BECOME A NUTRITIONAL CONSULTANT AND LEARN HOW TO STEER YOUR CLIENTS TOWARDS BETTER HEALTH A MESSAGE FROM THE AUTHOR This course is a must for anyone who is passionate about health & well-being and would like to fast-track to a practitioner role whereby you can confidently advise your clients on the best route to achieving good health in a world where ill-health is prevalent. The hope is expressed that this course will lead you feeling well informed, on a deeper naturopathic level, and provide you with a range of measures that you can apply to practice as you steer your clients towards better health. DR. LAWRENCE PLASKETT Course Duration 12 months Study Hours 300 hours Course Content 27 sections Course Fee £595 Course Overview The Plaskett Diploma in Nutritional Consultancy is especially useful for those whereby holistic health is a feature of your line of work and you would like to enhance the service that you provide, or for those that wish to set up an independent practice as a Nutritional Consultant. In Part One you will: Be introduced to the concept of naturopathy Gain a general understanding of the subject of health and nutrition Grasp the fundamentals of the cell's need for nutrients Appreciate the role of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals and understand the basics of how these nutrients work in the body Be aware of the enormous health benefits that can come from favourable dietary change Appreciate the merits of particular foods and nutrients Ultimately gain the knowledge that will lead towards a better standard of well-being now, and a prolonging of good health in the future In Part Two you will:Gain a deeper understanding of naturopathy and its principles which you can then apply to practise in nutritional therapies.Obtain the skills to understand the depth of disease in your patients to then find a route back from chronic disease and enable you to advise the best treatment plan.Develop an understanding of the role of the practitioner from the initial consultation, the taking of a case history, the interpretation and the subsequent advising of a treatment plan.Learn the ‘tools of the trade’ in using diets, supplements, herbs, phytonutrients in treatment, with flexibility and insight. BREAKDOWN OF THE COURSE SECTIONS PART ONE includes the following 12 sections: SECTION 1 THE PRINCIPLE BULK NUTRIENTS & ASSOCIATED FOODS In Section 1, we begin the study of nutrients and foods by looking at the main bulk nutrients that our diets contain: protein, carbohydrate and fat. Before one can consider individual vitamins and minerals, one has to know about the nutrients that make up most of our diets, namely the bulk nutrients. These are the suppliers of food energy, essential amino acids and fatty acids. You will need to understand these so as to manipulate them with skill. Areas Covered Proteins The carbohydrates Fibre Fats Classes of foods based upon composition SECTION 2 THE CELL & CELL ENERGY This section will illuminate the nature of the cell and explain how the energy of the cell is generated and what functions the cell must perform using that energy. It explains calories as units of energy measurement and the dynamic role of the enzymes in the cells. Areas Covered The cell Cell energy The energy content of food What else does the body have to do with its energy? How does the body release energy from food? Enzymes The overwhelming importance of cell energy The vitality of cells and tissues The key role of blood glucose What key factors are most likely to erode good vitality? Go-factors for enzymes Internal cell environment Enzyme poisons SECTION 3 THE ENVIRONMENT INSIDE THE CELL This section explains the importance of the controlled environment inside the cell. It particularly stresses how important it is to maintain the balance between sodium and potassium and between calcium and magnesium. Areas covered Out of balance intakes of sodium and potassium Calcium and magnesium balance Calcium mishandling SECTION 4 THE NEED FOR THE CELL TO SELF CLEANSE This section shows you how the cell needs to remain vital and active and to maintain the integrity of its energy systems and enzymes. It stresses the cell's need to excrete waste and toxic materials and to actively cleanse. This approach is both naturopathic and science-based. Areas covered Naturopathic elimination The concept of self-cleansing Naturopathy Vitality Chronic and acute Suppression SECTION 5 THE MICRO-MINERALS & THEIR CONTRIBUTION TO THE CELL This section emphasises and explains the importance of micro-minerals. It shows them in their role as enzyme activators and