Learn how to make English willow baskets. Learn the techniques materials and tools involved in this traditional craft. Fun and therapeutic weekend.
Behavioural Foundation Course. The foundation course is a great opportunity to learn about your dog’s needs.
Is your lifestyle too sedentary? Do you feel sluggish by the end of the day? Wrecked by the end of the week? You need to vary your regime at work. You need to work with, rather than against, your physicality in order to boost your energy levels in a sustainable way - without recourse to coffee, sugar or other stimulants. Take away: Four quick and easy ways to make you feel good and re-energised. You will have the opportunity to: Explore how even just small amounts of physical activity can impact your mental and general health and wellbeing, creativity and productivity. Learn what to do about a sedentary lifestyle Get some tips on what to do about your posture Deskercise - try out some easy stretches and exercises you can do at your desk
An enriching and creative day led by artist and art educator Lucy Perry to immerse students in floral forms through expressive and painterly techniques. SATURDAY 17th May 2025 Beautiful Brusho Blooms: The day starts with looking at some artwork to inspire us and then some quick observational drawing exercises to get to know our glorious subject matter. Lucy will guide students through explorations of colourful blooms in Brusho watercolour dyes, creating vibrant and lively studies using expressive brushwork techniques, wax resist and dip pen with ink. As the day unfolds, students have the freedom to select a specific subject and method for more in-depth exploration. Who is this course for? This course is for anyone who loves natural forms and wants to find exciting ways to explore them artistically. You might be at the beginning of your art journey or you might be an artist or designer with lots of experience but looking for new ideas and the opportunity to take part in new art practices with like-minded folk...new ways of seeing, leading to new possibilities. It will also provide you with an opportunity to relax and focus on mindful activities; restorative and connected to nature. What is included? Most materials are included but you are asked to come with your own watercolour paper (if you don't have any you could go to https://www.hahnemuehle.co.uk/agave-watercolour/10625402 and use the discount code LUCYPERRY15 to buy a 30 x 40 (A3 ish) block of Agave paper). Tea, coffee and biscuits are provided. Aprons are provided. Please bring a packed lunch. Free parking on site. The Norfolk School of Gardening is a unique and perfect setting for the course; when weather permits we will be able to use the gardens and greenhouses for our work. Free Parking. Timings: 10 am - 3.30pm Location: Norfolk School of Gardening, Bixley Manor, Kirby Rd, Norwich NR14 8SJ Cost £100 incluidng materials (except watercolour paper) tea/coffee/biscuits. Up to 10 students can attend a workshop at Norfolk School of Gardening - please get in touch if you are booking for 4 or more attendees as a discount may apply or if you are interested in your own private/team building workshop. What do past students say about Artful workshops at Norfolk School of Gardening… “Thank you so much for Saturday. I am inspired! I have a bunch of hellebores on the table ready to draw…. I really enjoyed the course and I think you may have got me going again. “ “Thanks for a fab day. I really enjoyed it.” “Neither of us has had an art lesson since we were at school, but with kind encouragement and professional guidance, we found ourselves lost in the moment and having a fine, botanical time with Lucy and our fellow students.” “Such a fun day. Thank you.” “Grateful for your encouragement and gentle guidance. Can we do it all again?!” “A huge thank you for today! I had so much fun and absolutely loved working in charcoal.”
Woodcarving courses
The 2-hour Baby & Child First Aid class covers CPR, Choking, Bumps, Burns, Breaks, Bleeding, Febrile Seizures and Meningitis & Sepsis Awareness and will give everyone who attends the peace of mind they deserve.
Our *NEW* Mini First Aid Baby Proofing class is our second class, designed for parents and carers of babies and children over 3 months. It can be taken after our 2 hour Baby and Child First Aid class, or in isolation for those parents who are starting their weaning journey, or have a baby on the move!