Sharing & Networking - Q4 Reporting Session aimed at fundraising leaders: Directors | Heads of | Leads | Managers THIS SESSION WILL NOT BE RECORDED
This Safer Handling Of Medication Training course is aimed at staff who are responsible for handling medication About this event This Safer Handling Of Medication Training course is aimed at staff who are responsible for the handling, administrating and disposal of medication within a care environment. Policies. Legislation. CQC Medication. Routes. Formulation. Types. Absorption. MDT. Roles and Responsibilities. Levels of support. Boundaries and agreed ways of working. Order. Receive. Store. Record. Transfer. Dispose. 7 R’s. Group Work. Sources of info. Practical session including MAR charts. Risk assessments. Person Centred Care. Review. Covert. Consent. Refuse. Errors and action. Infection Control and Technique.
Definition epilepsy Various types of siezures About this event Definition epilepsy Various types of siezures Classification and management of seizures Ethical and legal responsibilities Recognising triggers and precipitants Person centred care Documentationa and record keeping The impact of rescue medication and anti-epileptic drug therapy Buccal Midazolam: what is it, uses in epilepsy, side effects Rectal Diazepam: uses in epilepsy, side effects, administration Emergency care plan and when to call an ambulance Risk assessment/promotion of safeguarding and dignity Epilepsy medication demonstration
This must-attend masterclass will provide a comprehensive understanding of all the key developments in the latest statutory and non-statutory guidance documents from a DSLs perspective, and how they relate to safeguarding provision in schools and colleges.
This expert-led training course will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the role of the designated governor for mental health and wellbeing.
Historical Association webinar series: Coherence at Key Stage 4 Presenters: Cat Priggs This session focuses on one way of achieving curricular coherence: fostering big pictures of the past. The work of multiple practitioners will be drawn upon to exemplify different ways in which this can be done, including how to use of narrative to foster coherent big pictures. The content from this session will support curriculum design for new specifications. To use your corporate recording offer on this webinar please fill in this form: Springfield Interchange (Photo by Trevor Wrayton, VDOT)
Historical Association webinar series: Teaching ‘past and present’ in EYFS Presenter: Helen Crawford and Sue Temple This webinar will support you to ensure well-planned transition to Key Stage 1, and will give advice on planning for mixed-age YR/Y1 classes. It will reflect on developing a coherent history curriculum across all phases in your school. To use your corporate recording offer for this webinar please complete this form:
Historical Association webinar series: Coherence at Key Stage 4 Presenters: Cat Priggs At the end of this session, participants will be introduced to an optional small-scale action research project. This project will prompt reflection on a specific aspect of participants’ practice, which will be explored and reviewed through the webinar series. To use your corporate recording offer on this webinar please fill in this form: Springfield Interchange (Photo by Trevor Wrayton, VDOT)
Historical Association webinar series: Teaching ‘past and present’ in EYFS Presenter: Helen Crawford and Sue Temple This webinar will look at effective use of picture books to develop children’s historical vocabulary and their understanding of the past, and will explore thematic approaches for teaching ‘past and present'. To use your corporate recording offer for this webinar please complete this form:
Historical Association webinar series: History and literacy: better together Presenter: Andrew Wrenn This practical webinar will look at the vital role speaking and listening plays in helping pupils to think, read and write in historical ways as well as developing general oracy skills. It will explore a range of strategies and tasking that can help pupils deepen their historical understanding, gain a better grasp of complex ideas, and learn how to articulate these so that they can reach (and justify) independent conclusions of their own. To use your corporate recording offer for this webinar please complete this form: