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This micro-workshop unlocks the power of AI to transform your long-form videos into captivating short content. Learn how to:
Use AI to do the hard work
Identify engaging clips
Craft impactful snippets for social media
Create animated captions
Tweak the output to suit your brand
Leave with the skills to create scroll-stopping short!
None. This workshop has been designed to be easy to follow and understand.
We will send you a recording of the workshop for you to go through at your leisure and yes, we are happy for you to contact us after the workshop to answer any questions you may have. However, we recommend joining our Video Creators Club which provides ongoing support, mentoring, a library of 'How to' use video, our monthly creator's meeting plus a 50% discount off our other workshops.
We are firm believers in the power of video for businesses. Video has the unique ability to enhance your marketing efforts and elevate...