This course looks at the ability to plan and control the decision making process so that better quality decisions are made at the right time. Decision-making is often a team process and high quality decisions are very much dependent on team involvement and commitment.
People are a vital element in any organisation and managing and leading people is critically important for every manager. This course describes the key people management skills that contribute fully to organisational effectiveness.
What you achieve at work is dependent on the contributions you make to your team. This is the sum of the skills that you willingly give to others or you add towards a common goal or result. This course looks at the key areas of contribution that you are required to make in order to achieve team objectives
Work stress has been described as the ‘wear and tear’ caused by your working life. In recent times, stress at work has seen a rapidly rising trend. This course looks at your ability to avoid work stress and to control and manage it, when it arises. Excessive and continuous work stress is very damaging, resulting in health problems, loss of productivity and pressure on working relationships. The main problems stem from excessive workloads and impractical deadlines, relationships with colleagues and future job insecurity.
For many people, managing priorities often causes a potential source of conflict. The correct work behaviour is summarised in the phrase ‘what you do second is equally important to what you do first’. This routine can be achieved if time is controlled for the purpose of priority management. This course looks at your ability to focus on the priority of job objectives and the fundamental problem of conflict between priority of importance and priority of time.
Personal organisation is about having systems and disciplines that help you make the most of your time at work. These six course tutorials set out to assist you, in improving the positive behaviours within your personal organisation. Learning to develop these abilities will make a considerable improvement in your personal efficiency and productivity.
People at work spend a substantial amount of time in meetings: a typical manager can spend half of their work time in meetings of one sort or another. This course looks at the ability to plan and control your meetings and make effective use of your time. Well-run meetings rely upon proper planning, preparation, selection of participants, adherence to issues and time schedules. Meetings also play an important part in the maintenance of good teamwork, supporting working relationships and focusing the team on superior work performance.
Leaders and managers are unlikely to be effective if they do not understand the theories and practices of motivation. What you believe about people materially affects the way your team reacts to you and your leadership. This course focuses on the inherent needs of people and how to improve productivity and motivate a workforce. The level of motivation displayed by a team is a reflection of the skills of the leader.
Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to manage oneself and one’s relationships with others in a mature and constructive manner. Research indicates that EI is closely related to workplace success at all levels of the organisation. In this course we look at six key aspects of EI in order to help develop your skills and abilities in managing yourself and your relationships in the workplace.
Estimates show that some 70% of your work time is spent in some aspect of communication or another. With so much practice and experience, it would appear that we are all experts, but that is not the case. This course looks at your ability to reach a shared or common understanding with another person and how you apply your verbal and written abilities as well as your capacity to listen and understand.