This course is designed for complete beginners, where you will develop iPhone applications by building five complete apps using SwiftUI 3 code and Xcode 13. You will not only build the apps but also learn how to submit and upload apps to the App Store and share your creation with the world.
In this course, we will master the syntax and structure of RSpec then learn to utilize test-driven development principles to design and implement clean test specs and reduce dependencies in the test suite by mocking objects with class and instance doubles. We will also explore the wide collection of RSpec matches available to test the code.
This course is a perfect option if you are interested in 3D printing and/or laser cutting as you will learn to design for both. Explore the specific factors you need to take into account for laser cutting and 3D printing, and advance your 3D modeling skills using Autodesk Fusion 360 software to realize your ideas.
Get hands-on with Kafka monitoring setup with Prometheus and Grafana, Kafka operations and Kafka cluster upgrades Setup in AWS.
This course is a comprehensive beginner's guide to Kubernetes. In this course, you will get a solid understanding and hands-on practical experience with Kubernetes. You will learn about key building blocks of Kubernetes: nodes, pods, services, and deployments. All you need is some basic knowledge about Docker to get started.
Learn Scrum, a popular framework used to develop software applications through the Agile methodology. This course provides you with step-by-step instructions for learning Scrum and gaining a strong foundation toward various Scrum certifications. Learn Scrum with a build-along experience and apply Scrum in your Agile-based product team at work.
In this course, you will learn advanced Scrum techniques based on real-world examples and become a Scrum Master. Not only this but you will also be able to educate and influence others by explaining how to use Scrum and become a Scrum master in 7 simple steps that includes 72 reasons to anyone at any level in the business.
This course will teach you all you need to know about working as a Help Desk agent. This course has been meticulously planned to fulfill all of the candidates' demands, and the agenda has been customized to the most recent technological developments.
This course covers Python for data science and machine learning in detail and is for a beginner in Python. You will also learn about core concepts of data science, exploratory data analysis, statistical methods, role of data, challenges of bias, variance and overfitting, model evaluation techniques, model optimization using hyperparameter tuning, grid search cross-validation techniques, and more.
Learn to create with SwiftUI/iOS 16. This course illustrates many features in iOS 16 development using the SwiftUI programming language, covering the basics (Stacks, Forms, Lists, ForEach, Buttons, Sliders, Pickers, Color Pickers, Scroll Views, Sheets, state, binding, and animations) and we create an Emoji Quote app using SwiftUI.