Software development training course description This three-day MTA Training course helps you prepare for Microsoft Technology Associate Exam 98-361, and build an understanding of these topics: Core programming, Object-Oriented programming, general software development, web applications, desktop applications, and databases. This course leverages the same content as found in the Microsoft Official Academic Course (MOAC) for this exam. What will you learn Describe core programming. Explain Object Oriented programming. Describe general software development. Describe Web applications. Describe desktop applications. Explain how databases work. Software development training course details Who will benefit: Anyone looking to learn the fundamentals of software. Prerequisites: None. Duration 3 days Software development training course contents Core programming Computer storage and data types How a computer stores programs and the instructions in computer memory, memory stacks and heaps, memory size requirements for the various data storage types, numeric data and textual data. Computer decision structures Various decision structures used in all computer programming languages; If decision structures; multiple decision structures, such as Ifâ¦Else and switch/Select Case; reading flowcharts; decision tables; evaluating expressions. Handling repetition For loops, While loops, Do...While loops and recursion. Understand error handling Structured exception handling. Object-oriented programming Classes Properties, methods, events and constructors; how to create a class; how to use classes in code. Inheritance Inheriting the functionality of a base class into a derived class. Polymorphism Extending the functionality in a class after inheriting from a base class, overriding methods in the derived class. Encapsulation Creating classes that hide their implementation details while still allowing access to the required functionality through the interface, access modifiers. General software development Application life cycle management Phases of application life cycle management, software testing. Interpret application specifications Application specifications, translating them into prototypes, code, select appropriate application type and components. Algorithms and data structures Arrays, stacks, queues, linked lists and sorting algorithms; performance implications of various data structures; choosing the right data structure. Web applications Web page development HTML, CSS, JavaScript. ASP.NET web application development Page life cycle, event model, state management, client-side versus server-side programming. Web hosting Creating virtual directories and websites, deploying web applications, understanding the role of Internet Information Services. Web services Web services that will be consumed by client applications, accessing web services from a client application, SOAP, WSDL. Desktop applications Windows apps UI design guideline categories, characteristics and capabilities of Store Apps, identify gestures. Console-based applications Characteristics and capabilities of console- based applications. Windows Services Characteristics and capabilities of Windows Services. Databases Relational database management systems Characteristics and capabilities of database products, database design, ERDs, normalisation concepts. Database query methods SQL, creating and accessing stored procedures, updating and selecting data. Database connection methods Connecting to various types of data stores, such as flat file; XML file; in-memory object; resource optimisation.
Objective-C programming training course description A hands on introduction that will allow you to master Objective-C and start using it to write powerful native applications for even the newest Macs and iOS devices! Using The step-by-step approach, will let you get comfortable with Objective-C's unique capabilities and Apple's Xcode 5 development environment. Make the most of Objective-C objects and messaging. Work effectively with design patterns, collections, blocks, foundation classes, threading, Git and a whole lot more. Every session builds on what you've already learned, giving a rock-solid foundation for real-world success! What will you learn Use Xcode 5. Declare classes, instance variables, properties, methods, and actions. Use arrays, dictionaries, and sets. Expand and extend classes with protocols, delegates, categories, and extensions. Use Apple's powerful classes and frameworks. Objective-C programming training course details Who will benefit: Developers wanting to learn Objective-C. Prerequisites: Software development fundamentals. Duration 5 days Objective-C programming training course contents PART 1: GETTING STARTED WITH OBJECTIVE-C The Developer Program: Objective-C, enrolling as an Apple Developer, setting up the development environment, Xcode. Your first project. OO programming with Objective-C: OO projects, Frameworks, classes and instances, encapsulation, accessors, Inheritance. OO features in Objective-C: