Level 4 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations - Supervising Lifts
Level 3 Diploma in Supervising Licensed Asbestos Removal
Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Occupational Work Supervision
Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement
Electric Vehicle Technicians have had access to certified training at different levels of competency for a number of years, but this has not been the case for Vehicle Dismantling Technicians until now. Vehicle repairers have been taught how to diagnose faults on Electric or Hybrid vehicles, make them safe, repair or replace the high voltage component and then put the vehicle back together and make them work. Vehicle dismantlers need to know how to assess Electric and Hybrid vehicles, store them properly, make them safe and dismantle them, store the parts and ship them out for re-use, repurposing or recycling, so the accredited and certified training for vehicle repair technicians met some of the criteria for dismantling but not all. Electric Vehicle Dismantling Training raises the professional standards of the vehicle dismantling and recycling industry, provides consistent training standards across the world, helps develop knowledge and understanding, enables team members to grow their own abilities, and achieve accredited training.
The European Society of Aesthetic Gynecology | ESAG is delighted to present a unique Masterclass on BHRT and PRP application in Regenerative & Functional Gynecology with a fully rejuvenated scientific program that will take place at Bader Medical Institute of London which is conveniently located on the well known Medical district of London in Marylebone, Central London. The Masterclass will start at 11:00 and end approximately at 18:15 and will focus on Bioidentical Hormonal Replacement Therapy (BHRT) and Platelets Rich Plasma (PRP) applications in Regenerative and Functional Gynecology. Scientific Faculty: Maria Papadopoulou, MD, ABAARM Ob&Gyn Consultant (London) Board Certified American Academy of Anti-Ageing Medicine - A4M Vice-President of the European Society of Aesthetic Gynecology –ESAG Founder and Co-director of the Bader Medical Institute of London Prabhu Mishra, PhD MS in Molecular Medicine & Stem Cell Technology Doctoral degree, in addition to certificate courses in the field of Stem Cell Technology, Nanomedicine, and Translational medicine Covered Topics: Understanding the Female hormones Cortisol and its significant role in the balancing of Female hormones Where to test and how Treatment protocols Regenerative Medicine Procedures, Protocols and discussionsStem cells, Amniotic membranesPlacental extracts, Fat graftingNano Fat, SVF Functional Medicine Nutraceutical IV therapies, BHRT, Anti-Oxidants & supplementations Holistic Anti-Ageing therapies Platelet Rich Plasma Therapies in Gynaecology (Live demonstrations); Indications Covered:Thin Endometrium, Asherman Syndrome, Premature ovarian Failure, Oligospermia, Female Sexual DysfunctionsVaginal Laxity & Atrophy, Stress urinary Incontinence & Pelvic Floor diseasesInterstitial Cystitis And Vulvo-Vaginal Rejuvenation Limited exclusive seats available. An limited number of attendees will be able to participate and will benefit by being able to identify their patients’ needs and feel competent to manage and effectively treat them.