CPD Accredited, Interactive Short Course - 1.5 hr session - Learn from the comfort of your own home or workplace - Learn how to deal with wounds, burns, sprains & strains, and other injuries Course Contents: What is classed as Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Who is a DSE user Illnesses and Injuries caused by the incorrect use of DSE How to set up your workstation so as to avoid injuries and musculoskeletal disorders DSE Assessment Checklist Work routine and the importance of taking breaks Eyes and eyesight testing Identifying training needs Working from home and home working assessments Benefits of this Short Course: In 2018/2019, nearly half a million people suffered from work-related musculoskeletal disorders, most of them having suffered from this for a while Though 138,000 of them only started having problems this year These conditions can significantly affect a person's life, and limit their mobility and dexterity This leads to being forced to retire early from work, earn less and have less of a social life I enjoyed the minor injuries webinar as it refreshed my memory in these areas and gave me the confidence to deal with any of these now. The training was delivered with practical demonstrations and I enjoyed the chance to use my brain during the lockdown.DEBBIE GROSCH-SQUANCE
This training is for lawyers and covers key topics to ensure compliance with the Lexcel standard and other regulations.
STGO Abnormal Loads
The course covers research design principles and all main quantitative evaluation methods: randomised experiments, instrumental variables, sharp and fuzzy regression discontinuity designs, regression methods, matching methods and longitudinal methods (before-after, difference-in-differences and synthetic controls).
Sales and trade exist because people need and are looking for that which is better than what they have. Sometimes, they don’t even know that they have a need. The critical piece of this process is “connecting the dots.” We must demonstrate that we have listened respectfully, and, as experts, show how the needs are tied directly to our answer. Just because they have a need and we have a solution doesn’t mean that it’s a guaranteed sale. Connecting their needs to our solution is precisely what the Sales Presentation Skills class is all about. Outcomes – Participants will be able to: Research and understand each unique customer to demonstrate expertise; Conduct productive meetings to discover useful information to formulate the most effective solution(s); Propose plans that are fully aligned with the target’s situation and needs; Increase abilities to engage and motivate the prospect/client through compelling presentations; Convey emotional intelligence enthusiasm and sincerity to get client buy-in; Strengthen professionalism through dynamic story-telling, elevating the level of rapport; and Create positive messages even from negative, modeling a problem-solving, can-do attitude for the audience. Online Format—Sales Presentation Skills is a 4-hour interactive virtual class. Register for this class and you will be sent ONLINE login instructions prior to the class date. Overall, your professionalism, your teaching style, and the content of the course kept it interesting and easy to follow. We believe in what you have taught us, having tried it first hand, I can honestly say, your course works; your methods and ideas have proven themselves. I look forward to working with you again and again in the future. Alan M. Kriegstein, PresidentALA Scientific Instruments, Inc.