Para quién es el curso? Artistas o pintores que quieren pinturas caseros como un negocio. Las personas que tienen un interés en la pintura profesional Requisito de entrada: Este curso está disponible para todos los estudiantes, de todos los antecedentes académicos. Los estudiantes deben tener 16 años o más para realizar la calificación. Se requiere una buena comprensión del idioma inglés, aritmética y TIC para asistir a este curso. Evaluación: Este curso no implica ninguna prueba de MCQ. Los estudiantes deben responder las preguntas de asignación para completar el curso, las respuestas serán en forma de trabajo escrito en PDF o en Word. Los estudiantes pueden escribir las respuestas en su propio tiempo. Una vez que se envÃan las respuestas, el instructor verificará y evaluará el trabajo. Proceso de dar un tÃtulo: Después de completar y aprobar el curso con éxito, podrá obtener un Certificado de Logro Acreditado. Los certificados pueden obtenerse en copia impresa a un costo de £39 o en formato PDF a un costo de £24. Por qué elegirnos? Materiales de estudio de e-learning accesibles, atractivos y de alta calidad; Videos tutoriales / materiales de los principales expertos de la industria; Estudia en una plataforma de aprendizaje en lÃnea avanzada y fácil de usar; Sistemas de examen eficientes para la evaluación y el resultado instantáneo; La calificación acreditada reconocida internacionalmente y en el Reino Unido; Acceda al contenido del curso en dispositivos móviles, tabletas o computadoras desde cualquier lugar en cualquier momento; El beneficio de solicitar la tarjeta de descuento extra de NUS; Asistencia 24/7 por correo electrónico. Trayectoria profesional: Después de completar este curso, podrá desarrollar conocimientos y habilidades precisas con la confianza adecuada para enriquecerse y alegrar su carrera en el mercado laboral relevante. Estrategias de Reclutamiento Módulo Uno: Inicio 00:05:00 Módulo Dos: Definir Y Conocer El Puesto 00:10:00 Módulo Tres: Estrategia De Reclutamiento Y Selección 00:10:00 Módulo Cuatro: Atraer Excelentes Candidatos 00:10:00 Módulo Cinco: Filtrar A Los Aspirantes Para Entrevistar 00:10:00 Módulo Seis: La Entrevista (I) 00:10:00 Módulo Siete: La Entrevista (II) 00:10:00 Módulo Ocho: Proceso De Selección (I) 00:10:00 Módulo Nueve: Proceso De Selección (II) 00:10:00 Módulo Diez: Hacer Una Oferta 00:10:00 Módulo Once: Onboarding 00:10:00 Módulo Doce: Finalizando 00:05:00 Construccion y Gerencia de un Equipo Virtual Módulo Uno: Primeros Pasos 00:05:00 Módulo Dos: Armando su Equipo Virtual (I) 00:30:00 Módulo Tres: Armando su Equipo Virtual (II) 00:30:00 Módulo Cuatro: Reuniones del Equipo Virtual 00:30:00 Módulo Cinco: Comunicación (I) 00:20:00 Módulo Seis: Comunicación (II) 00:30:00 Módulo Siete: Mejorando la Confianza 00:30:00 Módulo Ocho: Problemas Culturales 00:30:00 Modulo Nueve: Tener Ãxito con un Equipo Virtual 00:20:00 Módulo Diez: Lidiando con Gente que no Sabe Jugar en Equipo 00:30:00 Módulo Once: Eligiendo las Herramientas Adecuadas 00:20:00 Módulo Doce: Cierre 00:05:00 Evaluación Presente su tarea 00:00:00 Order Your Certificate and Transcript Order Your Certificates and Transcripts 00:00:00
Para quién es el curso? Artistas o pintores que quieren pinturas caseros como un negocio. Las personas que tienen un interés en la pintura profesional Requisito de entrada: Este curso está disponible para todos los estudiantes, de todos los antecedentes académicos. Los estudiantes deben tener 16 años o más para realizar la calificación. Se requiere una buena comprensión del idioma inglés, aritmética y TIC para asistir a este curso. Evaluación: Este curso no implica ninguna prueba de MCQ. Los estudiantes deben responder las preguntas de asignación para completar el curso, las respuestas serán en forma de trabajo escrito en PDF o en Word. Los estudiantes pueden escribir las respuestas en su propio tiempo. Una vez que se envÃan las respuestas, el instructor verificará y evaluará el trabajo. Proceso de dar un tÃtulo: Después de completar y aprobar el curso con éxito, podrá obtener un Certificado de Logro Acreditado. Los certificados pueden obtenerse en copia impresa a un costo de £39 o en formato PDF a un costo de £24. Por qué elegirnos? Materiales de estudio de e-learning accesibles, atractivos y de alta calidad; Videos tutoriales / materiales de los principales expertos de la industria; Estudia en una plataforma de aprendizaje en lÃnea avanzada y fácil de usar; Sistemas de examen eficientes para la evaluación y el resultado instantáneo; La calificación acreditada reconocida internacionalmente y en el Reino Unido; Acceda al contenido del curso en dispositivos móviles, tabletas o computadoras desde cualquier lugar en cualquier momento; El beneficio de solicitar la tarjeta de descuento extra de NUS; Asistencia 24/7 por correo electrónico. Trayectoria profesional: Después de completar este curso, podrá desarrollar conocimientos y habilidades precisas con la confianza adecuada para enriquecerse y alegrar su carrera en el mercado laboral relevante. Estrategias de Reclutamiento Módulo Uno: Inicio 00:05:00 Módulo Dos: Definir Y Conocer El Puesto 00:10:00 Módulo Tres: Estrategia De Reclutamiento Y Selección 00:10:00 Módulo Cuatro: Atraer Excelentes Candidatos 00:10:00 Módulo Cinco: Filtrar A Los Aspirantes Para Entrevistar 00:10:00 Módulo Seis: La Entrevista (I) 00:10:00 Módulo Siete: La Entrevista (II) 00:10:00 Módulo Ocho: Proceso De Selección (I) 00:10:00 Módulo Nueve: Proceso De Selección (II) 00:10:00 Módulo Diez: Hacer Una Oferta 00:10:00 Módulo Once: Onboarding 00:10:00 Módulo Doce: Finalizando 00:05:00 Integracion (Onboarding) de Empleados Módulo Uno: Primeros Pasos 00:05:00 Módulo Dos: Propósitos del Onboarding 00:10:00 Módulo Tres: Introducción 00:10:00 Módulo Cuatro: Preparación para el Onboarding 00:10:00 Módulo Cinco: Planilla de Control del Onboarding 00:10:00 Módulo Seis: Creando un Programa que Involucre 00:10:00 Módulo Siete: Haciendo el Seguimiento con los Nuevos Empleados 00:10:00 Módulo Ocho: Estableciendo las Expectativas 00:10:00 Módulo Nueve: Resiliencia y Flexibilidad 00:10:00 Módulo Diez: Asignando Tareas 00:10:00 Módulo Once: Proveyendo Comentarios y Opiniones 00:10:00 Módulo Doce: Cierre 00:05:00 Evaluación Presente su tarea 00:00:00