how they contribute in this way to cell energy and to maintaining the cell's integrity and function. It explains the key roles and characteristics of individual micro-minerals. Areas covered How metals act as enzyme activators Iron Zinc Manganese Copper Chromium Selenium Molybdenum General supplementation policy on trace metals Non-metallic micro-minerals Toxic metals Notes on metallic macro-minerals SECTION 6 THE VITAMINS This section covers the entire group of vitamins. It shows how they activate enzymes, contribute to cell energy and increase vitality. It explains their differing functions and characteristics. Areas covered Vitamins defined Intakes and rnis for vitamins How vitamins work The vitamins Non-vitamin nutrients How vitamins contribute to cell energy and increase the life force Food sources of the vitamins SECTION 7 BOWEL FLORA – HOW IT AIDS CLEANSING & MAINTENANCE OF A GOOD BODY ENVIRONMENT This section explains how the complex population of bacteria in the intestines contribute to maintaining vitality and health. In particular, it will become clear how these bacteria aid cleansing and the maintenance of a good environment within the body, which is so essential to good health. It includes how to nurture your own bowel flora organisms. Areas covered The bacteria of the large intestine (the bowel) The alternative view of desirable and undesirable bowel flora The benefits from an acidic lower bowel The effect of bowel flora upon cleansing Association of lactobacillus with milk Synthesis and absorption of b vitamins The reciprocal effects of bowel flora The bowel flora from infancy to adulthood Candida albicans How to maintain the bowel flora The use of bowel flora products SECTION 8 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MAIN FOODS. SUPPRESSIVE VERSUS ELIMINATIVE FOODS This section identifies the 'suppressive' foods - those which block the body's elimination of toxins. It separates them from the 'eliminative' foods - those which enable or enhance the voiding of toxins. It gives the characteristics (in this respect) of the main food groups. It will tell you what problem foods to avoid and identify the acid-producing foods. Areas Covered Milk as a problem food Wheat and rye as problem foods Vegetables Relation of elimination to acidity The two-step process of elimination The neutral grains Salt Sugar SECTION 9 THE COMPOSITION OF FOODS This section provides a great deal of data on the composition of foods, their content and the main differences between them. This is a working mass of data to enable your own design of health-giving diets. Areas Covered Commentary on food tables The spread of bulk nutrients The spread of mineral nutrients SECTION 10 ALLERGIES, INTOLERANCE & SENSITIVITY. MICRO-MINERALS & THEIR CONTRIBUTION TO THE CELL This section is an introduction to allergies or intolerances - what they are; physical signs and symptoms, the most frequent; masked/hidden and/or addictive allergies; causes of allergy - food, chemical, emotional and mental; stages of allergy; different types of allergy - fixed, variable, cyclic; managing allergies and sensitivities - how to handle them; rotation diets (including the rotation chart); allergy testing and its limitations; food additives and chemicals; the role of nutrition in all this. Areas Covered Allergic reactions defined The nature of allergies and the effect they have Obvious reactions The four main classes of allergy The possible underlying causes of allergy Viewing allergy tests and their limitations What help is available to deal with allergies The key role of nutrition in the underlying case and treatment of allergy How allergies interfere with treatment The concept of neutralisation The allopathic or orthodox drug approach SECTION 11 DESIGNING DIETS This section provides clear guidance on designing maintenance nutritional diets that, compared to most ordinary diets, should improve health. Areas Covered Dietary paragraphs Using the dietary paragraphs to make up diets SECTION 12 THE USE OF SUPPLEMENTS This section explains and demystifies the subject of vitamin and mineral supplements and their use. It enables you to design simple maintenance and health-giving programmes of supplementation. Areas Covered General guidelines in the use of supplements Always attend to the diet first Preparing for mineral and vitamin supplementation Steps in supplement intake Simple and effective combinations The eliminative qualities of magnesium and calcium Less frequently used combinations Use of multiple formulations Adding in the trace elements as a further stimulant of toxin elimination & for correction of deficiencies On to the next stage – zinc and manganese Conditions where practitioners of nutritional medicine might use such formulae Vitamins a & d Vitamins c & e Choline & inositol Calcium pantothenate The role of the practitioner of nutritional medicine PART TWO includes the following 15 sections: SECTION 1 NATUROPATHY, ITS NATURE AND ITS HISTORY In this section we introduce the medical system known as “naturopathy”. We do so because this system provides the basis for understanding and using naturopathic nutritional therapies. Throughout this Course we shall refer to naturopathy and naturopathic principles and in learning and using these principles, you will hopefully discover a dynamic view of health and illness that will excite you and will inform and motivate your future practice. Areas Covered The Basic Principles of Naturopathy The Early Days: Hydrotherapy as the Core Therapy Progress of Naturopathy in the United States The Halycon Years of Naturopathy in Britain The Suppression of Naturopathy and its Rebirth The Details of Hydrotherapy Techniques The Range of Today’s Naturopathic Techniques Published Research into Naturopathy and General Acceptance Today’s Activities at Health Spas Naturopathy in Relation to Scientific Medicine Naturopathy in Relation to Biochemistry: the Principles of “General Chronicity” Naturopathy as the Philosophical Base for other Therapies SECTION 2 PHILOSOPHY OF NATUROPATHIC NUTRITIONAL THERAPEUTICS In order to begin to understand Nutritional Therapeutics, we have to understand the philosophy that is at its very basis. One will be departing quite fundamentally from conventionality and as the truth about natural medicine and natural nutrition unfolds in this Course, the student will, in all probability, come to realise that holism is a higher form of knowledge; one that transcends the materialistic and the mechanistic and will lead you on the first steps of this most exciting of all journeys. Areas Covered The status of knowledge about diet in relation to health The pressure of conventional opinion The limitations of the conventional approach What goes in must affect health in the long run The body's resistance to deterioration Profound effects from treatment The life force in relation to scientific concepts The nature of toxins Starting to look at the route for recovery Acute conditions, inflammation and hyperactivity Routes by which toxins enter the body Routes of exit of toxins Movement of toxins within the body: toxic locations Iridology Knife edge between healing and non-healing The effects to be expected from toxins residing in tissues SECTION 3 SYNTHESIS OF NATUROPATHY & SCIENCE What is to be presented in this Section is pertinent to the whole question of the initiation of chronic diseases. If we look in the pathology texts and consult the sections on individual types of chronic disease, we usually find an explanation of the cause (aetiology) on a superficial level. However, when we begin to probe into the cause of the causes, we soon hit an impenetrable wall of “not knowing”. It is in this Section that we aim to open the door to this question and therefore give a route back from chronic disease. Areas covered Introduction: a specialized meaning of “Chronicity” The Nature of Toxic Damage – Non-Specific Cell Toxicity The Nature of Membranes Mechanisms of Protein Synthesis and their Vulnerability to Toxins Damage to Mitochondria and the Endoplasmic Reticulum Relationship of General Cellular Damage to Cancer The Nucleus, DNA and their Vulnerability to Toxins DNA Repair Mechanisms The Nature of Toxic Damage – Specific Cell Toxicity Cell Damage and the “General Chronicity” Theory SECTION 4 THE PRACTITIONER’S ROLE In this Section we wish to paint a picture that fairly fully describes this role. It is important to build a set of views about your future role that is fully compatible and interwoven with the naturopathic philosophy and data given in the previous Sections of the Course. Areas covered Introduction to the Role of the practitioner The Wider Environment The Microcosm of the Consulting Room patient & treatment pimary components of the Practitioner’s role a working relationship & commitment to each patient physical examination communicating & recording the prescription providing nutritional products required for therapy communication with doctors spreading the word SECTION 5 UNDERSTANDING THE DEPTH OF DISEASE Here is where the clinical work begins. We begin by thinking about this one aspect – how sick is your patient? You need some idea as to how big the problem is that lies before