A workshop designed specifically for healthcare professionals to meet the standards of the NHS Serious Incident Framework. The day will provide clinical leaders with practical skills to enable them to undertake a root cause analysis and develop an action plan in order to improve quality and safety in their clinical setting.
The emphasis is on competence, fitness to practice and life-long learning. Underpinning this is that clinical specialists and experts take the lead in teaching and training to develop knowledge and skills. However, not everyone has the tools to teach knowing how to is the key to successful learning, this programme is designed to Train the Trainer.
EUSR Category 1 Locate Utility Services (HSG47) - This course is designed for personnel who are involved in excavating and/or other activities involving breaking ground. This course is often referred to Cat and Genny Training, Cable Avoidance Training or HSG47. Book via our website @ https://www.vp-ess.com/training/utility-detection/eusr-category-1-locate-utility-services-(hsg47)/ or via email at: esstrainingsales@vpplc.com or phone on: 0800 000 346
This course is specifically designed and delivered by Emergency Medicine Doctors, Specialist Paramedics and Specialist Nurses. The Paediatric Minor Illness course is designed for those working in emergency and urgent care settings. Children are often seen as a challenge to clinicians. The Paediatric Minor Illness course exists to look at common minor medical presentations of children and how these can be managed appropriately. Utilising tools to support decision making, the Paediatric Minor Illness course expands knowledge around history taking and examination, red flags and safety netting along with appropriate referral and management options.
This half day course is designed for those people working or volunteering in groups or working on projects who would like some practical tips on making their marketing and publicity more effective.
This half day course is designed for new treasurers, general trustees and management committee members or staff who work in smaller organisations to understand the basics of how to manage the finances within a voluntary or community organisation. It covers all the essential issues ranging from drawing up a budget to ensuring that the organisation has sound financial procedures.
This course, which can be run as a half day (3.5 hours) or a whole day course, is designed to help those who chair or participate in meetings to understand how to run effective meetings that are constructive, concise and actually achieve something! The course can be adapted to cover meetings in general or focus on specific types of meetings such as trustee, director or committee meetings, staff or project meetings.
This half day course is designed for voluntary and community organisations and those involved in community development who need to write funding applications and want to ensure that their bids are clear, focussed and meet the funders’ criteria.
This half day course is designed to help participants plan and promote events, whether for fundraising, social or educational purposes. It provides practical tips on a wide range of subject areas from choosing events to determining budgets and publicity methods. The course can be adapted to take in any type of events or can concentrate on particular areas such as organising fundraising events, conferences or cultural events.
This half day course is designed to help participants in the voluntary and community sector to monitor and evaluate the work of their organisation effectively and ensure that their working practices are robust and fit for purpose. It can also be relevant to those staff in statutory agencies who work on community projects.