Para quién es el curso? Artistas o pintores que quieren pinturas caseros como un negocio. Las personas que tienen un interés en la pintura profesional Requisito de entrada: Este curso está disponible para todos los estudiantes, de todos los antecedentes académicos. Los estudiantes deben tener 16 años o más para realizar la calificación. Se requiere una buena comprensión del idioma inglés, aritmética y TIC para asistir a este curso. Evaluación: Este curso no implica ninguna prueba de MCQ. Los estudiantes deben responder las preguntas de asignación para completar el curso, las respuestas serán en forma de trabajo escrito en PDF o en Word. Los estudiantes pueden escribir las respuestas en su propio tiempo. Una vez que se envÃan las respuestas, el instructor verificará y evaluará el trabajo. Proceso de dar un tÃtulo: Después de completar y aprobar el curso con éxito, podrá obtener un Certificado de Logro Acreditado. Los certificados pueden obtenerse en copia impresa a un costo de £39 o en formato PDF a un costo de £24. Por qué elegirnos? Materiales de estudio de e-learning accesibles, atractivos y de alta calidad; Videos tutoriales / materiales de los principales expertos de la industria; Estudia en una plataforma de aprendizaje en lÃnea avanzada y fácil de usar; Sistemas de examen eficientes para la evaluación y el resultado instantáneo; La calificación acreditada reconocida internacionalmente y en el Reino Unido; Acceda al contenido del curso en dispositivos móviles, tabletas o computadoras desde cualquier lugar en cualquier momento; El beneficio de solicitar la tarjeta de descuento extra de NUS; Asistencia 24/7 por correo electrónico. Trayectoria profesional: Después de completar este curso, podrá desarrollar conocimientos y habilidades precisas con la confianza adecuada para enriquecerse y alegrar su carrera en el mercado laboral relevante. Aprendizaje Social Módulo Uno: Primeros Pasos 00:05:00 Módulo Dos: Estableciendo la Dinámica Grupal Correcta (I) 00:10:00 Módulo Tres: Estableciendo la Dinámica Grupal Correcta (II) 00:15:00 Módulo Cuatro: Desarrollar una Cultura de Aprendizaje Social en el Trabajo (I) 00:15:00 Módulo Cinco: Desarrollar una Cultura de Aprendizaje Social en el Trabajo (II) 00:15:00 Módulo Seis: Desarrollar una Cultura de Aprendizaje Social en el Trabajo (III) 00:15:00 Módulo Siete: Juego de Roles (I) 00:15:00 Módulo Ocho: Juego de Roles (II) 00:15:00 Módulo Nueve: Utilizando las Herramientas Correctas (I) 00:15:00 Módulo Diez: Utilizando las Herramientas Correctas (II) 00:15:00 Módulo Once: Aprendizaje por Modelado y Observacional 00:15:00 Módulo Doce: Cierre 00:05:00 Ciudadania Digital Módulo Uno: Primeros Pasos 00:05:00 Módulo Dos: ¿Qué es la CiudadanÃa Digital? 00:30:00 Módulo Tres: Ser un Buen Ciudadano 00:30:00 Módulo Cuatro: Prácticas Ãptimas para Compartir 00:30:00 Módulo Cinco: Tendido de Redes y Marca Personal (I) 00:30:00 Módulo Seis: Tendido de Redes y Marca Personal (II) 00:30:00 Módulo Siete: Seguridad Digital (I) 00:30:00 Módulo Ocho: Seguridad Digital (II) 00:20:00 Módulo Nueve: Lidiando con el Lado Oscuro 00:20:00 Módulo Diez: Etiqueta Digital (I) 00:20:00 Módulo Once: Etiqueta Digital (II) 00:20:00 Módulo Doce: Cierre 00:05:00 Evaluación Presente su tarea 00:00:00 Order Your Certificate and Transcript Order Your Certificates and Transcripts 00:00:00
Para quién es el curso? Artistas o pintores que quieren pinturas caseros como un negocio. Las personas que tienen un interés en la pintura profesional Requisito de entrada: Este curso está disponible para todos los estudiantes, de todos los antecedentes académicos. Los estudiantes deben tener 16 años o más para realizar la calificación. Se requiere una buena comprensión del idioma inglés, aritmética y TIC para asistir a este curso. Evaluación: Este curso no implica ninguna prueba de MCQ. Los estudiantes deben responder las preguntas de asignación para completar el curso, las respuestas serán en forma de trabajo escrito en PDF o en Word. Los estudiantes pueden escribir las respuestas en su propio tiempo. Una vez que se envÃan las respuestas, el instructor verificará y evaluará el trabajo. Proceso de dar un tÃtulo: Después de completar y aprobar el curso con éxito, podrá obtener un Certificado de Logro Acreditado. Los certificados pueden obtenerse en copia impresa a un costo de £39 o en formato PDF a un costo de £24. Por qué elegirnos? Materiales de estudio de e-learning accesibles, atractivos y de alta calidad; Videos tutoriales / materiales de los principales expertos de la industria; Estudia en una plataforma de aprendizaje en lÃnea avanzada y fácil de usar; Sistemas de examen eficientes para la evaluación y el resultado instantáneo; La calificación acreditada reconocida internacionalmente y en el Reino Unido; Acceda al contenido del curso en dispositivos móviles, tabletas o computadoras desde cualquier lugar en cualquier momento; El beneficio de solicitar la tarjeta de descuento extra de NUS; Asistencia 24/7 por correo electrónico. Trayectoria profesional: Después de completar este curso, podrá desarrollar conocimientos y habilidades precisas con la confianza adecuada para enriquecerse y alegrar su carrera en el mercado laboral relevante. Seguridad en el Lugar de Trabajo Módulo Uno: Primeros Pasos 00:05:00 Módulo Dos: Un Resumen 00:10:00 Módulo Tres: Tipos de Peligros 00:10:00 Módulo Cuatro: El Rol de la Gerencia 00:10:00 Módulo Cinco: Entrenamiento 00:10:00 Módulo Seis: Manejo del Estrés 00:10:00 Módulo Siete: Violencia en el Lugar de Trabajo 00:10:00 Módulo Ocho: Identificando los Peligros de tu CompañÃa 00:10:00 Módulo Nueve: Abuso de Drogas y Alcohol 00:10:00 Módulo Diez: Escribiendo el Plan de Seguridad 00:10:00 Módulo Once: Implementación del Plan 00:05:00 Módulo Doce: Cierre 00:05:00 Urbanidad en el Lugar de Trabajo Módulo Uno: Primeros Pasos 00:05:00 Módulo Dos: Introducción 00:10:00 Módulo Tres: Etiqueta Efectiva en el Trabajo 00:10:00 Módulo Cuatro: Costos y Recompensas 00:15:00 Módulo Cinco: Resolución De Conflictos 00:10:00 Módulo Seis: Llegando a la Causa 00:10:00 Módulo Siete: Comunicación 00:10:00 Módulo Ocho: Negociación 00:10:00 Módulo Nueve: Identificando Necesidades 00:10:00 Módulo Diez: Escribiendo una PolÃtica de Urbanidad 00:10:00 Módulo Once: Implementando la PolÃtica 00:10:00 Módulo Doce: Cierre 00:05:00 Evaluación Presente su tarea 00:00:00 Order Your Certificate and Transcript Order Your Certificates and Transcripts 00:00:00
