The module describes general principles of GCP inspection and audit, discusses preparation for an inspection, and sets out in detail what European and US FDA inspectors will examine. Finally it describes post-inspection actions by the regulator and the inspected party.
Become an iOS Augmented Reality Developer by Building 11 High-Level AR Apps using ARKit in iOS 11 and Swift 4.
This module covers the requirements for TExT and how to carry out the Thorough Examination and Test process for on-tool dust extraction machines. To complete the training you will need a working knowledge of machinery and have operated or completed Combined Inspections and Tests (PAT) on machines.
This module covers the requirements for TExT and how to carry out the Thorough Examination and Test process for on-tool dust extraction machines. To complete the training you will need a working knowledge of machinery and have operated or completed Combined Inspections and Tests (PAT) on machines.
OET (Occupational English Test) is designed to meet the specific English language needs of the healthcare sector. It assesses the language proficiency of healthcare professionals who wish to practice in an English-speaking environment. All four language skills are assessed, with Writing and Speaking tests available in 12 different areas of healthcare. All candidates sit the same Reading and Listening tests. OET is accepted as proof of English proficiency in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Dubai, Namibia and Singapore for registration in 12 healthcare professions.