ACCA SBR (INT), 100% Pass Guarantee, Full Learning and Revision Components, Tests, Mock Exam, Tutor Support and ACCA Approved Materials Included, Exceptional Pass Rates
This 2 x 2.5 hour workshop is for healthcare managers & leaders that want to explore staff retention, how it is effecting their organisation, and consider what they can do to improve.
Learn the basics of Data Science, combining a supported #CISCO Skills for All online course with practical learning and a project to help consolidate the learning.
Memory Book: Create The Life You Love. Over 3-weeks/sessions, this course will take you, through the construction of this attractive die cut memory book. You will produce a memory book as shown to embellish with your own memories and thoughts, or to give to someone for them to embellish themselves. If you have no previous paper crafting experience, this course will introduce you to some of the basic materials, tools, equipment and techniques used in paper crafting and mixed media work. The course is suitable for experienced crafters too! You will be sent all the materials and equipment needed to complete the course.