Messages, methods, working with id, nesting messages, method signatures and parameters. allocating and initializing objects. Using Xcode: Xcode, source code control, git and Xcode, Using a Remote Repository. Compiler Directives: Projects, Compiler Directives, Prefix headers, main.m, .h files. PART 2: OBJECTIVE-C BASICS Messaging in a Testbed App: Setting Up the Testbed Apps, Adding a Text Field and Connecting It to Your Code, Sending a Message to the Text Field, Reviewing the Message Syntax. Declaring a Class in an Interface File: Context, Creating an Instance Variable with id, What Happens When Execution Stops, dynamic binding, Creating an Instance Variable for with the Class Name and with a Superclass Name, instance variable visibility. Properties in an Interface File: Interface Variables vs Properties, Declared Properties, Using Attributes. Implementing Properties. @synthesize, @dynamic. Methods in an Interface File: Methods in a Class, class and instance methods, Method declaration, returning complex data structures from Methods. Actions in an Interface File: Actions, Actions in OS X and iOS, disconnecting actions. Routing messages with selectors: Receiver and selector objects in messages, Objective-C Runtime, SEL and @selector (), performSelector, NSInvocation, testing whether an Instance can respond to a selector. Building on the Foundation: The Foundation Framework, Foundation Classes, Foundation Paradigms and Policies; Mutability, class clusters, notifications. Defining a Class in Implementation Files: Projects, dynamic typing, creating a new App, implementing a method, expanding Classses with init Methods. Organizing Data with Collections: Collecting Objects, Property Lists, Runtime, comparing the Collection Classes, Creating a Collection, Objective-C Literal Syntax, Enumerating collections, Testing Membership in a Collection, Accessing an Object in a Collection. Managing Memory and Runtime Objects: Managing objects in memory, managing reference counts manually and with ARC, variable qualifiers, variable autorelease. PART 3: EXPANDING AND EXTENDING CLASSES Protocols and Delegates: Subclassing, Protocols, Delegates, Looking Deeper Inside Protocols. Categories and Extensions: Comparing categories and protocols, categories vs subclasses, working with categories, class extensions, informal protocols. Associative References and Fast Enumeration: Objective-C 2.0 Time-Saving Features, Extending Classes by Adding Instance Variables (Sort of), Using Fast Enumeration. Blocks: Revisiting Blocks, Callbacks, Blocks, Exploring Blocks in Cocoa, Cocoa Blocks and Memory. PART 4: BEYOND THE BASICS Handling Exceptions and Errors: Exception and Error classes: NSException, NSError, Identifying exceptions, throwing exceptions, catching exceptions. Queues and Threading: Getting Started with Concurrency, Introducing Queues, Dispatch Sources, Using Dispatch Queues. Working with the Debugger: Logging Information, Console Logs, NSLog, Smart Breakpoints, enhancing breakpoints with messages. Using Xcode Debug Gauges for Analysis: Debug Gauges, Monitoing CPU and memory utilization, monitoring energy, Using Instruments. PART 5: OPTIONAL TOPICS C Syntax Summary: Data Types, Control Structures. Apps, Packages, and Bundles: Project Bundles, lproj Files, Asset Catalogs, plist Files, Precompiled Header Files (.pch). Archiving and Packaging Apps for Development and Testing: Archiving.
Python training course description This Python course focusses on teaching Python for use in network automation and network DevOps. We focus on getting delegates up and running with Python and network automation as quickly as possible rather than making them great programmers. In other words we concentrate on enabling delegates to use network automation libraries such as netmiko, NAPALM and Nornir, and APIs such as NETCONF and RESTCONF rather than enabling delegates to produce object oriented programs. Hands on sessions use Cisco and Juniper devices. What will you learn Run Python programs. Read Python programs. Write Python programs. Debug Python programs. Automate network tasks with Python programs. Configure network devices with Python. Collect data from network devices with Python. Python training course details Who will benefit: Network engineers. Prerequisites: TCP/IP Foundation Duration 5 days Python training course contents What is Python? Programming languages, Why Python? Python in interactive mode, Python scripts, ipython, Python version 2 versus version 3. A simple Python script. Comments. Hands on Installing Python, Hello world. A network example On box vs off box Python. telnet, ssh, NETCONF, HTTP, APIs, manufacturers and API support, analysis of a simple telnetlib program. Hands on Using Python to retrieve the configuration from a network device. Using wireshark to analyse the actions. Python basics I/O, operators, variables and assignment, types, indentation, loops and conditionals. Hands on Modifying the telnet program, changing configurations on a network devices. Functions, classes and