you. Areas covered The Nature of Health and Disease and the Approach to Treatment Some of the Misconceptions Flexibility of Disease Definitions Arthritis as an Example Do You Need a Hospital Diagnosis When You Are Not Unwell? Homotoxicology and the Teachings of Reckeweg Reckeweg’s Six Levels of Deterioration Examples of Progressive Sequences of Medical Conditions The Miasmic Background: Important but Disputed territory The Three Basic Homeopathic Miasms The Tubercular Miasm The Carcinocin Miasm The Sub-divisions of the Tubercular Miasm Note on Iridology SECTION 6 THE CONCEPT OF ELIMINATORY PRESSURE & ITS MANAGEMENT Eliminatory pressure is the term we use to denote the combined effect of all the various naturopathic-type measures we apply to help the body biochemistry of a sick person to return to normal. According to the “Theory of General Chronicity”, the normality of the biochemistry of the body cells, and hence their degree of freedom from toxicity and damage, is our yardstick of general health and vitality. Areas covered The Nature of Eliminatory Pressure Differences of Response to Naturopathic Pressure The Interactions between Toxins and Toxic Damage Regulating Eliminative Pressure at Manageable Levels The Basics of Generating Eliminatory Pressure Fasting: Free Radicals and Antioxidants “Firing up” Eliminatory Pressure with Fruit The Stage I and Stage 2 Elimination Using Foods to Generate Controlled Levels of Eliminatory Pressure Using Supplements to Generate Controlled Levels of Eliminatory Pressure Contributions to Eliminatory Pressure from Herbs and Special Nutrients Levels of Eliminatory Pressure, Understanding and Managing Them The Effectiveness’, or Otherwise, of Eliminatory Reactions The Concept of the “Chronically Acute” The Approach to Overall Management of the Case SECTION 7 TAKING THE CASE HISTORY & UNDERSTANDING ORGANS AND ORGAN FUNCTIONS In this Section we concern ourselves with the actual technique for taking down the particulars of the case. Before we can carry out a full naturopathic diagnosis, we shall need to understand the principles of ‘Plotting the Course of Disease’. It is from this that we will gain a full appreciation of how the sick person came to be in their present condition and this will then lead us on to the question of what to do about it. Areas covered The More Basic Facts The Aims and Objectives in Taking the Case The Organ States Assessing the Naturopathic State of Organs Hierarchy of Organs Organ-Specific Diagnosis Individually Important Organs and Systems Blood Sugar in Relation to Vitality: Hypoglycaemia The Adrenal Glands how should we recognise adrenal exhaustion clinically? The Liver The Kidneys The Immune System Location of Immune System Components. Functions of Immune System Components. Nutritional Therapy Interpretation of Immune System Signs The Skin SECTION 8 INTERPRETATION OF CASE HISTORY AND UNDERSTANDING INDIVIDUAL REACTIVITY In this Section, we would like you to consider the inevitability of the rules that apply to progression along the pathway to chronic disease, and to the possibility of return from any position that is well down that path. From understanding the case, you will be able to determine what the treatment should be. Areas Covered The Naturopathic Laws and Observational Skills The Progression of Disease More about the Acute and the Chronic The Nutritional Therapist’s View of Disease The Allopathic View of Disease More about “Charting the Naturopathic Ebb and Flow” The Multifactorial Diagnosis See What’s Moving, What’s Changing Assessing Individual Reactivity Let the Case Taking Stage Foreshadow the Interpretation just a Little Note on The Chinese Medicine Connections SECTION 9 THE TOOLS OF THE TRADE & USING DIETS AS TREATMENT Using the information presented to you in Part One of the course, you will be able to use those same dietary paragraphs and move towards a very flexible prescribing of individually designed diets. You will make up a diet for each patient that will embody a carefully thought out modulation of the elimination/suppression aspect of our approach to health. Areas Covered What we have covered already Many people may seem not to need special diets Avoid becoming paranoid Choices in dietary design More about the food classes Facing realism in your range of non-therapeutic prescriptions Adaptation for vegetarians Elements of directional dietary prescribing The approach to actual therapeutic prescription SECTION 10 THE TOOLS OF THE TRADE & USING SUPPLEMENTS AS TREATMENT We provided advice in Part One of the Course on the use of supplements. We introduced the ratio