Para quién es el curso? Artistas o pintores que quieren pinturas caseros como un negocio. Las personas que tienen un interés en la pintura profesional Requisito de entrada: Este curso está disponible para todos los estudiantes, de todos los antecedentes académicos. Los estudiantes deben tener 16 años o más para realizar la calificación. Se requiere una buena comprensión del idioma inglés, aritmética y TIC para asistir a este curso. Evaluación: Este curso no implica ninguna prueba de MCQ. Los estudiantes deben responder las preguntas de asignación para completar el curso, las respuestas serán en forma de trabajo escrito en PDF o en Word. Los estudiantes pueden escribir las respuestas en su propio tiempo. Una vez que se envÃan las respuestas, el instructor verificará y evaluará el trabajo. Proceso de dar un tÃtulo: Después de completar y aprobar el curso con éxito, podrá obtener un Certificado de Logro Acreditado. Los certificados pueden obtenerse en copia impresa a un costo de £39 o en formato PDF a un costo de £24. Por qué elegirnos? Materiales de estudio de e-learning accesibles, atractivos y de alta calidad; Videos tutoriales / materiales de los principales expertos de la industria; Estudia en una plataforma de aprendizaje en lÃnea avanzada y fácil de usar; Sistemas de examen eficientes para la evaluación y el resultado instantáneo; La calificación acreditada reconocida internacionalmente y en el Reino Unido; Acceda al contenido del curso en dispositivos móviles, tabletas o computadoras desde cualquier lugar en cualquier momento; El beneficio de solicitar la tarjeta de descuento extra de NUS; Asistencia 24/7 por correo electrónico. Trayectoria profesional: Después de completar este curso, podrá desarrollar conocimientos y habilidades precisas con la confianza adecuada para enriquecerse y alegrar su carrera en el mercado laboral relevante. Indagacion Apreciativa Módulo Uno: Primeros Pasos 00:05:00 Módulo Dos: Presentando la Indagación Apreciativa 00:10:00 Módulo Tres: Cambiando la Forma en la que Piensa 00:10:00 Módulo Cuatro: Modelo de las Cuatro D 00:10:00 Módulo Cinco: Modelo de las Cuatro I 00:10:00 Módulo Seis: Estilo de Entrevista de la Indagación Apreciativa 00:10:00 Módulo Siete: Realidad Anticipatoria 00:10:00 Módulo Ocho: El Poder de las Imágenes Positivas 00:10:00 Módulo Nueve: Influenciando el Cambio a Través de la Indagación Apreciativa 00:10:00 Módulo Diez: Entrenamiento y Gerencia con Indagación Apreciativa 00:10:00 Módulo Once: Creando un Núcleo Positivo 00:10:00 Módulo Doce: Cierre 00:05:00 Gestion del Desempeno Módulo Uno: Primeros Pasos 00:05:00 Módulo Dos: Conceptos Básicos (I) 00:10:00 Módulo Tres: Conceptos Básicos (II) 00:10:00 Módulo Cuatro: Establecimiento de Metas 00:10:00 Módulo Cinco: Establecer Metas de Desempeño 00:10:00 Módulo Seis: Comentarios y Opiniones en 360 Grados 00:10:00 Módulo Ocho: El Ciclo de Aprendizaje De Kolb 00:10:00 Módulo Nueve: Motivación 00:10:00 Módulo Diez: El Registro Diario del Desempeño 00:10:00 Módulo Once: Crear una Plan de Desempeño 00:10:00 Módulo Doce: Cierre 00:05:00 Evaluación Presente su tarea 00:00:00 Certificate and Transcript Order Your Certificates and Transcripts 00:00:00
Overview Health careers are always in demand. And having sound knowledge of human anatomy and psychology is beneficial not only for healthcare jobs but also for your personal health. This Advanced Diploma in Anatomy and Physiology course will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of human anatomy and psychology. As a result, you can brace yourself with a promising career in the field of science. In this Advanced Diploma in Anatomy and Physiology course, you'll discover the theoretical and practical functionalities of the human body. The course will provide you with valuable insights into the major body systems and how they interact with each other. Furthermore, you'll get excellent information on the major levels of organisation in the body, such as molecules, cells, tissues and organs. By the end of the training, you will know how the human body develops and changes throughout life. Learning Outcomes Find a comprehensive overview of human psychology and anatomy Learn about the body systems and their functions Enrich your knowledge of the major level of organisations in the body Understand the chemical level of organisation Know the anatomy of the nervous system Determine the functions of the skeletal system Know the types of body movements Broaden your understanding of the cranial nerves Understand the anatomy of the heart Who is the Course for? This Advanced Diploma in Anatomy and Physiology course is suitable for anyone interested in understanding human anatomy and psychology. In addition, the training will open doors to various health career opportunities. Entry Requirement This course is available to all learners, of all academic backgrounds. Learners should be aged 16 or over to undertake the qualification. Good understanding of English language, numeracy, and ICT are required to attend this course. Assessment At the end of the course, you will be required to sit for an online multiple-choice test. Your test will be assessed automatically and immediately so that you will instantly know whether you have been successful. Before sitting for your final exam, you will have the opportunity to test your proficiency with a mock exam. Certification: After completing and passing the course successfully, you will be able to obtain an Accredited Certificate of Achievement. Certificates can be obtained either in hard copy at a cost of £39 or in PDF