methods What are functions, calling functions, builtin functions, useful builtin functions, file handling, classes, objects, creating instances. Hands on Storing configurations in files, configuring devices from files, using an inventory file to work on multiple devices. Libraries and modules Modules, files and packages, import, from-import, Python standard library, other packages, pip install, executing other programs. Managing python libraries. Hands on Using pip, installing and using ipaddress, subprocess to access netsnmp. For the more advanced, using the sockets library. Paramiko and netmiko SSH, enabling SSH on devices, keys. Paramiko versus netmiko, example scripts. pexpect. Hands on Configuring VLANs from Python. pySNMP Gathering facts using previous methods, SNMP review, pySNMP GET, pySNMP and SNMPv3. easySNMP library. Hands on Walking a MIB from Python. NETCONF What is NETCONF? Enabling NETCONF on devices, A first ncclient script, device handlers, get_config, edit_config, copy_config, delete_config, commit, validate, pyEZ, utils_config, utils.sw. Hands on Configuration using ncclient and PyEZ. This session is expanded for those interesting in JunOS automation. Manipulating configuration files Builtin functions, string handling. Unicode. Sequences, strings, lists, tuples. Dictionaries. TextFSM. Regular expressions. JSON, YAML, XML, YANG, Jinja2, templates. Hands on Jinja2 templating with Python to configure network devices. NAPALM Getters, configuration operations, supported devices, NAPALM transport, Config-replace, Config-merge, Compare config, Atomic changes, rollback. Example NAPLAM scripts. Hands on Using NAPALM to gather facts, Using NAPALM for configuration management REST and RESTCONF What is REST, HTTP methods, GET, POST, cURL, Postman, Python requests library. RESTCONF, a RESTCONF example. Hands on Modifying a configuration using RESTCONF. Scapy What is scapy, Scapy in interactive mode, Scapy as a module. Hands on Packet crafting from Python. Warning Errors and exceptions, Exception handling, try, except. Memory management. Garbage collection. Context management, With. Hands on Improving Python code. Nornir What is Nornir? A network automation framework, inventories, connection management and parallelization. Nornir architecture and other libraires. Hands on Setting up nornir, nornir fact gathering, nornir tasks. Optional Writing your own functions, Writing your own classes. pyntc. Hands on Writing reusable code.
Basic Python syntax and principles of Object Orientated Programming. Most attendees are in-work IT Professional. Private individuals are also very welcome. Evening courses also running. Our Style: Hands-on, Practical Location: Online, Instructor-led Download: Duration: 6 weeks, 1 evening per week, 6pm - 8pm Times: arrange a time for your time zone
About this Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT) The 5 half-day Piping Stress Engineering Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT) course will systematically expose participants to: The theory and practice of piping stress engineering, with special reference to ASME B 31.1 and ASME B 31.3 Standards. The basic principles and theories of stress and strain and piping stress engineering, through a series of lessons, case study presentations, in-class examples, multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and mandatory exercises. Principal stresses and shear stresses which form the backbone of stress analysis of a material. Expressions for these quantities will be derived using vector algebra from fundamentals. Thermal stress-range, sustained and occasional stresses, code stress equations, allowable stresses, how to increase flexibility of a piping system, cold spring. The historical development of computational techniques from hand calculations in the 1950s to the present-day software. Training Objectives On completion of this VILT course, participants will be able to: Identify potential loads the piping systems and categorise the loads to primary and secondary. Determine stresses that develop in a pipe due to various types of loads and how to derive stress-load relationships, starting from scratch. Treat the primary and secondary stresses in piping system in line with the intent of ASME Standards B 31.1 and B 31.3 and understand how the two codes deal with flexibility of piping systems, concepts of self-springing and relaxation/shake down, displacement stress range and fatigue, what is meant by code compliance. Understand the principles of flexibility analysis, piping elements and their individual effects, flexibility factor, flexibility characteristic, bending of a curved beam and importance of virtual length of an elbow in the flexibility of a piping system. Learn stress intensification factors of bends, branch connections and flanges. Understand how the stresses in the material should be controlled for the safety of the piping system, the user and the environment. Examine how codes give guidance to determine allowable stresses, stress range reduction