between magnesium and calcium, the use of micro-minerals and the use of zinc and manganese to name but a few. Here we explain further the steps needed to apply these essential tools to ensure that your treatment advice is successful. Areas Covered The latest advice provided by the Introductory Nutritional Course supplementation Legal Restraint upon use of Supplements SECTION 11 THE TOOLS OF THE TRADE & USING HERBS AS TREATMENT In the course of our treatment we often need to deal with common herbs. This is to produce certain organ-specific or system-specific effects, not obtainable with other nutrients. The effect of this is not to make Herbalists of us, but to ensure that these remedies are very carefully selected for their compatibility with other nutrients. Areas Covered Aloe vera Bromelain St john’s wort Gingko biloba Silymarin SECTION 12 ACTIONS OF GROUPS OF PHYTONUTRIENTS This Section begins to delve into what lies behind the known fact that fruit and vegetable consumption inhibits many diseases. What are the substances within them that are responsible for such an important protection of the human body? Each of the main groups is examined with the main purpose being to familiarize the Student with these substances and to offer scientific evidence that some of these really do protect against disease. Areas Covered The Position of Phytonutrients Among Other Factors What are Phytonutrients? The Place of Phytonutrients among Secondary Plant Metabolites The Different Groups of Beneficial Phytonutrients Evidence for anti-disease activity SECTION 13 SPECIAL SUPPLEMENTS & THE COMBINED PRESCRIPTION When we write about “special supplements”, we mean to refer to those substances that are used as nutritional supplements and which do not fit into any of the previous categories mentioned. Here we teach the Student that they may in fact include many substances from many groups, leading to a diversified classification that each has their own special effects, conferring unique advantages upon the taker of them. Areas Covered Special Supplements & combined prescription Conducting the Consultation SECTION 14 STEERING A COURSE THROUGH TREATMENT – FLEXIBILITY AND INSIGHT Having not specifically addressed the question of what happens after the initial consultation, it is here that we bring together all the information that has been presented to you in the pages of this Nutritional Therapeutics Course, therefore, making this Section a recapitulation of things we have covered already, but brought together in a cohesive treatment of the subject. Areas Covered Progressing the Case Things to do at the First Consultation to help towards the Second The Second Consultation the meaning of different outcomes Constipation and Diarrhoea as incidents in Treatment. Titration of Bowel Flora The Nutritional Therapy Intensive Cleanse Diet Enemas Supplements Juices Duration Supplement Sequences in Treatment From Calcium Formulations to Calcium-Free Formulations Other Progressions Allergies, Intolerances and Hypersensitivities SECTION 15 SNAGS, CLEANSES AND CASE HISTORIES TESTIMONIALS Here's what students have to say about the course Kate Woolger, pilates instructor UK I chose the Plaskett College as I wanted something which was flexible and could be done in my own time. The content of the course really appealed. The study experience has been enjoyable - sometimes hard if a subject wasn’t so interesting. In regards to changes I have already implemented, I’m more thoughtful of thinking things through from the inception rather than just looking at the problem"
Why choose SketchUp Basic to Intermediate Training Course? Click for more info SketchUp offers a user-friendly experience with its intuitive interface, enabling beginners to start smoothly and professionals to work efficiently. The software provides straightforward tools and shortcuts, ensuring precise and speedy creation of 3D models. Duration: 5 hrs Method: 1-on-1, Personalized attention Schedule: Tailor your own schedule by pre-booking a convenient hour of your choice, available from Mon to Sat between 9 am and 7 pm SketchUp is a popular and robust CAD solution designed for engineers, designers, architects, and more. Its powerful suite of tools includes customizable palettes, lighting effects, animations, textures, and access to the Trimble 3D warehouse. SketchUp Basic Training Course. 1 on 1 Training. 