Teaching4you is a tuition company that works to encourage and build confidence in students nationwide.
Maths English Verbal Reasoning Non-verbal Reasoning
Have you always been intrigued by dreamcatchers and want to learn the art of weaving your own, or do you know someone who loves them and want to gift them one? This ancient art is has gone through a lot of morphism and yet the old techniques are still here as always. Learn to weave a traditional dreamcatcher.
This live virtual presentation gives you a comprehensive opportunity to learn about Autism and associated conditions like you will have never experienced before. Providing you the knowledge from a unique perspective, this course will assist you to support neurodiverse loved ones, and individuals.
THIS LIVE PRESENTATION is suitable for parents and carers of individuals affected by neurodiversity aswell as practitioners providing services for people with autism and associated conditions and gives you a comprehensive opportunity to learn about Autism and associated conditions like you will have never experienced before. Providing you the knowledge and from a unique perspective, this course will assist you to support neurodiverse loved ones, individuals and families. This live presentation includes ADHD, PDA and neurodiversity and the Sensory world uniquely brought to you by autistic trainers. Learn more about sensory dysfunction, autism and anxiety and Masking!. Join us to learn more about Autism, and how to communicate more effectively with individuals on the autistic spectrum! This presentation also covers ‘Challenging Behaviour’ and how to implement Positive Behaviour Support Plans and EXPLAINS why communication, sensory, rigid thinking and social interaction differences lead to CHALLENGING BEHAVIOUR and offers advice and strategies about how to support individuals with differences. Training sessions include question and answer time to offer practitioners and families to gain solutions to relevant challenges/experiences. Autizma are committed to improving lives and enhancing service provision and we look forward to meeting with you soon! Please don’t worry if you can’t attend registration gives you access to the Live Recording, a Certificate and post training resources.
Do you just need a quick chat to move things forward? Do you have some pressing questions and need feedback that relates directly to you and your book? Did you want to do Taking Your Book To School but are not quite ready yet? I have three half-hour brainstorm sessions available to you on Saturday 18th March at a discounted rate of £20.00 per session. Would you like one? First come first served!
You have the pieces of the Leadership Puzzle; the knowledge of child Development, the knowledge of best practise, the knowledge of health and safety plus much more. Now let's use these pieces of knowledge to help you connect and lead a team to excellence.
This 1 hour on-line training seminar provides an opportunity for employers, HR managers, supervisors, and team leaders to learn how domestic abuse can impact on an employee and the business as well as the next steps to support your staff and protect your business.