due to cyclic loading, and effects sustained loads have on fatigue life of piping. Confidently handle terminal forces and moments on equipment. Understand the supplementary engineering standards required to establish acceptance of the equipment terminal loads and what can be done when there are no engineering standard governing equipment terminal loads is available and learn the techniques of local stress analysis. Get a thorough understanding of the concepts and the rules established by the ASME B 31.1 and ASME B 31.3 Standards. Perform flange load analysis calculations based on Kellogg's Equivalent Pressure method & Nuclear Code method. Perform the same using a piping stress analysis software and check for flange stresses and leakage. Confidently undertake formal training of piping stress analysis using any commercial software, with a clear understanding of what happens within the software rather than a 'blind' software training and start the journey of becoming a specialist piping stress engineer. Target Audience The VILT course is intended for: Recent mechanical engineering graduates who desire to get into the specialist discipline of Piping Stress Engineering. Junior mechanical, chemical, structural and project engineers in the industry who wish to understand the basics of Piping Stress Engineering. Engineers with some process plant experience who desire to progress into the much sought-after specialist disciplines of Piping Stress Engineering. Mechanical, process and structural engineers with some process plant experience who desire to upskill themselves with the knowledge in piping stress engineering and to become a Piping Stress Engineer. Any piping engineer with some pipe stressing experience in the industry who wish to understand the theory and practice of Piping Stress Engineering at a greater depth. A comprehensive set of course notes, practice exercises and multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are included. Participants will be given time to raise questions and participants will be assessed and graded based on responses to MCQs and mandatory exercises. A certificate will be issued to each participant and it will carry one of the three performance levels: Commendable, Merit or Satisfactory, depending on how the participant has performed in MCQs and mandatory exercises. Training Methods The VILT course will be delivered online in 5 half-day sessions comprising 4 hours per day, with 2 breaks of 10 minutes per day. Course Duration: 5 half-day sessions, 4 hours per session (20 hours in total). Trainer Your expert course leader is a fully qualified Chartered Professional Engineer with over 40 years of professional experience in Oil & Gas (onshore and offshore), Petrochemical and Mining industries in engineering, engineering/design management and quality technical management related to plant design and construction. At present, he is assisting a few Perth based oil & gas and mining companies in detail engineering, piping stress analysis, feasibility study and business development work related to plant design. He is a pioneer in piping stress engineering in Western Australia. His recent major accomplishments include the following roles and challenges: Quality Technical Support Manager of USD 54 billion (Gorgon LNG Project). This encompassed management of quality technical services connected with Welding, Welding Related Metallurgy, Non-Destructive Examination, Insulation /Refractory /Coating, AS2885 Pipelines Regulatory Compliance and Pressure Vessel Registration. Regional Piping Practice Lead and Lead Piping Engineer of Hatch Associates. In this role, he was responsible for providing discipline leadership to several mining projects for BHP Billiton (Ravensthorpe), ALCOA-Australia (Alumina), Maáden Saudi Arabia (Alumina), QSLIC China (Magnesium), COOEC China (O&G Gorgon). He was actively involved in the development of piping engineering practice in WA, including training and professional development of graduate, junior and senior engineers. This also includes the formation of the Piping Engineering Specialist Group. Lead Piping/Pipe Stress Engineer on ConocoPhillips' (COP) Bayu Undan Gas Recycle, Condensate production and processing platform. He was able to develop several novel design methodologies for the project and provided training to engineers on how to implement them. These methodologies were commended by COP and the underwriters of the project Lloyds Register of Shipping, UK. Creator of Piping Engineering Professional Course aimed at global engineering community. Professional Affiliations: Fellow, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, UK (IMechE) Fellow, Institution of Engineers, Australia (EA), National Register of Engineers (NER) Member American Society of Mechanical Engineers, USA (ASME) Honorary Life Member, Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka (IESL) POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information about post training coaching support and fees applicable for this. Accreditions And Affliations