5 hours Understanding the Basics of SketchUpIntroduction to SketchUpNavigating the SketchUp EnvironmentExploring Zoom, Pan, and Rotate FunctionsFamiliarizing Yourself with the XYZ Axis Mastering SketchUp ToolsEfficient Toolbar SelectionsUtilizing Templates for ProjectsDrawing with Precision Using the Pencil ToolWorking with Fundamental Geometric ShapesTaking Accurate Measurements Advanced SketchUp TechniquesCreating Circles and ArcsHarnessing Sticky Geometry SolutionsUnveiling the Power of Tags (Formerly Layers)Streamlining Workflow with Keyboard ShortcutsAccurate Object Measurement within SketchUpInformation Management and Database UsageMoving and Copying ObjectsSimple Array TechniquesMastering Rotational ManipulationsEffortless Rotational CopyingFractional and Relative Scaling Component and Group CreationConstructing Components for ReusabilityCreating Efficient GroupsComparing the Advantages of Components and GroupsSaving and Reusing ComponentsImporting Components from Digital Repositories Advanced Modeling and GeometryLeveraging Push-Pull OperationsCreating Complex Shapes with the Follow Me ToolExploring Geometry IntersectionsDuplicating and Offsetting Faces, Edges, and PolygonsIncorporating 2D Polygons into Your DrawingsSkillful Use of the Paint Bucket Tool Materials and TexturesProficiency with the Materials EditorApplying High-Quality TexturesSourcing and Positioning TexturesGraphics and Bitmap ConsiderationsCrafting Scenes and StylesGenerating and Customizing ScenesManaging Scenes and Styles Introduction to Animation and PresentationAnimation ConceptsAdding Dimensions to Your SketchUp ModelsAnnotating Designs for ClarityPreparing Models for PrintingExporting Images and PDFs in 2D Formats
Duration 4 Days 24 CPD hours This course is intended for This is an intermediate course for individuals responsible for developing and implementing effective storage management techniques. Overview Establish a DFSMS configuration to automatically enforce your installation's storage management policies Convert service level requirements into appropriate parameters for data class, storage class, management class, and storage groups Create and test Automatic Class Selection (ACS) routines Convert volumes and move data to system-managed volumes with DFSMS Data Set Services (DFSMSdss) Specify appropriate management class and storage group parameters for DFSMS Hierarchical Storage Management (DFSMShsm) processing of system-managed data sets Plan to maintain your DFSMS environment using Naviquest Establish procedures to control, manage, and recover the storage management subsystem with ISMF and operator commands Develop a DFSMS implementation plan In this course you will learn how to plan and implement DFSMS and learn how to manage temporary and permanent data sets with an emphasis on disk storage. Course introduction and DFSMS overview Specify the storage administration functions that can be automatically performed by the system Identify the types of data set services that need to be established by negotiating service level agreements Correlate data set service requirements to the SMS configuration components: data class, storage class, management class, storage group, and automatic class selection routines Activating SMS Identify the functions eligible for exploitation with the installation of DFSMS Data Facility Product (DFSMSdfp) and the activation of SMS Create SMS control data sets Code SYS1.PARMLIB operands necessary to bring up SMS Create a minimal configuration Activate a configuration Writing ACS routines Identify the purpose of the ACS routines Develop an understanding of the statements Differentiate between literals and masks Describe the read variables available in the ACS routines Managing temporary data sets Create/alter storage classes and storage groups Identify steps to install and use the starter set Write ACS routines to handle temporary data sets Activate a system to manage temporary data sets Code commands to change volume/group SMS status Issue operator commands to display current status Exploiting DFSMS Describe the purpose of the data class Identify the features that the data class can exploit Create data sets using the space parameter Define Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) and volume attributes for data class Identify special data sets and their exploitation through the data class Managing permanent data sets Create/alter data classes, storage classes, management classes, and storage groups Translate current (DFSMShsm) service level agreements to management class parameters Identify alternatives and concerns for standard naming conventions Establish the controls for automatic backup of data sets Establish the controls for automatic volume dump Write ACS routines to manage permanent data Create a configuration that manages permanent