This masterclass will focus on supporting Key Safeguarding staff in understanding the current context around SVSH and HSB in your setting.
This expert-led training course is created and designed to help you gain the skills and confidence needed to help your governing body ensure there is a consistent and effective whole-school approach to safeguarding in place in your school / college.
This session will combine knowledge as well as practical interactive scenarios to work through to assist delegates in evaluating themselves to identify areas they might need to improve on. The course will cover: The purpose of the role (reminder) How the role has evolved What lessons can be gained so far How do you create a culture of compliance What good systems, policies and procedures look like Easy tips on what, where and how you should be looking Target Audience This online course is suitable for those new to the COFA role, those supporting the COFA and for those that would like a refresher of the role and their responsibilities. Resources An information pack including the course slides, scenarios and suggested answers will be provided to all delegates, which may be useful for ongoing reference. Please note a recording of the course will not be made available. Speaker Sarah Charlton, Consultant, DG Legal Sarah has a BSc (Hons) in Applied Accounting and is a Fellow member of the Association of Chartered and Certified Accountants. Her career spans over 35 years working within the legal sector, fulfilling roles from COFA through to CEO. During her career she has worked with a number of legal regulators, professional bodies and government organisations. Sarah has been a member of the Institute of Legal Finance and Management throughout her career, qualifying as a Fellow member in 2005. Sarah also served as chairperson between 2010-2012 and continues to serve as an Executive Council Member.
This must-attend masterclass will provide a comprehensive understanding of all the key developments in the latest statutory and non-statutory guidance documents from a DSLs perspective, and how they relate to safeguarding provision in schools and colleges.