format at a cost of £24. Why Choose Us? Affordable, well-structured and high-quality e-learning study materials Engaging tutorial videos, materials from the industry-leading experts Opportunity to study in a user-friendly, advanced online learning platform Efficient exam systems for the assessment and instant result UK & internationally recognised accredited qualification Access the course content on mobile, tablet, or desktop from anywhere, anytime Excellent career advancement opportunities 24/7 student support via email. Career Path Advanced Diploma in Anatomy and Physiology Course provides useful skills to possess and would be beneficial for the following professionals: Medical laboratory technician. Physical therapist assistant. MRI technologist. Medical technologist Nurse. Personal trainer. Massage therapist Science teacher Updated Version-Advanced Diploma in Anatomy and Physiology Module 01: The Chemistry of Cells The Chemistry of Cells 00:27:00 Module 02: Cells Cells 00:16:00 Module 03: Cell Division Cell Division 00:19:00 Module 04: Replication and Metabolism Replication and Metabolism 00:20:00 Module 05: Human Tissues Human Tissues 00:25:00 Module 06: Skin Skin 00:16:00 Module 07: Human Skeletal System Human Skeletal System 00:21:00 Module 08: The Muscular System The Muscular System 00:17:00 Module 09: Skeletal Muscle Fibre Skeletal Muscle Fibre 00:23:00 Module 10: Nervous System Nervous System 00:31:00 Module 11: The Brain The Brain 00:25:00 Module 12: Nervous System-Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves Nervous System-Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves 00:15:00 Module 13: Nervous System - Autonomic Nervous System and Cranial Nerves Nervous System - Autonomic Nervous System and Cranial Nerves 00:21:00 Module 14: Nervous System-The Eyes Nervous System-The Eyes 00:15:00 Module 15: Nervous System-The Ears, Hearing, and Equilibrium Nervous System-The Ears, Hearing, and Equilibrium 00:14:00 Module 16: Nervous System-Memory Nervous System-Memory 00:19:00 Module 17: Sensory Systems Sensory Systems 00:23:00 Module 18: Cardiovascular System Cardiovascular System 00:25:00 Module 19: Blood Blood 00:27:00 Module 20: Lymphatics Lymphatics 00:20:00 Module 21: Immune System Immune System 00:26:00 Module 22: Digestive System Digestive System 00:22:00 Module 23: Respiratory System Respiratory System 00:19:00 Module 24: Urinary System Urinary System 00:16:00 Module 25: Male Reproductive System Male Reproductive System 00:31:00 Module 26: Female Reproductive System Female Reproductive System 00:31:00 Order Your Certificate Order Your Certificates and Transcripts 00:00:00 Old Version-Advanced Diploma in Anatomy and Physiology Introduction to the Human Body Overview of Anatomy and Physiology 00:20:00 Structural Organization of the Human Body 00:15:00 Functions of Human Life 00:15:00 Requirements for Human Life 00:15:00 Homeostasis 00:15:00 Anatomical Terminology 00:15:00 Medical Imaging 00:15:00 The Chemical Level Elements and Atoms: The Building Blocks of Matter 00:25:00 Chemical Bonds 00:25:00 Chemical Reactions 00:20:00 Inorganic Compounds Essential to Human Functioning 00:15:00 Organic Compounds Essential to Human Functioning 00:20:00 The Cellular Level The Cell Membrane 00:20:00 The Cytoplasm and Cellular Organelles 00:15:00 The Nucleus and DNA Replication 00:15:00 Protein Synthesis 00:15:00 Cell Growth and Division 00:20:00 Cellular Differentiation 00:10:00 The Tissue Level Types of Tissues 00:15:00 Epithelial Tissue 00:20:00 Muscle Tissue and Motion 00:05:00 Nervous Tissue Mediates Perception and Response 00:05:00 Tissue Injury and Aging 00:15:00 The Integumentary System Layers of the Skin 00:20:00 Accessory Structures of the Skin 00:15:00 Functions of the Integumentary System 00:10:00 Diseases, Disorders, and Injuries of the Integumentary System 00:15:00 Bone Tissue and the Skeletal System The Functions of the Skeletal System 00:10:00 Bone Classification 00:10:00 Bone Structure 00:20:00 Bone Formation and Development 00:10:00 Fractures: Bone Repair 00:05:00 Exercise, Nutrition, Hormones, and Bone Tissue 00:15:00 Calcium Homeostasis: Interactions of the Skeletal System and Other Organ Systems 00:10:00 Axial Skeleton Divisions of the Skeletal System 00:05:00 The Skull 00:45:00 The Vertebral Column 00:20:00 The Thoracic Cage 00:05:00 Embryonic Development of the Axial Skeleton 00:10:00 Joints Classification of Joints 00:10:00 Fibrous Joints 00:10:00 Cartilaginous Joints 00:05:00 Synovial Joints 00:20:00 Types of Body Movements 00:20:00 Anatomy of Selected Synovial Joints 00:25:00 Development of Joints 00:05:00 Muscle Tissue Introduction to Muscle Tissue 00:05:00 Skeletal Muscle 00:15:00 Muscle Fiber Contraction and Relaxation 00:20:00 Nervous System Control of Muscle Tension 00:20:00 Types of Muscle Fibers 00:05:00 Exercise and Muscle Performance 00:10:00 Cardiac Muscle Tissue 00:05:00 Smooth Muscle 00:15:00 Development and Regeneration of Muscle Tissue 00:05:00 The Muscular System Interactions of Skeletal Muscles, Their Fascicle Arrangement, and Their Lever Systems 00:10:00 Naming Skeletal Muscles 00:10:00 Axial Muscles of the Head, Neck, and Back 00:20:00 Axial Muscles of the Abdominal Wall and Thorax 00:25:00 Muscles of the Pectoral Girdle and Upper Limbs 00:30:00 Appendicular Muscles of the Pelvic Girdle and Lower Limbs 00:15:00 The Nervous System and Nervous Tissue Basic Structure and Function of the Nervous System 00:15:00 Nervous Tissue 00:15:00 The Function of Nervous Tissue 00:10:00 The Action Potential 00:15:00 Communication Between Neurons 00:15:00 Anatomy of the Nervous System The Embryologic Perspective 00:15:00 The Central Nervous System 00:25:00 Circulation and the Central Nervous System 00:15:00 The Peripheral Nervous System 00:15:00 The Brain and Cranial Nerves Sensory Perception 00:30:00 Central Processing 00:30:00 Motor Responses 00:15:00 The Autonomic Nervous System Divisions of the Autonomic Nervous System 00:15:00 Autonomic Reflexes and Homeostasis 00:20:00 Central Control 00:10:00 Drugs that Affect the Autonomic System 00:15:00 The Endocrine System Introduction to Endocrine System 00:05:00 Hormones 00:15:00 The Pituitary Gland and Hypothalamus 00:15:00 The Thyroid Gland 00:15:00 The Parathyroid Glands 00:05:00 The Adrenal Glands 00:10:00 Gonadal and Placental Hormones 00:05:00 The Endocrine Pancreas 00:10:00 Organs with Secondary Endocrine Functions 00:05:00 Development and Aging of the Endocrine System 00:10:00 The Cardiovascular System: Blood Overview of Blood 00:20:00 Production of the Formed Elements 00:10:00 Erythrocytes 00:30:00 Leukocytes and Platelets 00:15:00 Hemostasis 00:20:00 Blood Typing 00:10:00 The Cardiovascular System: The Heart Heart Anatomy 00:50:00 Cardiac Muscle and Electrical Activity 00:30:00 Cardiac Cycle 00:20:00 Cardiac Physiology 00:20:00 Development of the Heart 00:10:00 Mock Exam Mock Exam - Advanced Diploma in Anatomy and Physiology 00:20:00 Final Exam Final Exam - Advanced Diploma in Anatomy and Physiology 00:20:00 Order Your Certificates and Transcripts Order Your Certificates and Transcripts 00:00:00
📢 Stay ahead in finance & taxation with our Diploma in VAT (Value Added Tax) course! Learn VAT (Value Added Tax) registration, tax rates, invoicing, and compliance at your own pace. Earn a certificate and boost your career! 💼📊
Course Overview Do you want to earn money passively from home? DO you want to drive more traffic to your website? Google AdWords is a great way for that. Learn how you can use Google ad services to get ahead of your competitors and drive traffic towards your business from this Learn Google AdWords and Earn Passive income with PPC course and boost your sales in no time. This course will teach you to how you can make a profit out of per click of your visitors. In this Learn Google AdWords and Earn Passive income with PPC course, you will learn how to set up an AdWords account, theories, keyword research, conversation tracking, sales and revenue tracking. You'll also understand the importance of quality scores, data analysis and understanding customer psychological level from this course. This course will help you understand the steps of monetizing your website from scratch. Learning Outcomes Be able to drive traffic to your website or landing page Create and optimize your own profitable Google AdWords campaigns Learn how to advertise your products and services online Increase sales to your website using AdSense Use conversion tracking to determine the value of your ad campaign Monetize more than 6 billion daily searches on Google Be able to remarket to your website visitors Who is this course for? This course is for those who want to learn the functions of Adword and earn money from Google ad services. This course will help you to learn how you can earn money passively using AdWord step by step. Entry Requirement This course is available to all learners, of all academic backgrounds. Learners should be aged 16 or over to undertake the qualification. Good understanding of English language, numeracy and ICT are required to attend this course. Certification After you have successfully completed the course, you will be able to obtain an Accredited Certificate of Achievement. You can however also obtain a Course Completion Certificate following the course completion without sitting for the test. Certificates can be obtained either in hardcopy at the cost of £39 or in PDF format at the cost of £24. PDF certificate's turnaround time is 24 hours, and for the hardcopy certificate, it is 3-9 working days. Why choose us? Affordable, engaging & high-quality e-learning study materials; Tutorial videos/materials from the industry-leading experts; Study in a user-friendly, advanced online learning platform; Efficient exam systems for the assessment and instant result; The UK & internationally recognized accredited qualification; Access to course content on mobile, tablet or desktop from anywhere anytime; The benefit of career advancement opportunities; 24/7 student support via email. Career Path Learn Google AdWords and Earn Passive income with PPC is a useful qualification to possess and would be beneficial for any related profession or industry such as: Digital Marketers Influencers Content Creators YouTubers Module 01: Introduction to Google Ads Welcome to Google Ads Masterclass! 00:13:00 Link to Isaac Rudansky's Digital Advertising Superstars Facebook Group 00:05:00 How to Make the Most of This Course, Plus a Sneak Peek of What's to Come! 00:20:00 Google Ads Formula Calculator 00:14:00 AdWords Formula Calculator I Built For You 00:05:00 What is Google Ads? 00:12:00 Where do Google Ads Show Up? 00:13:00 Complimentary Adventure Media Account Audit (exclusions apply) 00:06:00 Module 02: Creating and Setting Up Our First Google Ads Account Download Course Slides! 00:05:00 Creating Your First Google Ads Account 00:09:00 Understanding the Google Ads Account Hierarchy 00:08:00 Using Your Website Navigational Structure to Structure Your Google Ads Campaigns 00:20:00 Understanding Network Settings 00:14:00 Understanding Location Targeting 00:12:00 Configuring Location Targeting in Google Ads 00:10:00 Viewing Location Reports in Google Ads 00:15:00 Understanding Advanced Location Options 00:16:00 Setting and Configuring Languages 00:04:00 Setting Your Daily Budget and Understanding How Daily Budgets Work in Google Ads 00:13:00 Finding Your Hourly Reports in the Google Ads Interface 00:06:00 Using Google's Default Bid Strategy (Clicks) And Optional Max CPC Bid Limit 00:06:00 Bidding Strategies: Target Search Page Location 00:06:00 Bidding Strategies: Target ROAS 00:10:00 Bidding Strategies: Target CPA 00:05:00 Bidding Strategies: Target Outranking Share 00:08:00 Bidding Strategies: Maximize Clicks 00:05:00 Bidding Strategies: Enhanced CPC Bidding 00:05:00 Bidding Strategies: Manual CPC Bidding 00:05:00 Campaign Start and End Dates 00:02:00 Introduction to Dynamic Search Ads! 00:08:00 Understanding Sitelink Extensions 00:14:00 Callout Extensions 00:05:00 Call Extensions 00:08:00 Structured Snippet Extensions 00:06:00 App Extensions 00:02:00 Message Extensions 00:09:00 Location Extensions 00:10:00 Location Setting