importantly, the course will also teach defibrillator operators how to perform effective CPR.
Our Anaphylaxis and Adrenaline Auto-Injector course is suitable for people who are responsible for caring for others, whether adults or children, who may have serious allergy. The course includes modules explaining allergic reactions, early recognition of symptoms and crisis management. There is an emphasis on avoiding allergens and the need to be aware of the risks that might be posed by allergies in a caring setting.
BLS Training First Aid Training Mandatory Training
All organisations are legally required to have at least one designated Fire Warden. It's also common sense, given that every year there are nearly 20,000 commercial fires in the UK. This course will help participants: Assess their awareness and knowledge of the principles of fire safety and the associated risks involved at work Understand the responsibilities of being a Fire Warden Understand the main types of firefighting equipment 1 Introduction to fire safety What to do in an emergency Causes and effects of fire The fire warden's duties and responsibilities 2 Fire risk control How to raise the alarm Assembly points, roll calls, drills Fire prevention and fire risk assessment Understanding the fire triangle 3 Practical fire safety Types of portable fire extinguishers Maintenance of firefighting equipment Fire signs In-house checks The fire bag/box
This is an essential programme for members of staff whose role exposes them to aggressive or violent behaviour. 1 What's happening? Issues around us Risks in context Personal experiences 2 Safety fundamentals Following internal policy and procedure Personal safety and lone working Use of technology 3 Nipping issues in the bud Recognising early warning signs Avoiding causing problems for ourselves 4 Calming - Reaching - Controlling Tips and techniques for potentially calming a situation Reaching and building rapport Accelerants - tips on avoiding accelerating a situation Assertiveness techniques Non-verbal behaviour Active listening and the use of questions and distractions Exploring ways forward and identifying win/wins Avoiding the secondary argument Fogging The 'drama triangle' If all else fails 5 Harassment, stalking and on-line bulling What constitutes harassment and definition of stalking On-line bullying Steps to take 6 Reporting principles Importance of incidence reporting Taking care of us What next?
A high-impact programme designed to be fun and to get people fully involved. The first-class, jargon-free content is based on what people need to know in practice, not off-putting legal language. This introductory course covers: Introducing Working Safely: Accidents can happen to anyone. The realities of the human suffering behind the statistics. The importance of personal responsibility. Defining hazard and risk: Focusing on the six broad hazard groups, participants are asked to think about the hazards and risks they come across in their own work. 'Risk assessment' demystified. Identifying common hazards: All the main issues - aggression and violence, asbestos, bullying, chemicals and harmful substances, computer workstations, confined spaces, drugs and alcohol, electricity, fire, getting in and out, height, housekeeping, lighting, manual handling, noise, personal hygiene, plant and machinery, slips and trips, stress, temperature, vehicles and transport, and welfare facilities. Improving safety performance: Bridging the gap between management and workforce, encouraging participants to play their part. Also covered: contract work, inspections, safe systems and permits, protective equipment, signage, emergency procedures, reporting and health checks.