data sets Create a new managed data set Identify function of storage class exit provided by Custom-Built Installation Process Offering (CBIPO) and resulting System Management Facility (SMF) records Using Naviquest Create test cases using Naviquest Perform storage administration tasks in batch Create online DFSMS reports Create model commands using Naviquest Use the COPYFILT macro Device preparation and data movement Initialize volumes as system-managed Move data into/out from system-managed control Convert volumes to/from system-managed Move data to utilize new hardware capabilities Controlling DFSMS Code commands to change SMS volume/group status Issue commands to save configurations and use alternate Active Control Data Set (ACDS) Issue command to use alternate Communication Data Set (COMMDS) Issue VARY SMS commands Communicate with the security administrator about storage management requirements Additional considerations Establish a plan for implementing SMS Locate sources of implementation planning checklists Identify the tools available to document the current system Identify multiple site considerations for recovery and exploitation Additional course details: Nexus Humans SS84 IBM DFSMS Implementation training program is a workshop that presents an invigorating mix of sessions, lessons, and masterclasses meticulously crafted to propel your learning expedition forward. This immersive bootcamp-style experience boasts interactive lectures, hands-on labs, and collaborative hackathons, all strategically designed to fortify fundamental concepts. Guided by seasoned coaches, each session offers priceless insights and practical skills crucial for honing your expertise. Whether you're stepping into the realm of professional skills or a seasoned professional, this comprehensive course ensures you're equipped with the knowledge and prowess necessary for success. While we feel this is the best course for the SS84 IBM DFSMS Implementation course and one of our Top 10 we encourage you to read the course outline to make sure it is the right content for you. Additionally, private sessions, closed classes or dedicated events are available both live online and at our training centres in Dublin and London, as well as at your offices anywhere in the UK, Ireland or across EMEA.
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A course on Curating and the Psychology of Perception - which are very closely interlinked. Curating and the Psychology of Perception are very closely interlinked. Yet, psychologists and curators are rarely brought together to examine them together. This course has previously ran as part of the rich portfolio of (AIR interdisciplinary courses)[]. It now runs as part AIR Courses at TechnoTruth. Taught by leading experts This course is taught by two leading experts. The course combines lectures on the history of the most important exhibitions of modern art with psychology of perception to address several important questions. Read more on the course page. Group bookings and Enquiries To book this course for a group, please email us at: info( Refunds: We will be happy to refund the fee, minus the Eventbrite fee, which is not refundable. For cancellations latter than 24 hours ahead of the start of the training, a proportion of the fee (£95) is non-refundable.
Duration 1 Days 6 CPD hours This course is intended for This course is designed for all levels of experience in using Microsoft Project, as well as all levels of experience in project management. In particular, this course is designed for persons who need to author Microsoft Project work schedules including Project Managers and Project Assistants, and for management personnel in charge of setting standards for baselining and tracking project data. Overview To gain an understanding of a proven mindset Microsoft Project users should possess each time they open and work Microsoft Project schedules. To gain an understanding of globally accepted project management principles. To be able to effectively apply Microsoft Project into the Execution phase of a normal project life cycle. To gain an understanding of Microsoft Project's baseline capabilities in preparation for analysis and reporting of project data. MS Project: Project Validation, Baseline, and Tracking using Microsoft Project course provides proven tools and techniques for successfully using Microsoft Project to assist with managing projects. MS Project: Project Validation, Baseline, and Tracking using Microsoft Project course provides proven tools and techniques for successfully using Microsoft Project to assist with managing projects.
