This English for Specific Purposes (ESP) tutoring course is designed to cater to the specific language needs of adult learners in their professional or academic fields. Participants will focus on developing their communication skills in English within their specific area of expertise. Through targeted lessons, practical exercises, and industry-specific materials, learners will enhance their ability to effectively communicate in English within their professional or academic contexts. Course Duration: 10 weeks (40 sessions) Course Objectives: By the end of this course, participants will: 1. Communicate confidently and effectively in English within their specific field. 2. Expand industry-specific vocabulary and terminology. 3. Develop listening skills to understand specialised language and accents. 4. Enhance reading comprehension skills for professional or academic texts. 5. Write accurately and coherently for specific purposes within their field. Course Outline: Week 1: Introduction and Needs Analysis - Introduction to course objectives, expectations, and ESP methodology - Conducting a needs analysis to identify participants' specific language requirements - Establishing individual learning goals and expectations within their field of expertise Week 2: Speaking Skills for Specific Purposes - Developing effective oral communication skills for professional or academic contexts - Practicing role-plays, presentations, and discussions within participants' fields - Enhancing fluency and confidence in expressing ideas and opinions Week 3: Listening Skills for Specific Purposes - Developing listening skills to understand specialised language, accents, and speech patterns - Authentic listening materials related to participants' field of expertise - Strategies for effective note-taking and comprehension of specialised content Week 4: Vocabulary Expansion within Participants' Field - Expanding industry-specific vocabulary and terminology - Exercises and activities to reinforce and practice specialized vocabulary - Incorporating technical terms and jargon into spoken and written communication Week 5: Reading Comprehension for Professional/Academic Texts - Developing reading skills for professional or academic texts within participants' fields - Strategies for skimming, scanning, and understanding complex texts - Identifying main ideas, supporting details, and summarizing key information Week 6: Writing Skills for Specific Purposes - Improving writing skills for specific purposes within participants' field - Practice exercises for writing reports, proposals, academic papers, etc. - Enhancing clarity, coherence, and professional tone in written communication Week 7: Presentation and Public Speaking Skills - Developing effective presentation skills within participants' field - Techniques for organizing content, engaging the audience, and delivering impactful presentations - Practice sessions with feedback and guidance Week 8: Negotiation and Business Communication Skills - Enhancing negotiation and business communication skills for professional contexts - Role-plays and practical exercises for effective communication in meetings, negotiations, etc. - Polishing language and strategies for successful business interactions Week 9: Cross-Cultural Communication - Understanding cultural nuances and adapting communication styles within participants' field - Developing intercultural communication skills for international professional contexts - Practicing effective communication in multicultural environments Week 10: Review and Final Evaluation - Reviewing course content and addressing individual needs - Comprehensive review exercises for all language skills within participants' field - Final evaluation and feedback session Note: This syllabus serves as a guideline and can be customised based on the specific needs, interests, and proficiency levels of the participants. The course may also include guest speakers or industry-specific field trips to provide further immersion and practical application of language skills.