About this training course This 5 full-day course provides a comprehensive understanding of all the commissioning and start-up activities of all electrical equipment including transformers, switchgear, induction and synchronous motors, generators and auxiliaries. All commissioning activities are covered in detail in this course. This includes all the commissioning procedures and documents, purpose of commissioning, responsibilities, system description, documentation, testing and commissioning schedules, test reports, safety, certification, and plant completion report. The course provides also a thorough understanding of all the commissioning requirements for transformers, switchgear, induction and synchronous motors and, generator and auxiliaries including its switchgear equipment, switchgear, and transformers. All the stages of the commissioning procedure are covered in-depth in this course. This includes preparation - planning various activities, pre-commissioning checks and tests, typical commissioning schedule, detailed tests and commissioning procedures for every type of transformers, switchgear, induction and synchronous motors, and generators and auxiliary systems, instrumentation, trial run of the equipment, safety and precautions, commissioning of electrical systems, Safety Rules Clearance Certificates, procedure for the control and handling of defects, Commissioning Reports. This course is a MUST for anyone who is involved in the pre-commissioning or commissioning of any electrical equipment because it provides detailed pre-commissioning checks and tests and detailed tests and commissioning procedures for every electrical equipment. In addition, the course provides in-depth coverage of all preparation, planning activities, commissioning schedules, trial run of each electrical equipment, safety and precautions, Safety Rules Clearance Certificates, Procedures for handling defects, and Commissioning Reports. Training Objectives Pre-Commissioning Checks and Tests, Detailed Tests and Commissioning Procedures and Instructions for all Electrical Equipment: Gain a thorough understanding of all pre-commissioning checks and tests, and all commissioning procedures and instructions for all electrical equipment Commissioning Procedures, Documents, and Certification of Electrical Equipment: Discover the benefits of the Commissioning Management System of electrical equipment including all commissioning procedures and documents, purpose of commissioning, responsibilities, system description, documentation, testing and commissioning schedules, test reports, safety, equipment certification, and commissioning completion report Commissioning Procedures for Transformers: Learn about the commissioning procedures for transformers including functional checks, pre-commissioning tests, commissioning tests, and records. Commissioning Procedures for Switchgear Assemblies: Gain a thorough understanding of all the commissioning procedures for switchgear assemblies including substation commissioning, electrical testing, code requirements, safety rules, grounding and shorting, high power testing, NETA acceptance testing procedures, test values analysis, and commissioning forms Commissioning Procedures for Generator and Auxiliaries: Discover all the commissioning procedures for generator and auxiliaries including generator, seal oil system, hydrogen gas system, stator water system, rolling and payment of generator Commissioning Procedures and Instructions for Generator Electrical Equipment: Learn about all the commissioning procedures and instructions for generator electrical equipment including switchyard equipment, switchgear, transformers, and motors Code Requirements for Commissioning Electrical Equipment and Systems: Learn about the code requirements for commissioning transformers, switchgear, inductions and synchronous motors, and generators and auxiliaries Target Audience Engineers of all disciplines Managers Technicians Maintenance personnel Other technical individuals Course Level Basic or Foundation Training Methods Your specialist course leader relies on a highly interactive training method to enhance the learning process. This method ensures that all participants gain a complete understanding of all topics covered. The training environment is highly stimulating, challenging, and effective because the participants will learn by case studies which will allow them to apply the material taught to their own organization. Each delegate will receive a copy of the following materials written by the instructor: 'ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT HANDBOOK' published by McGraw-Hill in 2003 (600 pages) ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT COMMISSIONING MANUAL (includes practical information about all pre-commissioning checks and tests, typical commissioning schedule, detailed tests and commissioning procedures and instructions for all electrical equipment - 500 pages) Trainer Your specialist course leader has more than 