Some 60% of injuries at work are caused by lifting heavy objects. This powerful, practical programme is designed to help stop any of your staff from becoming the next statistic. 1 Introduction and objectives 2 Overview of Health and Safety Legislation and HSE Injury Statistics Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (MHSWR) 1992 MHSWR 1999 specific duties to risk assess Manual Handling Operations Regulations (MHOR) 1992 Breakdown of injury statistics and costs of poor manual handling 3 The musculoskeletal system explained Prevention and ill-health Ergonomics RSI The spine in detail 4 Risk assessment General principles The TILE method Employees' duties Workplace scenarios
This course is designed to provide delegates that need to use abrasive wheels with an in-depth understanding of the requirements of the law, associated regulations and safe working practices when using abrasive wheels. Book via our website @ ESS | Training Courses | Vp ESS ( or via email at: or phone on: 0800 000 346
Severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) can kill without immediate first aid. The UK is one of the top countries in the world for incidence of allergies. This course covers the management of anaphylaxis and the use of auto-injectors for the initial treatment of anaphylaxis.
The IOSH Managing Safelyaward is valid for three years. Award-holders need to undertake this one-day refresher programme every three years in order to maintain their status. This very interactive, practical programme covers: An interactive case study exercise is used throughout the day to apply refreshed knowledge to the plan-do-check-act model and then link it back to the workplace. For example, participants examine the elements of a safety and health policy, come up with ideas to influence safety culture, and select the best communication methods to engage a workforce.
The Combined Emergency First Aid at Work and Emergency Paediatric First Aid course has been specifically designed to avoid the duplication of topics encountered in attending separate Emergency First Aid at Work and Emergency Paediatric First Aid courses. It is tailored for those who work in environments that require both First Aiders and Peadiatric First Aiders, such as schools, sports clubs or childcare facilities. This streamlined approach maximises efficiency and saves time for those seeking both certifications.
Level 2 Food Safety and Hygiene in Catering Course
This course is designed to enable learners to increase their understanding of risk assessment and risk management in Health and Social Care settings.
The aim of this course is to give delegates who have to use full working breathing apparatus during their working activities a greater understanding of correct operational procedures. Book via our website @ ESS | Training Courses | Vp ESS ( or via email at: or phone on: 0800 000 346
Person-centred approaches are a core skills framework that articulates what it means to be person-centred and how to develop and support the workforce to work in this way. Developed in partnership with Skills for Health and Skills for Care, the Framework aims to distil best practices and to set out core, transferable behaviours, knowledge and skills. It is applicable across services and sectors and across different types of organisations. Person-centred approaches underpins existing dementia, learning disabilities, mental health and end of life care core skills frameworks. This subject forms standard 5 in The Care Certificate.