CS1 - (Medium Risk) Confined Space Entry And Entry Control - This course is designed to provide delegates that need to enter confined spaces with an in-depth understanding of the requirements of the law, associated regulations and safe systems of work. This course covers access, egress and safe working practices in confined spaces. Book via our website @ https://www.vp-ess.com/training/confined-spaces/cs1-confined-space-entry-with-escape-sets/ or via email at: esstrainingsales@vpplc.com or phone on: 0800 000 346
CS2 - (High Risk) Confined Space Entry, Full Breathing Apparatus, Self-Rescue and BA Control - This course is designed to provide delegates that need to enter confined spaces with an in-depth understanding of the requirements of the law, associated regulations and safe systems of work. This course covers access, egress and safe working practices in confined spaces. Book via our website @ https://www.vp-ess.com/training/confined-spaces/cs2-(high-risk)-confined-space-entry-full-breathing-apparatus,-self-rescue-and-ba-control/ or via email at: esstrainingsales@vpplc.com or phone on: 0800 000 346
City & Guilds Level 3 Award in Control Entry and Arrangements for Confined Spaces (High Risk) - 6160-04 - This course is designed to provide delegates that need to enter medium and high risk confined spaces with an in-depth understanding of legislation, regulations and safe systems of work. This course includes recognising all risk levels of confined spaces. Book via our website @ https://www.vp-ess.com/training/confined-spaces/6160-04-level-3-award-in-control-entry-and-arrangements-for-confined-spaces-(high-risk)/ or via email at: esstrainingsales@vpplc.com or phone on: 0800 000 346
City & Guilds Level 2 Award in Working in High Risk Confined Spaces - 6160-03 - This course is designed to provide delegates that need to enter medium and high risk confined spaces with an in-depth understanding of legislation, regulations and safe systems of work. This course includes recognising all risk levels of confined spaces. Book via our website @ https://www.vp-ess.com/training/confined-spaces/6160-03-city-and-guilds-level-2-award-in-working-in-high-risk-confined-spaces/ or via email at: esstrainingsales@vpplc.com or phone on: 0800 000 346
City and Guilds level 2 Award in Entrant and Entry Controller for Confined Spaces (Medium Risk) - 6160-09 - This course is designed to provide delegates that need to enter confined spaces and hazardous areas with an in-depth understanding of the Legal requirements and the associated legislation, hazard identification and suitable control measures. Book via our website @ https://www.vp-ess.com/training/confined-spaces/6160-09-city-and-guilds-level-2-award-in-entrant-and-entry-controller-for-confined-spaces-(medium-ri/ or via email at: esstrainingsales@vpplc.com or phone on: 0800 000 346
You can handle the tough stuff with the help of this comprehensive, interactive and thought-provoking course. Our trainers are experienced managers who will guide and support you through the intricacies of people and personal management. The key responsibilities of the manager A manager’s impact on the business and its staff Being a role model Communicating with confidence Questioning skills Managing hybrid teams Assertiveness techniques Managing team performance with ease Giving great feedback Prioritising like a winner Time management techniques Delegating effectively
This course is suitable for operatives required to Work at Height, and will give operatives a sound foundation on the requirements of the Work at Height Regulations 2005 and other relevant regulations. Also highlights the principles of how fall protection systems / equipment should be selected and used. This course will provide delegates with the knowledge and practical experience to enable them to work safely at height using a variety of basic systems and techniques. Book via our website @ ESS | Working at Height Module 2 - Safe Work at Height (General Operative) | Vp ESS (vp-ess.com) or via email at: esstrainingsales@vpplc.com or phone on: 0800 000 346
This course is suitable for operatives required to Work at Height, providing a sound foundation on the requirements of the Work at Height Regulations 2005 in conjunction with a basic understanding of the types of fall protection systems and equipment available, its use, its limitations and unsafe practices. Suitable for individuals working around but not directly Working at Height. It allows the delegate to identify a working at height area and understand the procedures and regulations that control it. Book via our website @ ESS | Working at Height Module 1 - Safe Work at Height Awareness | Vp ESS (vp-ess.com) or via email at: esstrainingsales@vpplc.com or phone on: 0800 000 346
Extending beyond the features and functions of cable avoidance tools, the course aims to provide delegates with an understanding in the essential elements that constitute a safe system of work and how to get the best results when scanning for buried utilities. The course intertwines theoretical and practical content aimed to engage participants throughout the day, facilitating open discussions on best practices and ways to improve existing processes in order to reduce utility damage and personal harm CITB grant may be available for organisations registered with the Construction Industry Training Board Book via our website @ https://www.vp-ess.com/training/utility-detection/utility-avoidance-including-use-of-cable-avoidance-tools/ or via email at: esstrainingsales@vpplc.com or phone on: 0800 000 346
This course provides delegates with the information needed to assess the risk of pressure ulcers and Tissue Viability.