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Learn how to create and manage a successful YouTube channel for your business. This workshop will cover everything you need to know when setting up and using YouTube in your business. You will also learn how to use YouTube analytics to track your channel's performance to help you make improvements.
Learn to craft top-notch videos for your business using your mobile phone in this interactive workshop. Enhance marketing, visibility, and attract more clients through video. All-in-one workshop for diving into the world of business videos. #VideoCreation #BusinessBoost
3 QLS Endorsed Diploma | QLS Hard Copy Certificate Included | 10 CPD Courses | Lifetime Access | 24/7 Tutor Support
Course Overview: This course provides in-depth knowledge of cinematography and directing, including the use of different cameras, lighting setups, metering techniques, and creative direction. Students will learn to master key elements of production and post-production processes. Hourly Session Breakdown: 8 one-hour sessions on Skype.