Course Duration: 8 weeks (40 sessions) Course Objectives: By the end of this course, participants will: 1. Communicate effectively and confidently in English in various contexts. 2. Expand vocabulary and improve grammar usage. 3. Develop listening skills to understand a variety of accents and speech patterns. 4. Enhance reading comprehension skills for different types of texts. 5. Write accurately and coherently for different purposes. Course Outline: Week 1: Introduction and Assessment - Introduction to course objectives, expectations, and immersion techniques - Assessing participants' current English proficiency levels - Establishing individual learning goals and expectations Week 2: Speaking and Listening Skills - Developing conversational skills through role-plays, pair work, and group discussions - Listening activities to improve comprehension of different accents and speech speeds - Pronunciation drills and practice for accurate and fluent speech Week 3: Vocabulary Expansion - Building a wide range of vocabulary through contextualised exercises and activities - Strategies for effective vocabulary acquisition and retention - Vocabulary practice in various themes and topics Week 4: Grammar Review and Practice - Reviewing essential grammar structures and rules - Practice exercises and activities for applying grammar rules in context - Error correction and clarification of common grammar mistakes Week 5: Reading Comprehension - Developing reading skills through authentic texts, articles, and short stories - Strategies for improving reading speed and comprehension - Identifying main ideas, supporting details, and inferred meanings Week 6: Writing Skills - Improving writing skills for different purposes: emails, letters, reports, etc. - Practice exercises for organizing ideas, structuring paragraphs, and coherent writing - Peer editing and feedback for enhancing writing proficiency Week 7: Real-Life Simulations - Simulating real-life situations such as job interviews, meetings, and social interactions - Role-plays and interactive activities for practical application of language skills - Building confidence and fluency in using English in authentic contexts Week 8: Review and Final Evaluation - Reviewing course content and addressing individual needs - Comprehensive review exercises for all language skills - Final evaluation and feedback session Note: This syllabus serves as a guideline and can be customised based on the specific needs, interests, and proficiency levels of the participants. The course may also include cultural immersion activities and field trips to enhance the language learning experience. You can opt in and out of different modules.
Learn the basic Communication Skills you need to communicate in REAL, natural Spoken English. This course is for you if you need to learn English.
English as a foreign language Prepare to pass the citizenship English language test (IELTS life skills) Classes from A1 to B1 level of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) . A1-A2 Elementary This course is designed for students of English who have little knowledge of the English language and want to achieve a better level. The course will focus on speaking practice, reading comprehension and pronunciation skills, writing and grammar. The syllabus: countries, numbers, possessive pronouns, days of the week, pronunciation skills (linking, stress, intonation). Family vocabulary and everyday objects; present tense of most common regular and irregular verbs. Asking questions and talking about activities, can and can’t, transports, some and any, how much and how many. Past simple, regular and irregular verbs, ordering food and drinks, dates and other past time phrases, buying tickets, asking politely, past simple, negative forms and questions, shops and shopping for clothes. Comparative adjectives, use of articles, going out and staying in, might and will, education and careers, filling a form, present perfect and sentence stress. Prepositions of movement, going places and describing things in a town, real life: for example, telephoning; consolidation activities. A2 - B1 Pre-intermediate This course will develop further your English language skills acquired with the Elementary course. This course will help you with the preparation for the citizenship test. Each lesson will focus on a grammar topic, vocabulary, reading and pronunciation practice, writing. The syllabus: revision of questions; present simple and frequency phrases. Talking about leisure activities and games, past simple, positive and negative, time phrases (at, on, in ago), describing feelings, talking about daily routines and jobs; should and shouldn’t, present continuous for future arrangements; inviting people; Comparative and superlative adjectives, questions with: how, what and what … like? Describing people; vowel sounds and silent letters, weak forms of prepositions. Quantifiers with countable and uncountable nouns, asking and giving directions. Present tense after if, adjectives for describing places, talking about how things were in the past, used to, past continuous, talking about health. Like and would like, conditional sentences with would, present simple passive and past simple passive, talking about products and personal items, writing a review, giving your opinion. Present perfect continuous and past perfect. Job interviews, getting a job and personal characteristics, meeting people; making suggestions. B1 - B2 Intermediate Asking and answering questions: everyday activities, people around you. The difference between have and have got. Speaking practice. E-mail writing (informal). Pronunciation and stress sounds activities. Past simple and continuous. Pronunciation of the -ed sound for past simple endings. Vocabulary: remembering and forgetting. Listening and speaking: first meetings and childhood memories (used to). Real life: showing interest. Pronunciation: sounding polite. Speaking practice. The sound /w/. Comparatives and superlatives. Describing towns and cities. Readings and discussions topics about travel and places to visit. Phrases for comparing. Design your own tour. Real life: booking a flight. Present perfect simple: strong and weak forms of ‘have’. Describing life events. Speaking: talking about people you admire. Writing task: curriculum vitae. Vocabulary: ‘take’. For, since and ago and the present perfect continuous. Pronunciation: linking. Comparing the past and the present. Future forms and future clauses with if, when etc. Talking about work. How to write a covering letter. Real life: a formal telephone call. Adjectives: -ed/-ing. Extreme adjectives. Write a review of a book/concert. Writing a consumer review. The passive forms. Speaking practice. Ripetizioni d’inglese Who these courses are for: Italian speakers who live in the UK who want to improve their skills to pass the UK citizenship exams (IELTS life skills). for Italian schoolchildren who need to prepare for exams (such as ‘esame di maturita’). for Italian students who want to improve their grades at school or simply need help with homework. for adults who want to improve their English for work or travel. IELTS – International English Language Testing System Life in the UK Test
Do you participate in English-language meetings? Do you got to prepare an agenda in English? And is English your second language? This course is specifically for non-native English speakers needing skills in planning and participating in meetings.
