Our CITB Online - Site Supervisors’ Safety Training Scheme (SSSTS) Refresher course is designed to give attendees a broad reminder of their responsibilities for health and safety on construction sites. Approved and endorsed by the United Kingdom Contractors Group, the SSSTS refresher course is a must for anyone who occupies a supervisory role on UKCG sites and wants to brush up on their knowledge of their legal responsibilities and the latest construction industry regulations. The SSSTS Refresher course has been created to provide existing supervisors, or those who are just entering into a supervisory role, with in-depth knowledge of health and safety legislation and procedures. If a candidate completed a full SSSTS training course up to 5 years ago, they will be required to attend a refresher programme. Prerequisites SSSTS certificates are of course valid for up to 5 years, but due to the ever-changing nature of the industry, it is recommended that staff stay up to date by enrolling on a refresher course long before the qualification expires. Instructions Please note all Site Supervisor Training courses with the venue “Remote Learning” will be delivered by a tutor over a video call. This training will be delivered and assessed in English language; therefore, a good standard is required to complete the course. Further attendee information will be sent in a separate email, please check your inbox.
Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) treatments Nationally Recognised Qualification No previous experience or qualifications needed Open College Network Accreditation Level 4 (as required for minimally invasive procedures) Covers standards set by HEE Employed (salon) or Self-Employed opportunities Basic understanding of English language required OPEN TO ALL APPLICANTS
Learn how to perform and read an ECG ... Nationally Recognised Qualification OCN Accredited - Level 3 (advanced level) CPD Accredited - The CPD Certification Service Introduces you to the fundamentals of setting up and operating an ECG machine Includes patient preparation Produce a valid (error free) ECG Learn and understand ECG traces Recognise recordings that require urgent attention Basic understanding of English language required OPEN TO ALL APPLICANTS VIRTUAL CLASSROOM OPTION INCLUDES COMPREHENSIVE PRACTISE@HOME ECG TRAINING KIT Final interpretation of all ECG recordings is the responsibility of a medical professional.
Learn the Spoken Language & Skills you need to rise from the Advanced Level to REAL Proficiency and for studying an English-language college or university.
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Learn the Reading and Writing Skills you need to rise from the Advanced Level to REAL Proficiency and for studying an English-language college or university.
individual English language lessons, live online, at a time to suit you.
Learn how to cannulate ... Nationally Recognised Qualification OCN Accredited - Level 3 (advanced) - Ireland Level 5 CPD Accredited - The CPD Certification Service Classroom or Virtual Classroom options Covers all steps for cannulating in arm or hand Practise on artificial arms and fake blood! Essential qualification for all IV therapies Phlebotomy training desirable but not essential Basic understanding of English language required OPEN TO ALL APPLICANTS
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