Exercise 00:05:00 Promotion Extensions 00:10:00 Price Extensions 00:12:00 Understanding Ad Rotation Settings 00:05:00 The Basics of Ad Scheduling 00:11:00 Understanding the Basics of Device Targeting 00:15:00 Understanding Campaign URL Options 00:07:00 Module 03: Structuring Your Ad Groups Like A Professional Ad Group Structure Basics and Organization 00:14:00 Ad Group Structure Ideas 00:07:00 Creating Our First Ad Group in Google Ads 00:09:00 Module 04: How To Write Killer Ads in Google Ads! The Anatomy of Google Text Ads 00:07:00 Compliance in Google Text Ads 00:06:00 Requesting a Manual Review of Your Ads and Expediting the Process 00:03:00 Best Practices for Successful Text Ads 00:14:00 Real-Life Case Ad Copy Case Study: Medical Equipment Company 00:15:00 The BJ Fogg Behavioral Model 00:39:00 Creating Our First Ad in Google Ads 00:13:00 Module 05: Setting Up Your AdWords Billing Configuring Your Billing Details in Google Ads 00:05:00 Module 06: Keywords in Depth - The Heartbeat of Your Account Keyword Basics: Keywords vs Queries 00:09:00 The Basics of Keyword Research 00:11:00 The Basics of Keyword Planning 00:13:00 The Basics of Keyword Organization 00:07:00 Understanding Keyword Match Types 00:12:00 Keyword Match Types: Broad Match 00:09:00 Keyword Match Types: Broad Match Modified 00:06:00 Keyword Match Types: Phrase Match 00:07:00 Keyword Match Types: Exact Match 00:12:00 Keyword Match Types: Negative Match 00:12:00 Using the Search Term Report to Find Negative Keywords Part 1 00:15:00 Using the Search Term Report to Find Negative Keywords Part 2 00:17:00 Understanding Negative Keyword Lists 00:12:00 Traffic Sculpting: Negative Keywords at the Ad Group Level 00:18:00 Adding Negative Keywords at The Ad Group Level 00:09:00 Traffic Sculpting Using OPTMYZR 00:07:00 Keyword Research: Google Suggestions, Google Related Searches and Autocomplete 00:14:00 Using Additional Research Tools to Get Negative Keyword Ideas 00:12:00 Keyword Research: Using the Google Keyword Planner 1 00:20:00 Keyword Research: Using the Google Keyword Planner 2 00:16:00 Keyword Research: Downloading Keyword Ideas from the Google Keyword Planner 00:16:00 Keyword Planning: The 6 Main Ways People Communicate With Search Engines 00:17:00 Keyword Planning: Understanding the Buyer Funnel 00:12:00 Keyword Planning: What Keywords Can Teach Us About Buying Intent 00:12:00 Keyword Planning: Using SEM Rush to Get Volume and Cost Estimates 00:18:00 Keyword Planning: Using SEM Rush to Get Keyword Ideas from Your Competitors 00:19:00 Keyword Planning: Using Google Keyword Planner to Get Volume & Cost Estimates 00:17:00 Keyword Organization: Getting Keywords Into Excel & Understanding Keyword Themes 00:17:00 Keyword Organization: Formatting Keywords in Excel 00:12:00 Keyword Organization: Using Pivot Tables to Visualize Your Campaign Structure 00:12:00 Keyword Organization: Using Mergewords to Generate Keyword Lists 00:14:00 Keyword Bidding Basics: Setting Your Initial Max CPC Bids 00:20:00 Module 07: Account Structure - How To Structure Ad Groups Like A pro Account Structure: How To Create A New Ad Group Within Your Campaign 00:07:00 Importing Your Keyword Lists From Excel Into Your New Ad Group 00:11:00 Creating Multiple, Relevant Ads For Your New Ad Groups 00:13:00 How To Navigate Between Ad Groups, Keywords and Ads Within A Campaign 00:08:00 Module 08: The Incredible Dynamics Of The AdWords Auction Introduction To The AdWords Auction 00:20:00 Understanding Quality Score: Click Through Rate And Ad Relevancy 00:15:00 Understanding Quality Score: Landing Page Quality 00:07:00 Understanding Ad Rank and How It Is Calculated 00:12:00 When You Could Ignore Low-Quality Scores (and when you can't!) 00:09:00 Advanced Techniques: Diagnosing Low-Quality Score With Excel Pivot Tables (1/3) 00:08:00 Advanced Techniques: Diagnosing Low-Quality Score With Excel Pivot Tables (2/3) 00:11:00 Advanced Techniques: Diagnosing Low-Quality Score With Excel Pivot Tables (3/3) 00:07:00 Module 09: Expanding And Refining Your Campaigns Navigating The AdWords Dashboard 00:16:00 How To Edit, Pause And Enable Keywords, Ad Groups and Campaigns 00:15:00 Editing The Essential Campaign Settings 00:06:00 How To Create New Campaigns That Will Improve Your Results 00:15:00 How To Use Your Website To Make The Best Campaigns Possible 00:16:00 How To Set Up Powerful Custom Schedules For Your Campaigns 00:12:00 Understanding Bid Adjustments And Using Them To Enhance Your Custom Schedules 00:12:00 Module 10: Negative Keywords - Your Greatest Ally Understanding Negative Keywords In-Depth 00:14:00 Using Broad, Phrase and Exact Match With Your Negative Keywords 00:07:00 Adding and Removing Negative Keywords and Negative Keyword Lists 00:20:00 Module 11: Making Your Ads Unstoppable With Multiple Ad Extnesions Introduction To Ad Extensions 00:06:00 The Benefits Of Using Ad Extensions 00:08:00 Different Types Of Ad Extensions and Best Practices 00:06:00 Adding Sitelink Extensions 00:08:00 Configuring Your Sitelink Extensions For The Best Results 00:11:00 Adding Callout Extensions And Phone Extensions 00:08:00 Module 12: Remarketing - Your Secret Weapon To Converting Like A Boss The 5 Primary Forms Of Remarketing 00:16:00 Realizing The Benefits And Importance Of Remarketing 00:13:00 How To Create And Add Your Remarketing Tag 00:09:00 Creating Your First Remarketing Audience 00:13:00 Configuring Your Remarketing Campaign Settings 00:14:00 Module 13: Keeping Track Of Profits With Conversion Tracking Understanding The Basics Of Conversion Tracking 00:14:00 Exploring The Different Conversion Actions Visitors Take On Your Site 00:14:00 Setting Up Conversion Tracking For Form Submissions 00:18:00 Generating And Installing Your Conversion Tracking Tag 00:09:00 Understanding The Basics Of Phone Call Tracking 00:09:00 Setting Up Phone Call Tracking And Understanding How To Analyze Conversion Data 00:10:00 Module 14: Profitable Bidding Strategies Return On Investment (ROI) vs Return On Ad Spend (ROAS)_ Important Distinction 00:15:00 How To Mathematically Calculate ROI and ROAS 00:09:00 Calculating Max CPC Bids From Your Conversion Rate And Conversion Value 00:12:00 Calculating Profitable Keyword Bids Based On Revenue Per Click 00:09:00 Module 15: Using AdWords Scripts To Enhance Performance and Increase Optimization Speed Introduction To AdWords Scripts - What Are Scripts 00:05:00 Bidding To Average Position AdWords Script (Part 1) 00:12:00 Bidding To Average Position AdWords Script (Part 2) 00:14:00 Module 16: Conclusion ... Goodbye For Now! Conclusion 00:03:00 Module 17: Bonus Material! Part 1 Understanding Search Queries and What We Learn From Searcher Languagage 00:18:00 Part 2 Accessing The Search Query Report and Understanding Long Tail Keywords 00:18:00 Part 3 Qualifying Your Ad Text And How To A_B Split Test Your Ads 00:23:00 Calculating Profitable Keyword Bids Based On Revenue Per Click 00:09:00
