Embark on a journey to become a workplace hero with our comprehensive one-day Pediatric First Aid course. This dynamic and engaging training program is designed to equip you with the essential skills and knowledge needed to handle emergency situations confidently and effectively.
Take your organisation’s presentations to the next level by truly engaging second language English speakers with our specific techniques. Help them communicate key messages with confidence and clarity to the whole audience. With lots of opportunities for practice in a very safe space, participants will build their skills in the guiding hands of our experts. This bespoke course will include: Presenter self-awareness Essential cultural etiquette Powerful PowerPoint strategies for second-language speakers Linguistic mindfulness A new understanding of ‘less is more’
You can handle the tough stuff with the help of this comprehensive, interactive and thought-provoking course. Our trainers are experienced managers who will guide and support you through the intricacies of people and personal management. The key responsibilities of the manager A manager’s impact on the business and its staff Being a role model Communicating with confidence Questioning skills Managing hybrid teams Assertiveness techniques Managing team performance with ease Giving great feedback Prioritising like a winner Time management techniques Delegating effectively
To increase your awareness and understanding of what safeguarding children means, in order to increase your confidence to enable you to make a positive contribution towards the process.
This 2-day course offers the requalification of a variety of first aid situations and how to respond to an emergency. It gives delegates the confidence to deal with any of these situations safely and efficiently.
A cardiac arrest can happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time. Every second matters and this course will give you the confidence to act quickly and effectively. Most importantly, the course will also teach defibrillator operators how to perform effective CPR.
The often-used phrase, 'just the receptionist', completely misrepresents the role. An excellent receptionist is a most valuable resource for any organisation. This programme has been designed specifically to deal with the essential skills necessary to represent the organisation to the best possible effect. It will also help you get the most out of your working day. There are six key reasons to take part in this workshop. It will help you: See your role in a new light Develop your communication skills Deal with different types of customer and situation Boost your confidence Cope in a pressurised environment Get more satisfaction from your working day 1 Introduction Workshop objectives and personal objectives The challenges of 21st century communication What makes an excellent point of Reception? And why is it so important? Who and where are our customers? As a customer, how do you like to be treated? What makes people feel valued? Objective and subjective aspects of customer service 'Micro moments' that shape the relationship 2 Communication on reception Definition of communication Barriers to good communication The 'recipe' of verbal, vocal and visual aspects of communication Differences between communicating face-to-face and on the telephone Communication 'leaks' The primitive human response The impact of visual communication - body language, gesture and facial expression Voice - tone, speed, volume, pitch, clarity, inflection, pacing Words - positive words and phrases compared with negative terminology Professional greetings face-to-face Steering the conversation with effective questioning 3 Telephone excellence How we use the telephone Qualities of the telephone Non-verbal communication on the telephone - what aspects can be 'seen' by the other person? Professional telephone etiquette Taking and leaving messages - key points that can help customers, colleagues and the organisation Clarifying information 4 Listening skills for accuracy and relationship building How accurate are your listening skills? What are the challenges for accurate listening? Active / empathetic listening 5 Creating a rapport by 'style flexing' Understanding how different people communicate Shaping our message to the other person so that they feel understood How changing situations can alter communication needs 6 Confidence and assertiveness Recognising different styles of behaviour - aggressive, passive and assertive Qualities of assertive communication - verbal, vocal and visual Assertive techniques - basic, persistence, negotiation / empathetic Demonstrating confidence 7 Coping in a pressurised environment Words - the most useful ones to use with stressed people and identifying the 'red rag' words Challenging situations - what do you find difficult and how do you respond? Dealing with outbursts of anger Bringing non-stop talkers back from their tangent Constructive ways to say 'no' 8 Pulling it all together Action plans Summary of key learning points
PLEASE CONTACT US FOR FORTHCOMING COURSE DATES COURSE OVERVIEW. DURATION: 1 DAY () LOCATION: HAMPSHIRE THIS FULLY ACCREDITED 2 DAY COURSE IS DESIGNED FOR INDIVIDUALS OR TEAMS WISHING TO RECEIVE RELEVANT MEDICAL TRAINING TO WORK, LIVE AND OPERATE IN HOSTILE OR REMOTE LOCATIONS AROUND THE GLOBE. Delegates are instructed using a ground-up approach, learning techniques and practices that enable confidence and competence in dealing with life potentially changing injuries. Training and risk assessment goes a long way to safeguarding against injuries and threats in any environment however, sometimes the unexpected or unplanned can occur. From vehicle-related incidents and natural disasters to terrorist attacks and armed incidents. It is at this point that trauma and medical skills come to the forefront, allowing an individual to get involved and provide a casualty with a chance of survival, rather than the panic that comes from ignorance, leading to unnecessary fatalities. Our highly experienced and professional instructors provide you with the confidence to be someone who gets involved. Unsure if this is the right course for you? Get in touch with our team to help you choose the best course for your needs. COURSE ELEMENTS. MEDICAL KITS, EQUIPMENT AND PRIOR PLANNING MEASURING VITAL SIGNS AND DIAGNOSIS OF CASUALTIES BALLISTIC AND BLAST TRAUMA RESUSCITATION AND BASIC LIFE-SAVING INCLUDING CPR AND USE OF AUTOMATED EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATORS MANAGEMENT OF SHOCK STABILISING AND TRANSPORTING CASUALTIES BASIC INTRODUCTION TO MEDICATION DEALING WITH BURNS AND SOFT TISSUE DAMAGE TRIAGE – HOW TO MANAGE AND PRIORITISE MULTIPLE CASUALTIES MANAGEMENT OF AIRWAYS AND USE OF RESPIRATORY AIDS VEHICLE SCENE SAFETY AND EXTRICATION HAEMORRHAGE CONTROL – BLEEDING AND CATASTROPHIC BLEEDING USING TOURNIQUETS AND HOMEOSTATIC AGENTS ENVIRONMENTAL ILLNESS – HEAT, COLD & DEHYDRATION MANAGEMENT OF FRACTURES AND BROKEN BONES
Gain the clarity and confidence to take on inspections successfully with this actionable workshop.
The course seeks to improve the wellbeing and experience of people with dementia and of the care staff working with them. It should improve your confidence in managing situations you find challenging.