Duration 5 Days 30 CPD hours This course is intended for Application Consultant Business Analyst Business Process Owner / Team Lead / Power User Help Desk / COE Support Program / Project Manager Overview This course will prepare you to: Describe the motivation for SAP S/4HANA Enterprise Management Provide an overview of basic business processes in the main components of Financial Accounting with SAP S/4HANA Participants of this course will gain an overview of the Financial Accounting capabilities of SAP S/4HANA. You will learn how SAP S/4HANA covers the Financial Accounting related business requirements and how the fundamental business processes and tasks are executed in the system. General Ledger Accounting, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Asset Accounting and Bank Accounting and their integration are all discussed in this course. Especially if you are new to Financial Accounting in SAP S/4HANA, this course is the right starting point for you. If you plan to take the academy and certification for Financial Accounting, this course will help you to better understand the certification courses. For the actual certification, it is recommended, but not mandatory. Overview of SAP S/4HANA Providing an Overview of the SAP S/4HANA Using the SAP Fiori Front-En Overview of Financial Accounting (FI) in SAP S/4HANA Outlining Financial Accounting (FI) Components in SAP S/4HANA General Ledger (G/L) Accounting Outlining Organizational Elements in Financial Accounting (FI) Maintaining G/L Master Records Posting Transactions in the G/L Accounts Payable Maintaining Vendor Master Records Maintaining Accounts Payable Transactions Managing the Integration between Accounts Payable and Materials Management Performing Accounts Payable Closing Operations Accounts Receivable Maintaining Customer Master Records Managing Accounts Receivable Transactions Managing Customer Correspondence Creating Accounts Receivable Dispute Cases Managing the Integration between Accounts Receivable and Sales Order Management Performing Accounts Receivable Closing Operations Asset Accounting Maintaining Asset Master Records Executing Asset Transactions Executing Asset Accounting Period-End Closing Activitie Bank Accounting Maintaining Bank Accounting Master Records Managing Bank Accounting Transactions Closing Operations in General Ledger Accounting Performing General Ledger (G/L) Closing Operations Additional course details: Nexus Humans S4F20 SAP Business Processes in Management Accounting training program is a workshop that presents an invigorating mix of sessions, lessons, and masterclasses meticulously crafted to propel your learning expedition forward. This immersive bootcamp-style experience boasts interactive lectures, hands-on labs, and collaborative hackathons, all strategically designed to fortify fundamental concepts. Guided by seasoned coaches, each session offers priceless insights and practical skills crucial for honing your expertise. Whether you're stepping into the realm of professional skills or a seasoned professional, this comprehensive course ensures you're equipped with the knowledge and prowess necessary for success. While we feel this is the best course for the S4F20 SAP Business Processes in Management Accounting course and one of our Top 10 we encourage you to read the course outline to make sure it is the right content for you. Additionally, private sessions, closed classes or dedicated events are available both live online and at our training centres in Dublin and London, as well as at your offices anywhere in the UK, Ireland or across EMEA.
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How to safely use an AED CPD Accredited, Interactive Short Course (via Zoom) 1½ hr courseLearn how to use an AED safelyAED: Automated External DefibrillatorLearn from the comfort of your own home, great for CPD Course Contents The Chain of Survival How to give CPR DR ABC Introduction to an AED Aspects of an AED Safety aspects of using an AED How to use an AED on an adult, child and infant/baby Please note: this course is aimed as a reminder of how to provide first aid, not a first time training session. Giving CPD especially needs to be taught in person, with lots of chances to practice Benefits of this Short Course There are over 30,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests a year But just 1 out of 10 survive Improved help by the public, and access to defibrillators (AEDs) gives a higher chance of survival Learn how to use an AED and (potentially) save someone's life when it matters most This could be a friend or even a loved one...