Retargeting helps to promote brand awareness and sales. It involves reconnecting with the website visitors and persuading them to take action. This Retargeting Ads - The Complete Guide course will explain the steps to run a successful retargeting campaign. This Retargeting Ads - The Complete Guide course will provide you with valuable insights into remarketing and retargeting and their objectives. You'll learn the techniques to create intelligent retargeting and remarketing strategies for better advertising. Furthermore, you'll know how to use Google Analytics to develop your audience segments and build your remarketing audiences in a Google Analytics account. You'll also learn to configure your remarketing campaigns and make your retargeting audience with Google Adwords. Learning Objectives Know the difference between retargeting and remarketing Understand how retargeting works Learn the remarketing strategies to re-engage your prior customers Gain an excellent understanding of Google Analytics Tag Understand the benefits of using Google Tag manager Know how to use Google Analytics to develop and build your audience segments Explore the process of remarketing with Google Analytics Understand how Google ads audience manager works Who is this Course for? This Retargeting Ads - The Complete Guide course is ideal for aspiring professionals who wish to gain the relevant skills and knowledge to fast track their careers. It is for those who have little or no knowledge of retargeting ads or those who are new to the field and want to test their skills and knowledge. There are no entry requirements for this course. However, an eye for detail and a creative mind is essential. Entry Requirement This course is available to all learners of all academic backgrounds. A good understanding of the English language, numeracy, and ICT are required to attend this course. CPD Certificate from Course Gate At the successful completion of the course, you can obtain your CPD certificate from us. You can order the PDF certificate for £4.99 and the hard copy for £9.99. Also, you can order both PDF and hardcopy certificates for £12.99. Career Path On successfully completing the Retargeting Ads - The Complete Guide course, learners can progress to a more advanced program from our course list. Career opportunities in this field include freelancing or working in-house, within a range of professional settings, with the opportunity to earn a high salary. Related professions in this industry include: Paid Media Manager PPC Manager Digital Marketing Assistant Course Curriculum Module 01: Welcome and Introduction Welcome to the retargeting ad masterclass (plus a sneak preview) Don't Skip! 00:07:00 What is remarketing and retargeting? Defining our objectives and purpose 00:17:00 Module 02: The Digital Advertising Ecosystem: Understanding How Retargeting Works The Digital Advertising Ecosystem 00:08:00 Understanding Ad Exchanges And How They Work 00:20:00 What Remarketing Looks Like On The Inside 00:10:00 Module 03: Developing Your Remarketing and Retargeting Strategies Audiences and Segments: The Foundation Of Your Remarketing Strategy 00:07:00 Understanding Intent Signals and Visitor Engagement 00:12:00 Behavioural Characteristics - The Composition Of Your Segments 00:15:00 Combining Characteristics - Infinite Possibilities! 00:07:00 Characteristics That Matter To You Your First Assignment 00:02:00 Module 04: Planning Your Retargeting Campaigns Like A Pro Funnel Based Segmentation - Funnel Mapping 00:10:00 Funnel Based Segmentation - Using The Funnel To Develop Your Lists 00:14:00 Using Your Website To Plan Your Remarketing Lists 00:19:00 Mapping Your Ad Groups Using Your Lists and Values (Part 1) 00:13:00 Mapping Your Ad Groups Using Your Lists and Values (Part 2) 00:14:00 Module 05: Using Google Analytics To Develop and Build Your Audience Segments Introduction To The Google Analytics Tag 00:05:00 Logging In To Google Analytics Account & Retrieving Your Analytics Tracking Tag 00:04:00 Adding Your Google Analytics Tag To Your Website And Verifying That It's Working 00:13:00 Module 06: Tips, Tricks & Shortcuts Using Google Tag Manager as Your Tag Management System The Benefits Of Using Google Tag Manager 00:10:00 Signing Into Your Google Tag Manager Account 00:08:00 Adding Your Basic Google Analytics Tag Through Google Tag Manager 00:11:00 Setting Up Custom Button and Link Click Tracking In Google Tag Manager 00:20:00 Adding Page-Level Scroll Depth Tracking In Google Tag Manager 00:15:00 Adding Custom User Engagement Timers In Google Tag Manager 00:13:00 Adding Google Adwords Conversion Tracking Through Google Tag Manager 00:10:00 Setting Up Your Google AdWords Remarketing Tag Using Google Tag Manager 00:10:00 Module 07: Building Your Remarketing Audiences In Your Google Analytics Account Linking Your Google AdWords and Google Analytics Accounts 00:10:00 Introduction To The Google Analytics Audience Builder 00:17:00 Building Remarketing Audiences In Google Analytics Based On URL Attributes 00:18:00 Developing Remarketing Audiences Using Your AdWords Campaigns and AdWords Data 00:22:00 Setting Up Sequences In The Google Analytics Audience Builder Using AdWords Campaigns Final 00:05:00 Setting Up Goal-Based Remarketing Audiences