32 years of practical engineering experience with Ontario Power Generation (OPG), one of the largest electric utility in North America. He was previously involved in research on power generation equipment with Atomic Energy of Canada Limited at their Chalk River and Whiteshell Nuclear Research Laboratories. While working at OPG, he acted as a Training Manager, Engineering Supervisor, System Responsible Engineer and Design Engineer. During the period of time, he worked as a Field Engineer and Design Engineer, he was responsible for the operation, maintenance, diagnostics, and testing of gas turbines, steam turbines, generators, motors, transformers, inverters, valves, pumps, compressors, instrumentation and control systems. Further, his responsibilities included designing, engineering, diagnosing equipment problems and recommending solutions to repair deficiencies and improve system performance, supervising engineers, setting up preventive maintenance programs, writing Operating and Design Manuals, and commissioning new equipment. Later, he worked as the manager of a section dedicated to providing training for the staff at the power stations. The training provided by him covered in detail the various equipment and systems used in power stations. In addition, he has taught courses and seminars to more than four thousand working engineers and professionals around the world, specifically Europe and North America. He has been consistently ranked as 'Excellent' or 'Very Good' by the delegates who attended his seminars and lectures. He written 5 books for working engineers from which 3 have been published by McGraw-Hill, New York. Below is a list of the books authored by him; Power Generation Handbook: Gas Turbines, Steam Power Plants, Co-generation, and Combined Cycles, second edition, (800 pages), McGraw-Hill, New York, October 2011. Electrical Equipment Handbook (600 pages), McGraw-Hill, New York, March 2003. Power Plant Equipment Operation and Maintenance Guide (800 pages), McGraw-Hill, New York, January 2012. Industrial Instrumentation and Modern Control Systems (400 pages), Custom Publishing, University of Toronto, University of Toronto Custom Publishing (1999). Industrial Equipment (600 pages), Custom Publishing, University of Toronto, University of Toronto, University of Toronto Custom Publishing (1999). Furthermore, he has received the following awards: The first 'Excellence in Teaching' award offered by PowerEdge, Singapore, in December 2016 The first 'Excellence in Teaching' award offered by the Professional Development Center at University of Toronto (May, 1996). The 'Excellence in Teaching Award' in April 2007 offered by TUV Akademie (TUV Akademie is one of the largest Professional Development centre in world, it is based in Germany and the United Arab Emirates, and provides engineering training to engineers and managers across Europe and the Middle East). Awarded graduation 'With Distinction' from Dalhousie University when completed Bachelor of Engineering degree (1983). Lastly, he was awarded his Bachelor of Engineering Degree 'with distinction' from Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. He also received a Master of Applied Science in Engineering (M.A.Sc.) from the University of Ottawa, Canada. He is also a member of the Association of Professional Engineers in the province of Ontario, Canada. POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information post training support and fees applicable Accreditions And Affliations
OpenSSL for engineers training course description A hands on course covering OpenSSL. The course focusses on the use of OpenSSL from the command line as opposed to using its extensive libraries. Certificate authorities are configured along with key generation, HTTPS and a SSL VPN. What will you learn Describe OpenSSL. Use OpenSSL. Describe and implement: Explain how the various technologies involved in an OpenSSL work. OpenSSL for engineers training course details Who will benefit: Network personnel. Prerequisites: IP security foundation for engineers Duration 2 days OpenSSL for engineers training course contents What is OpenSSL? What is SSL? SSL versions, TLS, TLS negotiation, TLS authentication, What is OpenSSL, Command line tool, SSL library. OpenSSH, OpenVPN. Hands on TLS packet analysis. Getting started with OpenSSL Downloading, source code, packages, installing, versions, configuration, openssl command. Cipher suite selection. Hands on Encrypting a file with openssl. Public and private keys Algorithms, creating keys, public keys, private keys, encrypting the private key. Hands on Encrypting a file with keys. Digital signatures Creating signatures, checking validity of signatures, Self signing SSL certificates. Viewing certificates. Certificate files. Converting between formats. Hands on Securing a web server with HTTPS. Simple PKI with OpenSSL Root CA, signing CA, configuration files, Certificate signing requests. Email certificates, TLS server certificates. Hands on Implementing a simple PKI with OpenSSL.
