CS1 - (Medium Risk) Confined Space Entry And Entry Control - This course is designed to provide delegates that need to enter confined spaces with an in-depth understanding of the requirements of the law, associated regulations and safe systems of work. This course covers access, egress and safe working practices in confined spaces. Book via our website @ https://www.vp-ess.com/training/confined-spaces/cs1-confined-space-entry-with-escape-sets/ or via email at: esstrainingsales@vpplc.com or phone on: 0800 000 346
This course is aimed at those who analyse and identify asbestos from within samples collected on site
BOHS P903 - Management and control of evaporative cooling and other high risk industrial systems is there to provide background and an overview of the risk of Legionella infection and how it can be controlled in Evaporative Cooling and other high risk Industrial type systems. It is a requirement of this course that candidates have successfully completed P901 - Legionella- Management and Control of Building Hot and Cold Water Services. Where both P901 and P903 courses are run on subsequent days or as a combined course then this prerequisite is waived.
The main subject areas of the course are: Setting up of microscopes. Filter preparation, fibre counting and outline of air sampling equipment. Calculation of results, quality control, reporting and communication.
P400 - Asbestos Surveying and Analysis is a one day foundation level course, which provides candidates with the fundamental knowledge to start a career in the asbestos surveying and analysis professions, and as a progression route to the asbestos Proficiency qualifications. It gives candidates an introductory level of knowledge on the health risks of asbestos fibres, and how to manage asbestos-containing materials in their work. Candidates for this course are not expected to have prior knowledge and experience but having an awareness of the contents of both HSG248 Asbestos: The analysts' guide (July 2021) and HSG264 Asbestos: the survey guide January 2010), would be advantageous.
The course is suitable for those employees who may need to use a fire extinguisher in an emergency. It is also a requirement under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 that all key employees should receive training in the use of fire extinguishers and know what to do in the event of fire.
The course is suitable for those employees who may need more information regarding fire safety due to the nature of their roles. It is also a requirement under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 that all key employees should receive training in what to do in the event of fire.
We have expanded our asbestos awareness courses to specifically cover the awareness of asbestos in soils, made-ground and construction and demolition materials. Essential for geotechnical engineers, plant operators, civil engineering contractors and ground workers.