The course covers primary and some secondary skills allowing the flexibility to add extra subjects where needed.
This medication training course covers a wide range of topics relating to the safe handling and administration of medication within the health and social care industry, such as The Medicines Act and controlled drug schedules. The course covers the requirements set out in The Care Certificate, in NICE guidelines, and by the Care Quality Commission. This practical medication administration course includes competency sign-off.
This Health & Safety in the Care Sector Course works alongside, and helps, learners understand Standard 13 of the Care Certificate. This Standard touches on the legislation, policies & responsibilities relating to Health & Safety in the care sector, as well as looking at accidents and sudden illnesses.
This Health & Safety in the Care Sector Course works alongside, and helps, learners understand Standard 13 of the Care Certificate. This Standard touches on the legislation, policies & responsibilities relating to Health & Safety in the care sector, as well as looking at accidents and sudden illnesses.
This is an essential programme for members of staff whose role exposes them to aggressive or violent behaviour. 1 What's happening? Issues around us Risks in context Personal experiences 2 Safety fundamentals Following internal policy and procedure Personal safety and lone working Use of technology 3 Nipping issues in the bud Recognising early warning signs Avoiding causing problems for ourselves 4 Calming - Reaching - Controlling Tips and techniques for potentially calming a situation Reaching and building rapport Accelerants - tips on avoiding accelerating a situation Assertiveness techniques Non-verbal behaviour Active listening and the use of questions and distractions Exploring ways forward and identifying win/wins Avoiding the secondary argument Fogging The 'drama triangle' If all else fails 5 Harassment, stalking and on-line bulling What constitutes harassment and definition of stalking On-line bullying Steps to take 6 Reporting principles Importance of incidence reporting Taking care of us What next?
A high-impact programme designed to be fun and to get people fully involved. The first-class, jargon-free content is based on what people need to know in practice, not off-putting legal language. This introductory course covers: Introducing Working Safely: Accidents can happen to anyone. The realities of the human suffering behind the statistics. The importance of personal responsibility. Defining hazard and risk: Focusing on the six broad hazard groups, participants are asked to think about the hazards and risks they come across in their own work. 'Risk assessment' demystified. Identifying common hazards: All the main issues - aggression and violence, asbestos, bullying, chemicals and harmful substances, computer workstations, confined spaces, drugs and alcohol, electricity, fire, getting in and out, height, housekeeping, lighting, manual handling, noise, personal hygiene, plant and machinery, slips and trips, stress, temperature, vehicles and transport, and welfare facilities. Improving safety performance: Bridging the gap between management and workforce, encouraging participants to play their part. Also covered: contract work, inspections, safe systems and permits, protective equipment, signage, emergency procedures, reporting and health checks.
This course looks at the initial alert and the decision-making process in deciding to make a referral, taking into consideration consent and capacity of the alleged vulnerable adult, keeping them at the centre of the decision-making process. How and who to refer to and the different types of response you could expect.
This course provides detailed safeguarding adults & children awareness, including essential knowledge in the recognition and reporting of abuse and neglect, procedures and responsibilities. This is for all workforce involved in Social Care from the health, public, independent, or voluntary sectors. This subject forms standard 10 & 11 in The Care Certificate.
RSPH level 2 Identifying and Controlling Food Allergy Risks Training Course Do you need an allergy trainer to come to your food business and teach your staff face to face about food and drink allergens, their dangers and how to control them? Our allergy trainer can come to your business and deliver this course at your business premises. Although we are based in London, we are happy to travel and deliver this course at your business location. (Trainer travel fees may be applicable depending on your location). Staff will receive interactive training and coaching on allergens and intolerances with an experienced trainer. We can also tweak the training to include issues you would like to cover. See our website for more details. Special offer for on-site allergy training. £250 plus £20pp includes RSPH exam fees (usually £350 plus £30pp) This course is suitable for any catering business such as restaurants, pubs, hotels, cafes, catering companies, cooks, self employed, artisans, event caterers and more. This course is also important for staff who are Front of House, who take customer orders and relay the orders to cooks and chefs and other people who are preparing food for customers who have allergies and or intolerances. This is a short one day training course, typically 9am-3pm. Topics covered include- Allergens, Allergen Identification, Cross contact, Cross Contamination, Allergic Reactions, Food Intolerances, Coeliac, Anaphylaxis, Natasha's Law, UK Food Safety Regulations, Allergy Controls, Substituting ingredients, Customer Communication and what to do in an Emergency. Contact us to book training.