Course Objectives At the end of this course you will be able to: Record and edit a Macro Assign macros to keyboard shortcuts, Quick Access Toolbar, Buttons and Shape objects. Use the Visual Basic Editor; change the properties of an object; add a module to a project; write the code for a procedure and then run it; and use the Object Browser to search procedures Manipulate data by declaring variables of different data types; combine data by using expressions; use functions to accept input and display output; and declare variables and procedures with the appropriate scope Use decision structures to create procedures that make decisions; and use loop structures to perform repetitive tasks Create an error handling routine in case things go wrong with VBA code ' 1 year email support service Take a closer look at the consistent excellent feedback from our growing corporate clients visiting our site ms-officetraining co uk Customer Feedback Best Training Ever! Just finished a bespoke 1-1 training course in Excel Advanced, Macros & VBA. Pedro is an excellent trainer, imparting his skills and knowledge in the best way - appropriately to audience skills, knowledge and ability. Pedro is always approachable, encouraging and supportive, giving delegates the optimum learning environment. I would not hesitate to recommend Pedro as a trainer, whatever your level of ability. Amanda Morris - Treasury & Systems Accountant at Reall - Real Equity for All The trainer was very knowledgeable, kept everyone involved and was enthusiastic. A great experience.. Simon Harper - Lloyd's of London My learning experience was awesome. Perdinand Reagan - Subsea7 Very nice and relaxed approach to teaching. Was definitely a good learning experience. Jerome Pupe - S5 Agency World The Trainer – Very positive + patient + helpful + thorough Agnes Souza - Direct Wines ' With more than 20 years experience, we deliver courses on all levels of the Desktop version of Microsoft Office and Office 365; ranging from Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced to the VBA level. Our trainers are Microsoft certified professionals with a proven track record with several years experience in delivering public, one to one, tailored and bespoke courses. Our competitive rates start from £550.00 per day of training Tailored training courses: You can choose to run the course exactly as they are outlined by us or we can customise it so that it meets your specific needs. A tailored or bespoke course will follow the standard outline but may be adapted to your specific organisational needs. Introduction to Macros and VBA Introducing Visual Basic for Applications Recording a Macro Naming conventions for Macro Procedures Running a Macro Absolute or Relative Cell Referencing Saving and Opening Files with Macros Making macros always available Adding Macros to Keyboard Shortcuts, Quick Access Toolbar, Buttons and Shapes Editing a Macro in the Visual Basic Editor Understanding the Development Environment Customising the Editor Tips for General Typing in VBA Using Visual Basic Help Working with Procedures Program Design Understanding Modules Naming Rules Creating a Module Understanding Procedures Programming Macro Concepts Creating a Subroutine Creating a Function Understanding Arguments Exiting Procedures Calling Procedures Objects, Properties, Methods and Events Understanding Objects Properties, Methods, and Events Navigating the Object Hierarchy Understanding Collections Accessing a Member of a Collection Understanding Hierarchy Using the Object Browser Using the With Statement Working with Properties Working with Methods Creating an Event Procedure Reserved Macro Names Using Expressions, Variables and Intrinsic Functions Understanding Expressions and Statements Declaring Variables Understanding Data Types Determining the Value of Variables Working with Variable Scope Using Built-in VBA Functions Understanding Constants Using Message Boxes Controlling the Answer to a Message Box Using Input Boxes Declaring and Using Object Variables Controlling Program Execution Understanding Control-of-Flow Structures Using the If...End If Decision Structures Nested If Statements Using the Select Case ... End Select Structure Using the Do ... Loop Structure Using the For ... Next Structure Using the For Each ... Next Structure Guidelines for Use of Control-of-Flow Structures Debugging and Handling Errors Understanding Errors Using Debugging Tools Setting Breakpoints and Using Break Mode Stepping Through Code Trapping Errors with the On Error Statement Understanding the Err Object Working with Inline Error Handling Writing an Error-Handling Routine Working with Forms and Controls Understanding UserForms Creating a Form Displaying and Removing a Form Aligning and Sizing Controls Using the Toolbox Working with a Form's Properties, Methods, and Events Working with Form and Control Properties, Methods and Event Setting the Tab Order Populating a Control Who is this course for? Who is this course for? This course is designed to give proficiency in the Visual Basic Editor (VBE), predominantly making use of Excel objects, understanding Object's Properties, Events and Methods, basic VBA Object oriented programming, event handling, control structures, and debugging tools. Requirements Requirements Preferably, delegates should have attended the Excel Advanced course. Certificates Certificates Certificate of completion Digital certificate - Included
Course summary This Python Programming course has become essential to all professional who would like to do code using Python. Learn evenings, work while studying. Work and study Python Part Time. It is a Python beginners course and teaches Python coding from scratch to intermediate. Hands-on, practical. We code some real life examples in this course.