All our elearning modules are structured in small segments, our video elements are no longer than 5 minutes per section and the questions asked relate to that section.
Some questions will require further research as part of the learning programme.
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training session Content
6 sections•23 lessons
TExT - Basics4 lessons
1Basics - What is On-Tool Dust Extraction?
2Basics - Dust Extractor Classifications
3Basics - M and H Classifications
4Basics - Why is TExT required and how often?
TExT - Initial Inspection1 lessons
1Inspection - First Steps
TExT - Cleaning & Inspection of M and H Machines12 lessons
1Cleaning - Preparation and Equipment Needed
2Cleaning - Basics
3Cleaning - Opening the machine
4Cleaning - Bucket / Machine base
5Inspection - checking body seals
6Inspection - Filter Assembly and Filter Bypass
7Cleaning - Filters
8Inspection - Filters and cleaning hoses / attachments
9Inspection - PAT
10Inspection - Cable
11Cleaning - How to Clean a Contaminated Machine
12Test Prep - Air Velocity Testing Requirements
Dustcontrol TExT Kit3 lessons
1Dustcontrol TExT Kit - Unboxing
2Dustcontrol TExT - Setup and Maximum Air Velocity
3DustControl TExT - Testing Warning System
TExT - Record Keeping1 lessons
1TExT Record Keeping - Forms
Final Section - Ambient Air Cleaners and Conclusion2 lessons
Learning for Hire offer training and assessment services to the plant and machinery hire industry. Our courses help learners establish the basics for all aspects of mach...
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