Booking options
+ VAT£80
+ VATDelivered Online
2 hours
All levels
Who should attend?
This masterclass is also valuable for all governors, not just the nominated Safeguarding Governor, as all governors have 'strategic leadership responsibility for safeguarding', as outlined in KCSIE.
This expert-led training course is created and designed to help you gain the skills and confidence needed to help your governing body ensure there is a consistent and effective whole-school approach to safeguarding in place in your school / college.
Delivered live-online by one of our safeguarding experts, the course will allow you to learn in a live real-time environment, with a range of discussion points, activities, and Q&A session to ensure that you are able to complete the training with a clear understanding of the role of governance as part of the whole school/college approach.
We will cover:
Your role and responsibilities,
Working with your school's senior leadership team,
Creating a safer culture
Monitoring the effectiveness of your settings' whole school/college approach including preparing for inspections.
Learning Objectives
This Masterclass will enable you to:
understand your role and responsibilities, along with those of the wider board in relation to safeguarding, creating a safer culture, and in the safer recruitment process.
develop a greater awareness of safeguarding issues and the responsibilities of your school /college
know how to work effectively with the DSL and the whole senior leadership team through providing effective oversight
be aware of relevant inspection criteria and how to evidence how your school /college fulfils its safeguarding responsibilities.
Brightcore Consultancy was founded by Oliver Welsby to provide dynamic and forward-thinking training and consultancy services. With a wealth of experience as both a DSL and a...