In Google Analytics 00:14:00 Setting Up Event-Based Audiences Using The Google Analytics Display Builder 00:17:00 Importing Remarketing Audiences From The Google Analytics Solutions Gallery 00:11:00 Data Drilldown- Using Affinity Categories To Enhance Your Remarketing Campaigns 00:19:00 Data Drilldown - Using In-Market Segments To Enhance Your Remarketing Audiences 00:12:00 Module 08: Introduction To Configuring Your Remarketing Campaigns In Google AdWords How Google Analytics and AdWords Talk To Each Other 00:09:00 Importing Google Analytics Goals into AdWords For Conversion Tracking 00:06:00 Viewing and Analysing Google Analytics Remarketing Audiences in Google AdWords 00:14:00 Module 09: Using The Google AdWords Audience Builder To Build Your Retargeting Audiences Introduction To Building Retargeting Ads Lists In Google AdWords 00:05:00 Building and Configuring New Retargeting ads lists inside Google AdWords 00:10:00 Using Custom Combinations To Effectively Sculpt Your Retargeting Ads Traffic 00:11:00 Certificate and Transcript Order Your Certificates or Transcripts 00:00:00
Learn Xero from the experts and keep track of your business accounts and cash flow with the Xero Bookkeeper Training Course. This Xero training certification is designed to help small to mid-sized businesses, accountants and bookkeepers master Xero accounting software for smoother financial management. In this online bookkeeping course, you will learn how to run payroll and VAT returns, reconcile the bank, create a budget, post customer invoices and much more. You will also learn how to conduct real-time financial reports and utilise the payroll accounting system. Our time-saving tips and tricks are specially designed to make everyday accounting tasks a breeze. Enrol today and discover a smarter, faster way of keeping the books! Your Learning Goals: Fast track your career in bookkeeping and develop the practical knowledge to manage everyday accounting tasks efficiently Discover how to run payroll and process a pay run in Xero Learn how to activate your free trial, add your organisation and set up the system Understand how to amend bank details, add and merge bank accounts Get step-by-step guidance on processing refunds, creating a budget, forecasting and running a VAT return. Learn how to enter conversion balances, suppliers and customers Get trained on how to post customer invoices, credit notes, cheques & sundry payments Be able to add petty cash transactions and write off bad debt Who is this Course for? Xero Bookkeeper Training is perfect for anyone trying to learn potential professional skills. As there is no experience and qualification required for this course, it is available for all students from any academic background. Entry Requirement: This course is available to all learners, of all academic backgrounds. Learners should be aged 16 or over to undertake the qualification. Good understanding of English language, numeracy and ICT are required to attend this course. CPD Certificate from Course Gate At the successful completion of the course, you can obtain your CPD certificate from us. You can order the PDF certificate for £9 and the hard copy for £15. Also, you can order both PDF and hardcopy certificates for £22. Career path This course opens a new door for you to enter the relevant job market and also gives you the opportunity to acquire extensive knowledge along with required skills to become successful. You will be able to add our qualification to your CV/resume which will help you to stand out in the competitive job industry. Course Curriculum Getting Prepared - Access the software and course materials Introduction To The Course And Your Tutor 00:04:00 Activating Your Free Trial With Xero 00:02:00 Getting started Signing Up For The Free Trial 00:04:00 Instruction of Updated Xero Accounting Software 00:00:00 Create The Organisation 00:08:00 The Ficticious Scenario 00:02:00 Setting up the system Add Bank Accounts To The System 00:14:00 Enter Opening Balances 00:07:00 Opening Trial Balance 00:01:00 Nominal ledger Amend The Nominal Ledger 00:06:00 Chart Of Accounts Report 00:01:00 Customers & Suppliers Enter customers 00:07:00 Entering suppliers 00:06:00 Reporting Customer And Supplier Information 00:02:00 Sales ledger Enter Invoices 00:07:00 Invoicing tips - adding logo, repeat billing 00:09:00 Entering Invoices 6574 to 6610 00:16:00 Post Credit Notes 00:03:00 Report Showing Customer Activity 00:08:00 Aged Debtors 00:02:00 Suppliers Post supplier invoices 00:09:00 Enter suppliers invoices 6028 onwards 00:14:00 Enter More Supplier Invoices No 4308 Onwards 00:06:00 Credit Notes Suppliers 00:02:00 Supplier Activity Report 00:04:00 Aged Creditors Info 00:01:00 Purchases ledger Reciepts from Customers 00:10:00 Apply Customer Credit Notes 00:05:00 Sundry payments Post Supplier Cheques 00:08:00 Apply Supplier Credit Notes 00:03:00 Print List Of Bank Receipts And Payments 00:01:00 Sundry payments Post Sundry Payments 00:07:00 Make a credit card payment 00:08:00 Petty Cash Add Petty Cash Transactions - Week 1 00:16:00 Add Petty Cash Transactions - Week 2 00:12:00 Add Petty Cash Transactions - Week 3 00:07:00 Add Petty Cash Transactions - Week 4 00:09:00 Imprest System on Petty Cash 00:04:00 Print a Copy of Petty Cash Receipts and Payments 00:01:00 Bad Debt Writing Off A Bad Debt - Print Customer Statement 00:02:00 Write Off A Bad Debt 00:09:00 Credit Card Reconcile The Credit Card Statement 00:09:00 Bank Reconciliation Bank Statement As A CSV File 00:27:00 Bank Statement Closing Balances 00:11:00 Reconcile The Petty Cash 00:05:00 Payroll / Wages Wages And Salaries 00:09:00 Post the Wages Journal 00:07:00 Report Wages Journal 00:02:00 Payday 00:11:00 Pay The Two Staff 00:05:00 VAT - Value Added Tax Depreciation 00:04:00 VAT Return 00:03:00 Reports Month End Reports PnL, BS, TB 00:05:00 Payroll unit Using Payroll 00:12:00 Setting Up Employees 00:10:00 Running Payroll - An Example 00:14:00 Conclude Recap And Next Steps 00:06:00 What happens next 00:02:00 Certificate and Transcript Order Your Certificates or Transcripts 00:00:00