life and soul purpose by beata dzwigol
I am Beata Dzwigol, an Inter-Dimensional Therapist, Intuitive Spiritual Coach
and Healer, New Earth Goddess Heart Temple Founder, AKASHICdance Founder,
DANCEmandala Facilitator, Gong and Reiki Master Teacher, Holistic Therapist. I
am a member of Akashic Records Consultants International, LLC and Spiritual
Workers Association. I can help you to care of body, mind and spirit. While
reading your aura I can tune in to contact your Spiritual Guides and I can
introduce you in a healing process on many levels. You Spiritual Guides will
lead me so I can help you heal negative emotions and patterns, remove blockages,
heal traumas and cut off cords from current and previous lives. We can also work
to heal your inner child and understand your self-sabotage. I will guide you
through the process of your transformation. I will take you on a journey during
which you will have a chance to forgive and let go of whatever is necessary, so
that you could spread your wings and shine your inner light – the light of
unconditional love. I am not asking you to believe in anything I might say
either here or during the session. If it doesn’t resonate with you, then just
let it go. However, sometimes what is said, although it does not resonate with
you at the time, can make sense later, lie a seed that is planted and which may
in due course grow and blossom. A remainder for you and a remainder for me: I AM
NOT A LIFEGUARD; I AM A LIGHT HOUSE guiding you on your own journey. You take
full responsibility for integrating your experience into your own life. You can
go as deep as you wish, the choice is yours to make. I am here for you; to guide
and help you, to radiate out your beauty and happiness, to re-find joy and live
a fulfilled life.