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Join us for a round table discussion with Ginger Gregory, CHRO. Inclusive: How to get more Women to the Top? As part of the UKI Wellbeing day we’re inviting everyone to participate in one of a series of roundtable focus groups hosted by HR and Ginger Gregory, our CHRO. These sessions are current organisational challenges designed to foster open dialogue, enhance collaboration, and gather your valuable insights. This is an opportunity to connect, share experiences, and contribute meaningfully to our organisation.
Join us for a round table discussion with Ginger Gregory, CHRO. Think Broadly: How do we create time and space for White Space thinking? As part of the UKI Wellbeing day we’re inviting everyone to participate in one of a series of roundtable focus groups hosted by HR and Ginger Gregory, our CHRO. These sessions are current organisational challenges designed to foster open dialogue, enhance collaboration, and gather your valuable insights. This is an opportunity to connect, share experiences, and contribute meaningfully to our organisation.
Join us for a round table discussion with Ginger Gregory, CHRO. Talent and Drive Results: How can we best leverage talent opportunities in a global organisation? As part of the UKI Wellbeing day we’re inviting everyone to participate in one of a series of roundtable focus groups hosted by HR and Ginger Gregory, our CHRO. These sessions are current organisational challenges designed to foster open dialogue, enhance collaboration, and gather your valuable insights. This is an opportunity to connect, share experiences, and contribute meaningfully to our organisation.