Learn the Spoken Language & Skills you need to rise from the Advanced Level to REAL Proficiency and for studying an English-language college or university.
Learn the Reading and Writing Skills you need to rise from the Advanced Level to REAL Proficiency and for studying an English-language college or university.
Higher Intermediate Communication Training in all 4 Integrated Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. Learn REAL language, not "textbook English".
Lower Intermediate Communication Training in all 4 Integrated Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. Learn the REAL language, not "textbook English".
This course is designed to help adult learners develop the necessary language skills for academic success in an English-speaking environment. Through a combination of reading, writing, listening, and speaking exercises, participants will enhance their abilities to comprehend and produce academic texts, engage in critical thinking, and effectively communicate their ideas in written and spoken English. Course Duration: 12 weeks (24 sessions) Course Objectives: By the end of this course, participants will: 1. Improve their academic vocabulary and understanding of complex grammatical structures. 2. Enhance their reading comprehension skills for academic texts. 3. Develop effective note-taking strategies for lectures and presentations. 4. Enhance their academic writing skills, including essay structure and research techniques. 5. Improve their ability to deliver academic presentations and participate in discussions. 6. Gain familiarity with academic conventions and citation styles. Course Outline: Week 1: Introduction to Academic English - Assessing participants' language proficiency and academic goals - Overview of the course syllabus and expectations - Introduction to academic vocabulary and common idiomatic expressions Week 2: Reading Comprehension - Scanning and skimming techniques for efficient reading - Strategies for understanding main ideas and supporting details - Vocabulary building through reading academic texts Week 3: Note-taking Skills - Effective note-taking during lectures and presentations - Organizing and summarising information - Practice exercises and listening activities Week 4: Academic Writing: Paragraph Structure - Understanding the components of a well-structured paragraph - Developing topic sentences and supporting ideas - Practice exercises on paragraph development Week 5: Academic Writing: Essay Structure - Introduction to essay structure: introduction, body, and conclusion - Crafting clear and concise thesis statements - Developing coherent and well-supported arguments Week 6: Research Skills and Citations - Introduction to academic research techniques - Evaluating sources for credibility and relevance - Understanding and applying citation styles (e.g., APA, MLA) Week 7: Grammar for Academic Writing - Review of essential grammar structures for academic writing - Practice exercises on sentence structure and complex grammar - Common grammatical errors to avoid in academic writing Week 8: Academic Writing: Research Papers - Understanding the research paper format and structure - Conducting literature reviews and integrating sources - Drafting and revising research papers Week 9: Academic Speaking: Presentations - Preparing and delivering effective academic presentations - Using visual aids and engaging the audience - Practicing presentation skills through individual and group activities Week 10: Academic Speaking: Discussions and Debates - Participating in academic discussions and debates - Expressing opinions and supporting arguments effectively - Listening and responding critically to others' viewpoints Week 11: Academic Writing: Critical Analysis - Analyzing and critiquing academic texts - Developing critical thinking and evaluation skills - Writing critical analysis essays Week 12: Review and Final Projects - Reviewing course content and addressing individual needs - Finalizing and presenting individual projects - Course evaluation and feedback session Note: This syllabus is a guideline and can be customised based on the specific needs and preferences of the participants. You can opt in and out of different modules.