If you have no intention of removing asbestos but work on buildings built or refurbished before the year 2000, asbestos could be present. You will need awareness training so you know how to avoid the risks. Asbestos awareness training should be given to employees whose work could foreseeably disturb the fabric of a building and expose them to asbestos or who supervise or influence the work. In particular, it should be given to those workers in the refurbishment, maintenance and allied trades where it is foreseeable that ACMs may become exposed during their work.
If you have no intention of removing asbestos but work on buildings built or refurbished before the year 2000, asbestos could be present. You will need awareness training so you know how to avoid the risks. Asbestos awareness training should be given to employees whose work could foreseeably disturb the fabric of a building and expose them to asbestos or who supervise or influence the work. In particular, it should be given to those workers in the refurbishment, maintenance and allied trades where it is foreseeable that ACMs may become exposed during their work.
Level 2 HACCP RSPH Training Course
Conflict management online course to understand how to deal with conflict
Asbestos Awareness training is a legal requirement for any worker who may encounter asbestos during their work. Modules will provide relevant and detailed knowledge about the dangers of asbestos, the products that contain asbestos, what it looks like, where it may have been used and the practical steps that can be taken to reduce their risk of exposure. In addition to common mandatory modules, learners will also choose a selection of modules relevant to their occupational pathway.
Asbestos Awareness training is a legal requirement for any worker who may encounter asbestos during their work. Modules will provide relevant and detailed knowledge about the dangers of asbestos, the products that contain asbestos, what it looks like, where it may have been used and the practical steps that can be taken to reduce their risk of exposure. In addition to common mandatory modules, learners will also choose a selection of modules relevant to their occupational pathway.
Gain insights into how to master the dynamics of the opposite colour energies and see the dynamics within your team shift towards healthy relationships. Watch as your bottom line improves as suddenly more is getting done in a smarter way.
To enable learners to develop their knowledge and skills in relation to manual handling activities
The course will increase participants knowledge relating to how drugs work, potential risks and hazards associated with medicines, and provide an overview of the legal and professional aspects of medicines management.
Safeguarding adults is a responsibility for every sport and physical activity organisation. Getting this right will ensure a wider participation in sport or physical activity and ensure safe access for everyone. This course aims to provide awareness of safeguarding adults at risk to anyone within a sport or physical activity organisation. The 2.5 hour workshop covers the following and learners will be able to: Support a safer environment Look at how to contribute to creating a safer environment for adult participants. What is safeguarding? Define what safeguarding is and how it applies to sports and activity organisations. Indicators of concern and types of abuse Examine key indicators of abuse and learning to recognise the different types of abuse on adults Your role within safeguarding Understand what your role is and your responsibilities in terms of safeguarding and participant’s welfare.